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About the Hrovatin surname

Keber, Janez: Leksikon Ime (Dictionary of Surname):

Hrovatin (Hrovat): a very well known surname pointing to past migration from Croatia. Hrovat, Hrovatin is the second most frequent surname used in Slovenia. It's varations: Hrovat, Hrovar, Hrovatin, Hrvatin while less numerous are other variations of Hrovatin, Horatic, Horvaticek, Horvatin, Hrobar, Hrvacki, Hrvat, Hrvatic. Historically, this surname was frequent in eastern Stajerska. Hrovat is found frequently in the oldest church records in Mursko polje region along the Mura River. The surname Hrovatin is most common in Primorska and is found in the town of Primorska; for instance, in the land register for 1499, Gregor Hrovatin, in Erzelj.