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  • Inacio (c.1927 - c.1978)
  • Inacio (1790 - 1850)
  • 1António Inácio (1889 - 1980)
    GEDCOM Note ===Casou com 60 anos. Estava às portas da morte, por isso a mulher receou que os seus direitos não fossem econhcidos depois da morte do marido por isso, casaram com ele de cama. Construiu o...
  • Abílio Inácio (deceased)

About the Inacio surname

Some Inacio families may share origin with Naasio-I tribe of Bougainville Island in Melanesia ,
related to Nagowisi ,to Simeku,Avaipa ,Sibe and Ounge and to others ,who may be successors of
Wandal and Wisi-Goth chiefs and their peoples .

Wand and Wisi-Goth peopels ,together with the Ostro-Goth and Norman or Gépaida , are believed
to be descended from Troian refugees ,who took settlement in Skythia after the war for the city in the
XVIIth century BC somewhen ,not much after the hometaking of the Chosen People,the Native Americans
in the Holy Land of America from 1666 BC on .
They could the country around Troia Türkheim ,and that may be the one the named their new place
Turkestan after .
The original Troia must be identical with what now are the ruins of Teotihuacan ,that is Te(r)o-Tiu(r)ak-An ,
the Türk Trós .

These Asian Türk peoples appear to be descended from the fours sons of A'as-Sharra ,one of the twelve
forefathers of the people ,that of the Algonquine peoples,because their currently used generic name is the
equivalent of Algwank,the Armenian denotion of Albans ,including Tosks ,who are related to the Toscanian
Tyrséns ,themself of likely provenience from Tyros ,or Troia .
Their names were A-Was-Sha-ya-Ha, A-Wa-Man-Na-Ha ,Ba-Ra-War-Ga-Ha and A-Wa-Sha-ya-Wa ,
the Aus-Tro ,Norman ,Wand or Burgund and Wisi-Goth ancestors .
In the establishment of the later Wandla alliance though might have dominated the sons of the youngest
brother of the twelve ,of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na ,the generic Phoinician ancestor,as Aba-nawa was the old
Aigyptian name for a Phoinix .
He was namely the father of A-Wa(n)-Da-War-Ga-'Al-La ,called also A'ag-Ha-Wa-Re-Ma and A'ag-Her-Reg-Ha ,
the ancestor of Gur or More peoples of Africa ,and likely of some casts among the Reghragha Berbers and the
I-Mohagre Tuareg .
His son was Bal-Le-Han-Na ,the first Hannibal ,who might have ,as was the later one in the second century BC
by Mongolian royal genealogies ,been just as well called Burgi-Kitai ,and ancestor of Burgi-Kin clan ,
who are now called Burkina class in B. Faso and elsewhere .
Ba-Nawan-Man-Na and A-War-Ga-Wa(n)-Sha may be the Bamana ,Nanumba and Gurunsi ancestors .

In the Gur language ,spoken thus by successors of some of the Wandals ,NAA means a king ,so Naa-Go-Wisi
may well mean Wisi-Goth king ,as may Naa-Sio-I ,after A-Wa-Sha-ya-Wa ,son of A'as-Sharra ,the Aas of Türk-Heim .
Siwai tribe ,related to them,may also be named after him,so Naasioi may also be interpeted as a corruption
of Naa-Siwai .
Siwa oasis in Aigypt might also have got his name ,by way of Wandals settling there .

Some of the Wandals and Wisi-Goths ,as it is well knwon ,leaving Scandinavia ,their next home after Turkestan ,
intruded the so called Rhóman empire ,where those belonging to the Naasioi tribe might have in course of times
adopted the Hispanicized surname Inacio ,that was Christian enough for the requirements of the inquisition ,
existing in that empire all the time under different manifestations ,until this very day ,and still it commemorated
their tribal origin and descent from ancient royal ancestors .
Others escaping the harrassement of enemies might have found thus refuge in Melanesia and other islands of
Oceania to become the progenitors of today's Naasioi and Nagowisi tribes .

See Ignácio,Schwerin,Türk,Frank,Asturiano,Asturias,Maestre,Estremadura,Heber,Pampa,Nyúl,Orbán,Mile,Normann,
Orellano,Orellana,Rindmann,Berber,Mon,Ramano and others !

Balázs Déri