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  • Prince Aitugan Kugushev (c.1580 - d.)
    Уточнить отца! По данным Саровских летописей , стр.24-26. - указан как сын Сафара . ________________________________________________________________________ По данным книги "Дворянские роды Российск...
  • Aleksander Kugushev (1898 - 1935)
    М.Т. Валиев. Биографическая страничка Александра Александровича Кугушева. URL: Александр Александрович Кугушев родился 17 октября 1898 г. в Уфе [1] в семье Уфимского Губернатора и предводителя двор...
  • Prince Aleksandr Ivanovich Kugushev (1838 - 1881)
    Титулярный Советник. Смерть - Москва. Пречистенский сорок. Церковь св. Иоанна Предтечи в Кречетниках к. 125 Александр Иванович Кугушев - коллежский регистратор на 1864 год МЕТРИЧЕСКАЯ КНИГА ЦЕРКВИ В...
  • Alesandr Kugushev (1899 - 1980)

About the Kugushev surname

Alexander Aleksandrovich Kugushev was born on October 17, 1898 in Ufa [1] in family of the Ufa governor and the marshal of nobility of prince Alexander Aleksandrovich (1862 - 1919) and princess Ekaterina Mihajlovna Kugusheva (ur. Klementieva; 1862 - 1931). He was baptised on the 1st of November of the same year in the church of Alexander Nevskiy. As parents-in-law were registered DSS Alexander Iovlevich Kugushev (grandfather Alexander) and the wife of hereditary nobleman Olga Aleksandrovna Rall [2] (ur. Kugusheva, aunt of Alexander). Princes Kugushev's occurred from ancient Tatar Princely sort. In letters to Tsar Michael Fedorovich from May 13 and May 29, 1639, Akai-Murza Aytugunovich Kugushev and his sons: Tlyash, Kudash and Ayukai are named Princes. His descendants in all official and other official documents are called Princes. By the definition of the Governing Senate were affirmed in advantage of the Tatar princes, with entering in the 6th part of the DRC [3]. Alexander's grandfather is Kugushev Alexander Iovich prince (1826 - 1908)

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