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About the Makay surname

Makú and dun-iberrennai tribes in Amazonia may have come from thracian city Mékyberna that should be read : Ma-yawa-ku - Iberrenna .

As they are related to deyarruwa, they also could be descendants of Dryás son of Arés,king of Thracia and to amazons from the same tribe :

De-ru-i-wa + Ar = De-i-ar-ru-wa .

But as the ancestor of some of them is considered to have been called Ukara ,perhapos of maipu-re tribe, they may also be related to some extent to the mapu-che / re-che people of Araukania.

Therefore I think both piaroa and huarpe name comes from Ar-a-pe-wa-ha ,whose sons mished with indigenous amazonians somewhere.

Makú live in Ur-Islam,therefore it is said : it is far like Makó from Ur-Islam.

Jews and christians read Refayah and Yerushalam.

Balázs Déri's opinion.