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About the Musk surname

Musk family in Britain may be of Musk-Hogee origin ,and related thus to Mushki people of Phrygia ,
believed by some to be identical with the latter's native people,by some to have been of different
origin and language,but in any case sharing the territory of what has been known as Phrygia in more
recent times of history .

The original Phrygia though,before the exile of its people by the Assyrians and Babylónians
into Europe,around 800 and 650 BC respectively ,must have been located in Paraguay , in the
Holy Land of America,and named after Eg-Rawa-Peha ,one of the sons of
Ak-Kel-Laya-Bawa ,the generic ancestor of Arawaccan peoples,by his wife Ar-Gewa-Pa-Ha ,
after whom Paraguay itself might be named .
Its king was,at the time for the war of Troia ,Dymas,father of Anténór .
Troian ruling family was descended from Kapys ( Ka-Apu-i ) ,and thus was of Cayapo origin.It included
also Priamos ,formerly called Podarkés ,ancestor of the tribe of Paudarco in Brasil ,brother-in-law of Anénór .
Another branch of the dynasty ,descended from Kapys himself,as opposed to Priamos ,was that of
Aineias and Askanios,whose son Brutus ,is said to have emigrated to Brittannia,or to a place that
was in that time called Brittannia ,rather .

Anténór had to flea ,after being defeated by the Danao ,or Danes ,together with his sons,Laokoón,
Laomedón and Agénór,and possibly others .
There was a man called Okellas,in his company ,after whom the Hispanian city Okella was named ,
and after him tribes of Muscogean langauge may call their people in general with the word "Okla" .
Okla-Homa thus,meaning Red People,might have been the new home of Okella .
Anténór himself headed for Italia ,and founeded Patavium there,the modern Padova .
This place might rather have been first ,before the exile , in the region where Patwin and Wintun tribes ,
descended from him and from his people ,live .

Anténór's father Dymas ( Du-i-Ma ) ,king of Phrygia ,may be the ancestor of Maidu people,called also
- just as some Italians of Eastern Europe - Ola and Walak .
Others of his people and family might have accompanied Okellas to other places ,to Oklahoma and to Georgia .
Here lived the Appalachic-Ola and Ital-Walake tribes as well ,also the Phrygian people of Dymas .
Ital-Wolako may be descended from Laokoón ( La-Wo-Ko-Woon ) in Italia ,named after him Woon-Wo-La-Ko .
Tuskegee and Alabama may be related to the Italian Tusc and Albano peoples ,and to Tosk-Albans .
A'a-Hel-La-Bama-Ha was an early chief of A'ad-A-Yam-Ma .

Muskhogee languages of Georgia in America may somewhat be similar to Georgian ones,
spoken in the Caucasian Ibéria ,where Moskh people lived in the antiquity too,believed to be the
successors of the Mushki .
This might mean ,that the latter spoke an ancestor of Georgian ,or were mixed with the
speakers of that .
Also Atacama language resembles Georgian ,spoken by the people named after Artakama ,
a later king of Phrygia .
The original Phryg son though must have spoken an Arawak dialect ,that is more distant to any
of the previous .

Phrygians and the people of Anténór might have been taken to Britain at the same occasion as
the people of Brutus ,their allies in the war for Troia ,mostv likely at the deportation of the people
of the Northern kingdom,arranged by Assyrians around 800 BC .
Phrysians ,of close relation to the Angle-Saxes ,may also be of Phrygian origin .

See Padovano,Antalik,Georg,Kart,Muszka,Moskauer,Argentino,Bruder,Brodnik,Ashkenazi,Capua,Indig,
Albano,Albanesi ,Paraguay,Bolivia,Black,Argentina,Brassai,Politzer,Turki ,Permyakov,Husárik,Zaragozano
,Genova,Liguori,.Gaskó,Gascogne,Gascoigne,Creek,Kerék,Kerek and others !

Balázs Déri