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About the Páramo surname

Páramo families might have got their names ,as possibly of their ancestor,after Parammón ,
the name Libyans called Hermés ,by ,as one who is near to Ammón ,that is Zeys ,the God of the Heaven ,
what can also be stated of a "páramo" .
Especially if Zeys was regarded as a peak of a mountain ,or somebody having his seat on a such .

Hermés ,called in the Byble Sha-Meg-Raya-Na ,and therefore titled Trismegistos by Greeks ,
is the generic ancestor of Hermion peoples whose countryon the Holy Land of America was beside that
of A-Wa-Hayad-Daha and of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na,called also Ze-'Aba - that is God Father - ,
in the Southern part of it ,in South America .
Especially members of the tribe living near the latter might thus have been called Parammo ,
or ,that is Para-Ammo(on) .

Such may for example be Paramonga tribe living in the Peruvian Andes ,among tribes descended in big part
from Ze-'Aba's son ,Ara'a-She-Ma-Pawa-Ma ,called also An-Ne-yek-Ha-He .
He is known as Hayk in the Armenian tradition ,father of Khor ,who might have been the chief of Khurri people ,
successors of whom might be Kichua and Turk ones ,with quite similar language to the previous.
Of part Libyan origin might Lebu-Che among the Mapu-She have .

Paramonga ( Parammo-Onga ) might have some relations to Athénai as well,named after Athéné or Minerva
( Mini-Ar-Wa ),who was called Onga by Puns or Phoinikians ,who may also be present among the Mapun-Che
and Pehuen-Che ,as P'hoin(ik) is Pe-Howayan .

See Dickermann,Charro,Chile,Ongai,Demko,Abai,German,Arará,Kart,Ceará,Hayek,Hájek,Glaser,Levák and others !

Balázs Déri