Surnames » קורל » Profiles

? קורלנדסקי (podrobinik) (deceased)

Abish Koral (1912 - 1945)

Abraham Kurland (1923 - d.)

Abram Lajb (Paltyel) Kurland (c.1854 - 1915)

A note by Fred Frenkel: in almost all records he appears as Abram Lajb. In one record he appears as Abram Lajb aka Pantyl. He named sons "Abram" and "Lajb" twenty years before he passed away. So we can...

Adam Kurland (1916 - 1942)

Adam Kurland was born in Piotrkow, Poland in 1916 to Khanokh and Mula. He was an engineer. Prior to WWII he lived in Warsaw, Poland. During the war he was in Warsaw, Poland.Adam was murdered in the Sho...

Aharon Koral (1935 - 1943)

Aleksander (Olek) Kurland (1919 - 1942)

Aleksander Kurland was born in Bendzin, Poland in 1919 to Khanokh and Mula. He was a student. Prior to WWII he lived in Warszawa, Poland. During the war he was in Warszawa, Poland.Aleksander was murder...

Rabbi Anczel (Enzel) Kurland (1833 - 1905)

Anna Kurland (1882 - d.)

Bajla Wolchendler (Kurland) (1884 - 1952)

emigrated to Israel circa 1924

Bella Koralnik (Shkolnik) (b. - 1970)

מודעת אבל

Benjamin Kurland (1874 - 1874)

Berta Kurland (1896 - d.)

Binem Mendel Kurland (1863 - c.1942)

Binem Mendel Kurland was born in Kszepice, Poland in 1863 to Idel and Khana. He was a merchant and married to Reizl nee Meron. Prior to WWII he lived in Będzin, Poland. During the war he was in Miechow...

Binyamin Kurlandsky (deceased)

Bracha Kurland (deceased)

Brandel Bluma Koral (1893 - d.)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 3 2016, 21:01:14 UTC

Brandla Amalia (Mala) Kurland (Englard) (1855 - 1898)

Chaim Koral (1883 - c.1943)

Chaim Koral was born in Krakow, Poland in 1884 to Moshe Jakob and Khana. He was a merchant and married to Ida nee Hokhshtein. Prior to WWII he lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, ...

Chaja Liba (Hille) Kurland (Wolkowicz) (1862 - 1929)

Chaja Reyzel Koral (Goldrath) (1916 - 1942)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jan 21 2021, 15:39:08 UTC

Chana Ana Gold (Kurland) (1894 - 1998)

In 1973, lived in Tel Aviv, Israel, Brodi st. #3

Chana (Anna) Kurland (Cherszlik) (c.1834 - 1890)

daughter of Nachum Majer, wife of Aszer Anszel

Chana Kurland (deceased)

Charlie Coral (1945 - 2019)

Chaya Sara (Hela, Helena) Kurland (Weinberg - Warshevski) (1884 - 1942)

Miechów 1903 M#10

Chaya Freida Levanon (Korlanski) (deceased)

Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via husband צבי זאב לבנון by SmartCopy : Oct 5 2015, 5:20:52 UTC

Chewcia Brucha Kurland (1878 - d.)

Constance Louise Ormond (Corley) (1925 - 2009)

Eleonora Lola Kurland (Gitler) (1891 - c.1943)

Eleonora Kurland nee Gitler was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1882 to Hersh and Ester. She was a housewife and married to Leib. Prior to WWII she lived in Sosnowiec, Poland. During the war she was in So...

Enoch Kurland (1854 - 1896)

Ester Malka Korlansky (Goldzahl) (1902 - 1987)

Ester Kurland (1921 - d.)

Ester Kurland (1910 - 1931)

Fela Ulert (Kurland) (1885 - 1942)

Fela Ulert nee Kurland was born in Będzin, Poland in 1885 to Binem and Reizl. She was a housewife and married to Naftali. Prior to WWII she lived in Będzin, Poland. During the war she was in Russia (US...

Frajdla Szajnfeld (Kurland) (c.1859 - 1927)

Freidla (Fredzia) Dickerman (Kurland) (1906 - 1955)

Gitel Koral (Kluger) (1898 - d.)

Gitel Korel nee Kluger was born in Breslau, Germany in 1890 to Menakhem Mendel and Ester Rakhel nee Lifszic. She was a housewife and married to Avraham Tzwi. Prior to WWII she lived in Breslau, Germany...

Hanka (Chana) Engelhart Goldfeld (Kurland) (1904 - d.)

Heniek Kurland (1923 - 2002)

Henoch Kurland (1888 - 1942)

Chanoch Kurland was born in Będzin, Poland in 1888 to Binem Mendel and Reitzel. He was a merchant and married to Mila nee Goldshtein. Prior to WWII he lived in Warsaw, Poland. During the war he was in ...

Henya Koral (Wolf) (c.1908 - c.1943)

Herschel Kurland (1920 - c.1942)

Hirsh Kurland was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1920 to Leib and Eleonora nee Gitler. Prior to WWII he lived in Sosnowiec, Poland. During the war he was in Blechhammer, Germany. Hirsh was murdered in th...

Herszlik Kurland (deceased)

Herszlik Kurland (c.1781 - aft.1858)

Hersz Majer Kurland (1879 - 1880)

Hinda Kurland (Rutkowski) (1890 - 1945)

Icek Kurland (1883 - d.)

Icek Kurland (1896 - d.)

Israel Aaron Kurland (1926 - 1942)

Israel Aron Kurland was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in Jan/1926 to Leib and Eleonora nee Gitler. He was a child. Prior to WWII he lived in Sosnowiec, Poland. During the war he was in Blechhammer, Germany...

Ita Koral (c.1930 - c.1943)

Itta Baumberg (Kurland) (1881 - d.)

Itzchak Meir Itche Kurland (1884 - 1942)

Miechów 1903 M#10

Jacob Mojzessz Kurland (1884 - d.)

Jacques Coral (1909 - 1982)

Jecheskel Koral (1939 - 1941)

Józefa Iska Blechstein (Kurland) (1857 - d.)

Jozua Yehushua Koral (1904 - bef.1945)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 3 2016, 21:01:14 UTC * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jun 15 2016, 23:31:06 UTC

Keyle Kurland (deceased)

Laja / Liwcia Srebnik (Kurland) (deceased)

Lajb Kurland (1892 - c.1943)

Leib Kurland was born in Będzin, Poland in 1882 to Abraham and Mala. He was a businessman and married to Eleonora. Prior to WWII he lived in Sosnowiec, Poland. During the war he was in Sosnowiec, Polan...

Leah (Leika) Broides (Kurlander) (1911 - 1994)

ברוידס לאה ז"ל, בת נחום, נולדה ברוז׳אן פולין ב - 01/04/1911, עלתה לארץ ב - 1921, נפטרה בי"ז בכסלו תשנ"ה 20/11/1994, בת 84 בפטירתה, נקברה בבית העלמין טרומפלדור, גוש: 1 אזור: ד שורה: יט מקום: 11, קבורה ל...

Leia Koral (Satler) (1880 - 1942)

Lea Korall nee Zatler was born in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Poland in 1880 to Yaakov Kopel and Rywka Perel nee Wolf. She was a merchant and married to Pinkhas with 6 children. Prior to WWII she lived in K...

Leib Kurland (deceased)

Malka Mina Ehrenreich (Koral) (1891 - d.)

according to PoT of her husband - died before the war. Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 3 2016, 21:01:14 UTC

Marja Maryjem Kurland (1897 - d.)

Meir Koral (1940 - 1942)

Menahem Koralnik (b. - 1968)

Mila (Mirla) Kurland (Goldstein) (1890 - 1942)

Mula Kurland was born in Piotrkow, Poland in 1891 to Yitzkhak and Rivka. She was a housewife and married to Khanokh. Prior to WWII she lived in Warszawa, Poland. During the war she was in Warszawa, Pol...

Miryam Korlandsky (Levin) (deceased)

Mordechai Kurland (deceased)

Moshe Kurland (deceased)

Nachum Meir Kurland (1861 - d.)

Nahum Kurlander (deceased)

Natan Koral (c.1900 - c.1942)

Natan Korall was born in Grudek Yagyelonski, Poland in 1900 to Pinkhas and Lea. He was a furniture trader and married to Rakhel nee Fishler. Prior to WWII he lived in Rawa Ruska, Poland. During the war...

Ofenia Kurland (deceased)

Rachel Koral (Fiszler) (c.1900 - c.1942)

Rakhel Korall nee Fishler was born in Rawa Ruska, Poland in 1900. She was married to Natan with 2 children. Prior to WWII she lived in Rawa Ruska, Poland. During the war she was in Rawa Ruska, Poland. ...

Rachel Buchbaum (Koral) (1906 - c.1942)

Rakhel Buchbaum nee Korel was born in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Poland in 1906 to Pinkhas and Lea. She was married to Moshe with 3 children. Prior to WWII she lived in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Poland. Durin...

Rafael Smertenko (Corlenstien) (1921 - 1988)

Rajzla Kurland (Meryn) (1865 - 1943)

Rajzel Kurland was born in Będzin, Poland in 1861 to Yitzkhak and Rakhel. She was a housewife and married to Binem. Prior to WWII she lived in Będzin, Poland. During the war she was in Tarnow, Poland.R...

Reizela Gezang (Koral) (1912 - bef.1945)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 3 2016, 21:01:14 UTC * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 2 2022, 17:47:00 UTC

Rifka Perl A Wolf (Koral) (1909 - 1984)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 3 2016, 21:01:14 UTC * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jun 15 2016, 23:31:06 UTC

Sala Sura Kurland (1900 - d.)

Samuel Koralek (deceased)

Sara Kurland (deceased)

Shaul Sevek Kurland (1924 - 1943)

Sheva (Szewa) Engelhardt (Kurland) (1908 - 1941)

Shlomo Zalman Korlansky (b. - 1970)

Tauba Kurland (Olesnicki or Lewkowicz) (c.1787 - aft.1840)

Tauba (Tovale, Yona) Znamirowski (Kurland) (1884 - d.)

Toibele Sztam (Kurland) (1869 - d.)

Tova Kurland (deceased)

Tzipore Stern (Kurlak) (deceased)

Unknown Rappoport (Kurlander) (deceased)

Wolf Kurland (1883 - 1945)

Ya`akov Moshe Korlansky (deceased)

על מצבתו נכתב: "פ"נ הרה"ג ר' יעקב משה בן הר"ר צבי זצ"ל קורלנדסקי רוח קדושה נוססה בו נתן נפשו לחנוך ילדי ישראל להחדיק בהם עמל תורה ויר"ש למד ולימד תורה מתוך יסורים ובאהבה קבלם יסד ובנה ת"ת יבנה והעמיד ת...

Yakov Kurland (deceased)

Yehiel Koral (c.1927 - c.1943)

Yehudit (Iza, Idzia) Felman (Kurland) (1911 - 2009)

Yeshua Zelig Korlansky (b. - 2012)