
Kangxi Emperor of Qing China 清康熙帝 MP (1654 - 1722)

Hsüan-yeh 玄曄 (H. 體元主人), May 4, 1654-1722, Dec. 20, second Emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, who ruled during the years 1661-1722 under the reign-title, K'ang-hsi 康熙, was the third son of Fu-lin [q.v.]. Hi...

Qianlong Emperor of Qing China 清乾隆帝 MP (1711 - 1799)

Hung-li 弘曆 (H. 長春居士, 信天主人, 古稀天子, 十全老人), Sept. 25, 1711-1799, Feb. 7, 3: the fourth emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, who ruled under the reign-title Ch'ien-lung 乾隆 (1736-1796). As the fourth son of Empero...

Yongzheng Emperor of Qing China 清雍正帝 MP (1678 - 1735)

Yin-chên 胤禎 (H. 破塵居士, Dec. 13, 1678-1735, Oct. 8, third Emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, ruled in the years 1723-36, under the reign-title Yung-chêng 雍正. He was the fourth son of Emperor Shêng-tsu . His ...

愛新覺羅氏 (1641 - 1704)

愛新覺羅氏 (1689 - 1736)

富察氏 (deceased)

[Aisin Gioro] (deceased)

董鄂氏 (deceased)

[Aisin Gioro] (1633 - 1649)

高氏 (1682 - 1746)

袁氏 (deceased)

Heseri (1808 - 1860)

ᠠᡳᠰᡳᠨ ᡤᡳᠣᡵᠣ (deceased)

Nara (deceased)

郭氏 (deceased)

伊爾根覺羅氏 (b. - 1856)

奇壘氏 (deceased)

完顏氏 (1771 - d.)

鈕祜祿氏 (deceased)

完顏氏 (deceased)

完顏氏 (deceased)

庶妃? (deceased)

Boofung [Aisin Gioro] (1850 - 1900)

《清史稿》卷468宗室寶豐,字龢年,隸正藍旗。好讀書,有清尚。光緒十五年進士,選庶吉士,授編修,歷遷至侍講。二十五年,立溥儁為「大阿哥」,命直弘德殿,並賞高賡恩四品京堂,同授大阿哥讀。明年,兩宮西幸, 寶豐 以隨扈不果,憤甚,誓死職。自題絕命詞曰:「忠孝節廉,本乎天性。見利思義,見危授命。嗚呼 寶豐 ,不失其正。」飲金死。贈太常寺卿。

Zaifeng 載灃, 2nd Prince Chun and Regent (1883 - 1951)

Tongzhi Emperor of Qing China 清同治帝 (1856 - 1875)

Tsai-ch'un 載淳, Apr. 27, 1856-1875, Jan. 12, the eighth Emperor of the Ch'ing Dynasty, who ruled under the reign-title, T'ung-chih 同治 (1862-75), was the only son of Emperor Wên-tsung (see under I-chu). ...

Guangxu Emperor of Qing China 清光緒帝 (1871 - 1908)

The Guangxu Emperor , personal name Zaitian (Manchu: Dzai-Tiyan), was the eleventh emperor of the Qing dynasty, and the ninth Qing emperor to rule over China. His reign lasted from 1875 to 1908, but in...

Shunzhi Emperor of Qing China 清順治帝 (1638 - 1661)

Fu-lin 福臨 (Buddhist name 行癡, H. 癡道人, 太和主人, 體元齋主人), Mar. 15,1638-1661, Feb. 5, first Manchu emperor of China, whose reign-period, Shun-chih 順治, covered the years 1644 to 1661, was the ninth son of Abaha...

Hong Taiji 皇太極, Emperor Taizong of Qing (1592 - 1643)

Abahai , Nov. 28, 1592-1643, Sept. 21, known in official accounts as Huang-t'ai-chi 皇太極 ( Khungtaiji ), was the eighth son of Nurhaci [q.v.]. He had two reign titles, T'ien-ts'ung 天聰 (1627-36), and Ch'...

Xianfeng Emperor of Qing China 清咸豐帝 (1831 - 1861)

I-chu 奕詝, July 17, 1831-1861, Aug. 22, was the seventh emperor of the Ch'ing Dynasty who ruled under the reign-title Hsien-fêng 咸豐 (1851-62). He was the fourth son of Emperor Hsüan-tsung (see under Min...

Lunghi Aisin Gioro (deceased)

Daoguang Emperor of Qing China 清道光帝 (1782 - 1850)

Min-ning 旻寧 (original ming Mien-ning 綿寧, Sept. 16, 1782-1850, Feb. 25, was the sixth emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, who ruled for thirty years under the reign-title, Tao-kuang 道光 (1821-51). He was the ...

Yonghai [Heseri] (deceased)

工部營繕司員外郎 工部營繕司滿洲郎中 軍機章京 甘肅甘涼道 廣東南韶連道 廣東按察使

Jiaqing Emperor of Qing China 清嘉慶帝 (1760 - 1820)

Yung-yen 顒琰, Nov. 13, 1760-1820, Sept. 2, the fifth Emperor of the Ch'ing Dynasty, who ruled from 1796 until his death, under the reign title, Chia-ch'ing 嘉慶, was the fifth son of Emperor Kao-tsung (se...

亮 [Aisin Gioro] (1766 - 1815)

【(愛新覺羅)】 雙和 (deceased)

【(愛新覺羅)】 薩喇善 (1710 - 1773)

塞 Aisin Gioro (1639 - 1695)

【(愛新覺羅)】 英奇 (1678 - 1721)

尙阿 [Aisin Gioro] (deceased)

高廷秀 (deceased)

【(伊爾根覺羅)】 彥昌 (少博 文溪) (1817 - d.)

正黃旗滿洲 道光甲辰科舉人 乙巳科貢士 丁未科進士 翰林院庶吉士 翰林院檢討 國子監祭酒

明 [Aisin Gioro] (1660 - 1728)

格 Nara (deceased)

泰 [Aisin Gioro] (1692 - 1719)

洪 [Aisin Gioro] (deceased)

【(愛新覺羅)】 烏爾興阿 (1770 - 1839)

【(愛新覺羅)】 恆瑞 (1744 - 1801)

【(愛新覺羅)】 恆秀 (deceased)

端 [Aisin Gioro] (1700 - 1764)

舒 [Aisin Gioro] (1637 - 1700)

【(完顏)】 慶雲 (deceased)

【(愛新覺羅)】 慶韶 (deceased)

麟 [Aisin Gioro] (deceased)