Surnames » » Profiles

Dr. Norman Bethune MP (1890 - 1939)

Theodore Harold White MP (1915 - 1986)

Theodore H. White, Author, Dead at 71 May 16, 1986Theodore H. White, the owl-faced, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and historian who dramatically changed the look of American political reporting wit...

白先勇(五) MP

白氏 (deceased)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

齊氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

Bai Shi of Bai Min Zhong) 白氏(白敏中女) (840 - 858)

Bai Shi (daughter of Bai Minzhong) 白氏(白敏中女) cf. 補遺 7:134-135; 洛陽新獲續 500

【(順天通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

【(山東黃縣)】 賈氏 (deceased)

楊氏 (deceased)

【(博羅特)】 白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

孫氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

【(昌黎)】 韓氏 (deceased)

瓜爾佳氏 (deceased)

【(廣西桂林)】 馬氏 (deceased)

皇甫氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

劉氏 (未嫁而卒) (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

【(順天通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

佟佳氏 (deceased)

孫氏 (deceased)

妾 白氏 (1847 - 1890)

白氏 (deceased)

Chen Shi (wife of Bai Jigeng) 陳氏(白季庚妻) (755 - 811)

Chen Shi of Bai Ji Geng ) 陳氏(白季庚妻) Chen(1) Furen(6) [32233] QTW, 680.10a-12b.

金氏 (deceased)

【(直隸滿城)】 白氏 (deceased)

【(博陵)】 崔氏 (deceased)

Bai Shi of Li Ling Xun ) 白氏(李令珣妻) (deceased)

Bai Shi of Li Ling Xun ) 白氏(李令珣妻)

Bai Shi of Han Shi Zhong ) 白氏(韓世忠妻) (deceased)

Bai Shi of Han Shi Zhong ) 白氏(韓世忠妻) Index year algorithmically generated: Rule 4W;

那拉氏 (deceased)

薛氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

聶氏 (deceased)

高氏 (deceased)

劉氏 (deceased)

楊氏 (deceased)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

【(直隸欒城)】 鄧氏 (deceased)

【(四川涪州)】 周氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

Bai Shi (wife of Chen Run) 白氏(陳潤妻) (731 - 800)

Bai Shi (wife of Chen Run) 白氏(陳潤妻) Bo(1) Furen [32231] Bo Juyi, WJ, 6.93b-94a.

【(直隸遵化)】 史氏 (deceased)

Bai Shi of Ye Lü Long Xu ) 白氏(耶律隆緒妾) (deceased)

Bai Shi of Ye Lü Long Xu ) 白氏(耶律隆緒妾)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

張佳氏 (deceased)

貝氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

傅氏 (deceased)

姜氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

薛氏 (deceased)

第二妾 白氏 (deceased)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

【(順天宛平)】 李氏 (deceased)

【(直隸延慶)】 劉氏 (deceased)

【(順天府通州)】 白氏 (deceased)

【(直隸河間)】 白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

韋氏 (deceased)

【(河南商城)】 周氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)


白氏 (deceased)

白氏 (deceased)

Bai Shi (grandmother of Liu Yanqing) 白氏(劉延慶祖母) (deceased)

Bai Shi of Liu Yan Qing) 白氏(劉延慶祖母)

Bai Shi 白氏 (731 - 800)

Bai Shi 白氏 cf. 全唐文 680:6951-6952; 白居易集 42:929-930

Bai A 白A (deceased)

Bai A 白A [26912] When he became the brother-in-law of Liu(2) Hui [26913], jinshi #1 in 1059, he changed from the family's hereditary military (wu) occupation to wen and became a jinshi. See documentati...

Baek Sam-bong (1903 - 1976)

Baek Gyu-dong (1907 - 1966)

Baek Gyu-yeon (1901 - 1938)

Baek Yeong-ok (deceased)

Baiyin nochen 白 (博爾濟吉特) (deceased)

Bai 白 (913 - 952)

Beatrice Fineberg Hofstadter White (Kevitt) (1922 - 2012)

WHITE--Beatrice Kevitt Hofstadter, died peacefully in Bridgewater, CT, on October 30. In keeping with her keen interest in both New England history and local weather, her passing occurred at the height...

WONG Bee Woon, 黃美煥 (1886 - d.)

Bee Woon died not long after 1952 per the words of the wife of PAK Mou Sum's wife (1952 when her 1st daughter was born) who attended her burial in Guangzhou. They had to take a small boat to the place

Bai Chongxi 白崇禧 (1893 - 1966)

Pai Ch'ung-hsi, general of the Kwangsi clique, which also included Li Tsung-jen and Huang Shao-hung. In 1946-48 he was minister of national defense in the National Government. At the end of 1949 he wen...

Frances Bethune (deceased)

Frank Wan Beh (c.1917 - 2013)

Heung Seng CHAN (deceased)

PAK Hong Chee 白匡熾 (deceased)

lived at 229 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

In Soo Paik (deceased)

PAK Keen Sum, 白見三 (1882 - 1956)

羅奇生公司,總公司仍設在新加坡,黃福自任董事長,委派第六女婿白見三擔任總司理兼廣州兩間羅奇生司理,委派友好股東、港商黃仲彝擔任副總司理兼得港羅奇生司理,委派孫兒黃秉盛任新加坡公司司理 Wong Bee Woon - Had seven sons, then three daughters. Daughters number eight and nine died youngHad four more...

Kim Chun-hwa (b. - c.1909)

K Paik (deceased)

oldest of 3 brothers

Koo Han Paik (Chung) (1901 - c.1996)