Surnames » Blackhoof » Profiles

Alice Blalock (Blackhoof) (1864 - 1963)

parents were: Thomas Blackhoof 1843 – Mary Na-Nex-Se Tucker 1851She married Charles Blalock in Newton Co, MO on Sept. 19, 1898. In April 1910, Charley & Alis, ages 41 & 38, were renting a home in Towns...

Daughter of Blackhoof, Thawikila Shawnee (c.1761 - aft.1832)

Chief Black Hoof only one wife, but several children, one of whom married the Shawnee chief Shemenetoo (Big Snake). Black Hoof, Jr., born in 1795, migrated to Kansas in 1832.

Eli Blackhoof, Thawikila/Mekoche Shawnee (1819 - aft.1866)

Believed to be the 3rd successor to the Shawnee "Chiefdom" following in order his father, his older half brother Quasakee, and then Captain Joseph Parks.

Mary Blackhoof, Thawikila/Mekoche Shawnee (1810 - d.)

Mary Na-Nex-Se Blackhoof (Tucker) (1851 - d.)

Mary Tucker (Blackhoof) (c.1852 - d.)

Naecimo "Little Fox" Blackhoof, Thawikila Shawnee (1780 - aft.1835)

Pay-thah-que-nwah Blackhoof (deceased)

Peethata Blackhoof, Thawikila Shawnee (1764 - 1832)

Legend of Three Legs Town, on the Still WaterOn a dividing ridge in Belmont County issues two little streams-one flowing into the Ohio, called Wheeling Creek, the other taking a north-west direction th...

Thomas Quasakee Blackhoof, Sr. (c.1759 - 1853)

Believed to be the immediate successor to his father of Shawnee head chief, and then followed by Capt. Joseph Parks whom was succeeded by Quasakee's younger half brother Eli Black Hoof.

Thomas Blackhoof, Thawikila/Mekoche Shawnee (c.1790 - d.)

Thomas "Tom" Blackhoof, Jr. (1843 - 1886)

in Company "G" of the 2nd Kansas Cavalry, Civil War. No record could be found in the National Park Service Soldier's and Sailor's database. The 2nd Kansas Cavalry was organized at Kansas City, Kansas b...

Young Blackhoof, Thawikila Shawnee (c.1770 - aft.1854)