
Abikhe-Begi Khatun daughter of Djhakambu MP (deceased)

Daughter of Chief of Accohannock MP (deceased)

Accohannock + Patawomec Union is the likely mix of the parentage of Necotowance because of the predominance ot the name Miles contingient forming the backbone of the names of the Pamunkey Indian School...

Aukanasee Chief's daughter (Comcomly) MP (b. - c.1850)

Charlotte Townshend (Compton (daughter of Eaton Mainwaring-Ellerker)) MP (c.1727 - 1770)

Elvamox (Marianne) (Chinook Chief Daughter) MP (deceased)

Finnghuala Macsinhill daughter of Sinhill, Mormaer of Angus (of Angus) MP (c.1033 - aft.1078)

Finnghuala of Angus was born about 1033 in Angusshire,Scotland. She married Lulach Mormaer King of Scotland about 1045 in Scotland. The name "Finnghuala" is unattested.The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, s.a. 1...

Helias of Saint-Saens MP (deceased)

Madeleine daughter of Philippe de Champropin MP (1490 - d.)

Ältere Linie [Older Son of Guillaume III d 1373)'s Line]= 1. Pierre III., Seigneur du Plessis, des Breux, de La Carrelière, de Forges et de Thou, † 1401; ∞ Ragonde Vigier.>1. Jean, † 1446, Seigneur du ...

mother of Phalo possibly Ziko's daughter, Great Wife of Thiwo MP (deceased)

Oral tradition tells that the mother of Phalo gave birth to a posthumous son of Tshiwo, who was hidden by his uncle Mdange until his maturity. He took over the Xhosa Kingship after a battle with his ol...

NN mother of Chunibert daughter of Pepin MP (deceased)

daughter . The only reference to this unnamed daughter is in the Vita Maximini Episcopi Trevirensis which records that "Pippini regis ex filia nepos…Chunibertus" was "atrociter a dæmone vexatus" and cu...

NN mother of Sintpert daughter of Pepin MP (deceased)

daughter . The only reference to this unnamed daughter is in the Annales Murbacenses which records that "sanctus Sintpertus sive Simbertus, Caroli magni ex sorore nepos" was fifth abbot of the monaster...

NN wife of Richard Pierce (daughter of Minna & Damoyi) MP (deceased)

Minna was possibly Mary Wilmot, the 7yr old survivor of the wreck of the East Indiaman, the Grosvenor in 1782. In 1907 William Bazley describes how, “after the women and children were abandoned by Capt...

Found here:

Pādšāh Ḵātun daughter of sultan Kutb-Ad-Din, ruler of Kerman MP (1256 - 1295)

From Encyclopaedia Iranica : PĀD[E]ŠĀH ḴĀTUN , (پادشاه خاتون) ṢAFWAT-AL-DONYĀ WA’L-DIN, Qara Ḵetāy (b. 654/1256; d. Šaʿbān, 694/June 1295), ruler of Kerman (691-94/1292-95), the youngest daughter of Qo...

Princess of Bactria of daughter of Hermaeus (Peshwar) MP (deceased)

Rachel Spektor (daughter of Yitzchak) MP (deceased)

Wife of Rabbi Israel Isser Spektor

Ulla-Melik daughter of Gaykhatu Ilkhan (Hulaguid) MP (deceased)

Also known as Qutlugh Malik (page 379 of Beyond the Legacy of Genghis Khan edited by Linda Komaroff)She was a concubine : Kultak egechi (m. 1271) — daughter of Kihtar Bitigchi of Dörben ref:

Unnamed daughter (given up for adoption) MP

Wife of Tacitus daughter of Constantine MP (c.322 - d.)

wife, Shmuel Catz (Goldes daughter #1), of Lask (Lasker) MP (deceased)

For all information:In spite of the common mistake, Shmuel and his wife never had a son by the name of Abraham. Shmuel did have a young brother by the name of Abraham.This profile will be curated, so t...

Daughter (1804 - d.)

Daughter (deceased)

Stillborn Daughter (1950 - 1950)

Daughter of Menachem Mendel of Prague (deceased)

מגלת יוחסין לבית הנגיד ר' יוסף גראנדמאן שם מחבר: גרונדמן, חיים(עמוד 12)

Daughter (1834 - 1834)

Unknown daughter of Frank (deceased)

Daughter (1835 - d.)

GEDCOM Source ===sweeze === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Aug 1, 1999 === GEDCOM Source ===18212.ged === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Jun 7, 2001

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (1880 - 1880)

Daughter (1795 - d.)

Daughter (1794 - d.)

daughter (1803 - 1803)

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

GEDCOM Source ===MH:S3 5CD88EF41E3B937CAD43D7E188026358 V12T00 === GEDCOM Source ===MH:SC7336 Date of Import: 18 Dec 2005 === GEDCOM Source ===MH:S22 5CD88EF41E4ED37E1D43D7E188026358 v16t0007.FTW === G...

Unknown daughter of Frank (deceased)

daughter (1813 - 1815)

Daughter (1830 - d.)

GEDCOM Source ===sweeze === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Aug 1, 1999 === GEDCOM Source ===18212.ged === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Jun 7, 2001

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (1879 - 1880)

Daughter (1825 - d.)

GEDCOM Source ===sweeze === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Aug 1, 1999 === GEDCOM Source ===18212.ged === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Jun 7, 2001

daughter of Antigonus Mattathius II (c.-40 - d.)

Wagner, Sir Anthony Richard; ‘Pedigree and Progress: Essays in the Genealogical Interpretation of History’

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Unknown daughter of Frank (deceased)

Daughter (1800 - 1889)

Daughter (c.1820 - d.)

Daughter of (deceased)

(Daughter) (c.1529 - d.)

Daughter of Engelbert I (von Inngau) (845 - d.)

Daughter (1909 - 1909)

Unknown daughter of Sidney (deceased)

Daughter (1838 - d.)

GEDCOM Source ===sweeze === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Aug 1, 1999 === GEDCOM Source ===18212.ged === GEDCOM Source ===Date of Import: Jun 7, 2001

Great-Grand daughter of Josiah Franklin (1782 - 1853)

GEDCOM Note ===There were also two old ladies, own nieces of Benjamin Franklin, who for many years continually took tea with p. 5us. One of them, Mrs. Kinsman, presented me with the cotton quilt under ...

daughter of Skarbimir (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Infant daughter of Edmund (1874 - 1874)

Daughter (c.1820 - d.)

daughter (deceased)

Daughter (deceased)

Hopkins (Unkown reputed daughter of a Sioux chief - Oglala Sioux) (deceased)

Frank Hopkins Biography He was born shortly after the Civil War in a log cabin in Fort Laramie, Wyoming. His father was an army scout and his mother is reputed to have been the daughter of a Sioux chief.

- Twin Daughter (deceased)

- Daughter (-) (deceased)

? Pakubuwana's daughter (deceased)

My Oma Dora (see Theodora Petronella Georgine Francisca Hommes van Voorthuijsen) told me her mother (Mrs. HN Hommes, née Ingelaer) was the daughter of a German engineer named Phillips and a princess of...

? Daughter (deceased)

? Daughter of Audoleon (deceased)

? Daughter 2 (deceased)

? Sadler (Daughter of bishop of Pe...) (deceased)

??? sobley step daughter (deceased)

???? Daughter of Isaac ibn Muhajir (c.1096 - d.)

. Claudia's daughter (deceased)

1 Daughter (deceased)

1 Daughter (son), died young (deceased)

1 daughter (deceased)

1 Daughter (deceased)

1 Daughter (deceased)

1 Daughter (deceased)

1st Seneca Wife Jemison (Daughter of Shongo) (1770 - d.)

Seneca/Wolf Clan John practiced polygamy which was allowed by the Seneca traditions. He married two sisters, both daughters of George Shongo.

1st Wife daughter of Exilarch Family (deceased)

1st wife of Joseph Karo (daughter of R' Chaim Albalag) (c.1490 - c.1536)

יש לאמת את שמה של האשה ואת צאצאיה - האם כולם או מי מהם ממוקם נכון כבני משפחת רבי יוסף קארו

1st Wife of R' Abraham Abele Posweiler ([daughter of Eliyakim Getzel of Pasvalys]) (deceased)

#2 Daughter #2 Daughter - name unknown (deceased)

2nd daughter (Perrott), died young (deceased)

2nd Seneca Wife Jemison (Daughter of George Shongo) (deceased)

Seneca John practiced polygamy which was allowed by the Seneca traditions. He married two sisters, both daughters of George Shongo.

2nd Wife Cassimer (Daughter de Rosairo) (deceased)

2nd Wife Daughter of Kalamist (deceased)

a daughter (Strobridge) (deceased)

a daughter (Pritchard) (deceased)


A Daughter (deceased)

A Daughter (deceased)

A Daughter (deceased)

A Daughter (b. - c.1714)

A Daughter, died infant (deceased)

A Daughter (1958 - 1959)

A A (DAUGHTER) (deceased)