Surnames » Ferreolus » Profiles

Guerin da Borgonha(House of Ferreolus) 1º Conde de Paris MP (608 - 676)

Not son of Chilperic II . See MedLands . Guerin or Gerinus; born around 608, he was a Franco-Burgogne nobleman, brother of the Merovingian court historian Bodilo, both descendants of the House of the ...

Gunzie MP (c.610 - d.)

Industria de Narbonne MP (aft.465 - 525)

Her ancestry is undocumented. The usual reconstruction is that she was a daughter of Flavius Probus and Eulalia .Some reconstructions make her a daughter of Chlodéric the Parricide (often called Chlodo...

Alboflede dos Francos (deceased)

Ansbertus Ferreolus of Schelde (475 - d.)

Gemardus Ferreolus (c.503 - d.)

Lady (supposedly Gerberge) of Meaux (deceased)

Godinus of Cahors Ferreolus (deceased)

Guerin da Borgonha(House of Ferreolus) 1º Conde de Paris (608 - 676)

Guerin or Gerinus; born around 608, he was a Franco-Burgogne nobleman, brother of the Merovingian court historian Bodilo, both descendants of the House of the Counts of Ardennes and King Marcomir. He w...

Guerin da Borgonha (Ferreolus) (deceased)

Gunzie (deceased)

Industria (deceased)

Industria (deceased)

Leuthar de Borgonha (Ferreolus) (c.578 - 627)

Lucilla Ferreolus, Contesse of Ardennes (501 - c.560)

NN of Suéves (deceased)

NN Franks Ripuaires (Daughter of Clodoreius) (deceased)

Papianilla (415 - d.)

Papianilla was the neice of Emperor Avitus and cousin to another Papianilla married to Sidonius Apollinaris.Gaius Sollius Modestus Apollinaris Sidonius, better known as Saint Sidonius Apollinaris (5 No...

Papionilla Ferreolus (c.415 - d.)

Probus Claríssimus Ferreolus (c.455 - d.)

Rotrude da Borgonha (Ferreolus) (deceased)

Tonantius II X Ferreolus (462 - 522)

Tonantius Ferreolus (c.390 - 475)

Prefect Tonantius Ferreolus (405 - 475)

Tonantius Ferreolus (c. 405 – after 469) was the praetorian prefect of Gaul (praefectus praetorio Galliarum) from 451. He lived in the Gard valley on his estate of Prusianum and possessed additional es...

Tonantius Ferreolus (452 - 506)

Cut & Destroy

Senator Tonantius Ferreolus, DUP TREE (440 - 511)

DPT tree of Tonantius Ferreolus Ferreolus (also called Tonance Ferréol in modern French) (between about 440 and 450 – between 511 to after 517), was a vir clarissimus, or Gallo-Roman senator. He lived ...

Tonantius Vis Claríssimus Ferreolus (452 - d.)