Surnames » Goldstern » Profiles

Abraham Goldstern (deceased)

Abraham Mendelevich Goldstern (1832 - 1905)


Dr. Alexander Goldstern (1907 - 1987)

Austritt 21.01.1959, Ehe am 15.1.1960 mit Christine Anne Maria Stosner rk StA III 12/60, gest. 27.06.1987 in Wien StA I 1557/87* Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 12 2018, 19:47:25 UTC

Alfred (Abraham) Goldstern (1888 - d.)

III.G Alfred Goldstern (1908 - 1996)

Alice Goldstern (1906 - 1940)

Alice had a pampered childhood, being the only daughter amidst four sons. The death of her mother when Alice was only 11 was a serious set-back in her development. Along with her two younger brothers, ...

Anna Goldstern (deceased)

Chaje Jutte/Ita Rappaport (Goldstern) (1839 - d.)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 13 2022, 19:24:44 UTC

Christine Goldstern (Hoser) (1930 - 2012)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 17 2018, 21:44:22 UTC

Christine Grube (Goldstern) (deceased)

III.G Claire (Claire) Wernert (Goldstern) (1913 - 2001)

GEDCOM Note ===CLAIRE WERNERT'S TRIP TO AMERICA (Klare Goldstern: from Fango, Lozarettgasse 20, IX Wien)=== GEDCOM Note ===Right after the National Socialists took over Austria in March 1938, my father...

Clara Fuchs (1880 - 1943)

Marriage: JewishGen Vienna Marriages DOW: First Name Clara Last Name Goldstern Date of Birth 08.06.1880 Place of Birth Wien Residence München, Widenmayerstr. 39/I

Dr. David Goldstern (1872 - 1937)

Reference: MyHeritage Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 23 2018, 22:22:19 UTC * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 24 2018, 1:04:16 UTC

Dressel Goldstern (Rosenblum) (deceased)

Edith Kunke (1896 - 1970)

Elizabeth Goldstern (1931 - 2017)

GEDCOM Note ===WAR-TIME MEMORIES=== GEDCOM Note ===When World War II broke out I was seven years old and I already had many experiences behind me. My parents had moved back and forth between Berlin, wh...

Emil Goldstern (deceased)

Dr. Ensel J. Heinrich Goldstern (1875 - d.)

Tina Goldstern (1878 - 1935)

Ester Ruchel Goldstern (Margulies) (deceased)

Esther Goldstern (?) (deceased)

Eugenie Goldstern (1884 - c.1942)

and death locationReference: MyHeritage Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 23 2018, 22:22:19 UTC

Dr. Fanny Goldstern (Freilich) (1882 - d.)

Fany Goldstern (1884 - d.)

Feige Goldstern (Menkes) (deceased)

Franciszka Hirsch (Goldstern) (1868 - d.)

Genia Nasibirski (Goldstern) (deceased)


Gertrude Therese Goldstern (Beck) (1907 - 1958)

Birth records: and grave record:

Dr. Lene Goldstern (1901 - 1985)

Birth record:

Hendel Goldstern (Altstadter) (1860 - d.)

Hermann Goldstern (1816 - d.)

Hertha Goldstern (Posner) (1897 - 1942)

: Gedenkbuch Berlins der juedischen Opfer des Nazionalsozialismus, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Zentralinstitut fuer sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, Edition Hentrich, Berlin 1995Last Name: GoldsternFi...

Herz Goldstern (deceased)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 13 2022, 19:30:15 UTC

Ing. Iljuscha Goldstern (1879 - 1966)

Lucie Goldstern (1900 - 1967)

Jacob Goldstern (deceased)

Jakob Goldstern (1890 - d.)

Joachim Goldstern (1810 - d.)

III.G Julius Goldstern (1898 - 1966)

GEDCOM Note ===The first child of a well-to-do family, Julius had a pampered childhood, growing up initially in Romania, then in Munchen. In the First World War he was called up for the Austrian Forces...

Justina Regelmann (Goldstern) (deceased)

Karl Goldstern (1908 - 1991)

Katharina Cathel Reichmann (Goldstern) (deceased)

Lajzer Goldstern (1850 - d.)

Leah Goldstern (deceased)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 13 2022, 19:30:15 UTC

Lea Goldstern (Bratter) (1855 - d.)

Lotte Fuchs (1906 - 1976)

GEDCOM Note Photographic collection is stored in Folkswang Museum, Essen Biographical information from Albert Ottenbacher sent 23 November 2011 Lotte Fuchs-Goldstern wurde am 8. Mai 1906 in Chemnitz ...

Lisa Goldstern (1868 - 1945)

Reference: MyHeritage Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 23 2018, 22:22:19 UTC

Magdalena Bohaty (Goldstern) (deceased)

Majer Goldstern (1882 - d.)

Marcus Goldstern (deceased)

Wrongly called Moses, son of Marcus, on the Familiant. signs of mistake. 1793 census says Marcus and Abraham are sons of Moyses. Also, Familiant has Moises b 1805 son of Moises, which cannot be.

Marga Hirschfeld (Goldstern) (deceased)

Margarete Focsaneanu (1877 - 1917)

Marriage: Civil wedding JewishGen Romania Vital Records Collection - Marriages and Divorces Includes her birth town and her father's name. Her name listed is FOCȘENEANU / FOCȘĂNEANU, Haia Perl Marg...

Maria Goldstern (deceased)

Marie Goldstern (Bernstein) (1877 - 1961)

Burial record Quelle GenTeam* Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 12 2018, 20:01:26 UTC

Marie Kittower (1866 - 1944)

Terezínská pamětní kniha *Born 22. 03. 1866*Last residence before deportation: Vídeň 9, Seegasse 9*Transport IV/10, no. 100 (Vienna -> Terezín)*Murdered 14. 05. 1944 Terezín

Marie Mirl Goldstern (Kittower) (c.1844 - 1913)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 12 2018, 20:01:26 UTC

Marjem Debora Philipp (Goldstern Fried) (1837 - d.)

Mendel Goldstern (bef.1790 - d.)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 12 2018, 20:07:36 UTC

Mendel Mischa Goldstern (c.1861 - 1933)

Reference: MyHeritage Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 23 2018, 22:22:19 UTC

Moises Goldstern (deceased)

Moises Goldstern (1805 - d.)

Moritz Goldstern (deceased)

Moyses Goldstern (deceased)

Naftali Herz Goldstern (1893 - d.)

Nelly Goldstern (Halpern) (1891 - d.)

III.G Norbert Goldstern (1902 - 1985)

GEDCOM Note ===Norbert Goldstern was born in Bucharest and already as an adolescent his energetic character, charm, and egocentricity became apparent. At only 15, after his mother's early death, with J...

Dr. Philipp Goldstern (1867 - 1942)

Marriage to Margarete Focsaneanu : Civil wedding JewishGen Romania Vital Records Collection - Marriages and Divorces Marriage between GOLDȘTERN, Leizer Lippe and FOCȘENEANU / FOCȘĂNEANU, Haia Perl ...

Reche Goldstern (Werdinger) (1879 - d.)

Regine Gimnicher (Goldstern) (deceased)

Robert Kenneth (Kotik) Garvin (Goldstern) (1917 - 1981)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 24 2018, 1:04:16 UTC

Rosalia Goldstern (Adel) (deceased)

Sabina Goldstern (1875 - d.)

Ing. Monja Goldstern (1880 - 1943)

, Salo (Siegfried Salomon), Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Geboren am 01.05.1880 in Odessa verheiratetEmigration am 30.11.1933 nach Amsterdam Deportiert aus Niederlande Ermordet am 11.06.1943 in Sobibor (08. Si...

Salomon Goldstern (deceased)

Samuel Salomon Goldstern (1877 - d.)


Dr. Samuel Goldstern (1865 - 1939)

Marriage: Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 12 2018, 20:01:26 UTC

Samuel Goldstern (deceased)

Sarah (Sadie) Goldstern (1831 - 1899)

Sara Steingrab (Goldstern) (deceased)

Sara Goldstern (deceased)

Sara Bondy (Goldstern) (deceased)

Dr. Sima Goldstern (1864 - 1942)

Occupation: Dr of Dentistry Prior to WWII he lived in Vienna, Austria. During the war he was in Vienna, Austria* Reference: MyHeritage Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 23 2018, 22:22:19 UTC

simone levy (goldstern) (deceased)

Sonja Sophie Wermer (Goldstern) (1874 - 1927)

Therese Umansky (Goldstern) (1871 - 1947)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Mar 17 2018, 11:40:39 UTC

Teresa Goldstern (1876 - 1957)

Marriage: Reference: MyHeritage Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 23 2018, 22:22:19 UTC * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 24 2018, 0:45:53 UTC

Vera Umansky (1889 - 1968)

Walter Vladimir Garvin (Wladi) Goldstern (1921 - 1962)

Walter Goldstern (1905 - 1994)

The Goldstern Family in Vienna: 1885-1938 The photograph of the five brothers with brother-in-law was taken at a time when the second-eldest, Sima, was about thirty years old and had already establish...

Yankel Goldstern (deceased)

Zofia Berta Goldstern (1898 - d.)