Surnames » Kürti » Profiles

?? Kürti (deceased)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 20:41:47 UTC

??? Kürti (Icik) (deceased)

??? Kürti (Prekub) (deceased)

??? Kürti (deceased)

??? Kürti (Bóna) (deceased)

???? Kürti (Ásványi) (deceased)

Abraham Kurti (deceased)

Adolf Kürti (Kohn) (deceased)

I. G. of Vienna

Dr. prof. Adolf Kürti (1882 - d.)

Reference: Austria, Vienna, Jewish Emigrant Applications, 1938-1939 - SmartCopy : Jul 14 2022, 19:13:52 UTC Name Adolf Kürti Birth July 14 1882 Pottenstein, N.-Oe Application June 27 1938 Vienna...

Adorján Csaba de Kürth (Csaba kürti) (1860 - 1936)

nemesi előneve: Kürthi földbirtokos, Szatmárnémeti volt főispán

Agnes (Agi) Balint (Schachter) (1923 - 2018)

Ahmet Kurti (deceased)

Aldin Kurti (deceased)

Alexander Kürti (deceased)

Alexander Sandor Yeshiah Kürti (c.1875 - 1945)

Nemecká was a site of German atrocitities during World War II aimed to suppress Slovak National Uprising. As many as 900 people were executed and their bodies burned in local lime kiln. The killings to...

Ing. Alexander Sanyi Kürti (1904 - d.)

Alfred Kürti (1922 - 2006)

Reference: Austria, Vienna, Jewish Vital Records, 1835-1938 - SmartCopy : Jul 14 2022, 19:40:05 UTC * Reference: United Kingdom, Death Index, 1980-2022 - SmartCopy : Sep 3 2022, 15:11:49 UTC

Alžběta Radvanská (Kürti) (1918 - aft.2005)

Alžběta / Elisabeth Liese Kürtiová (Wotitzky) (1908 - d.)

Trained radiology nurse, survived Theresienstadt (where she worked in Lilly Pokorná's unit), Auschwitz, and Birnbäumel, and worked after the war again as nurse in radiology in Prague. * Reference: MyHe...

Andor Kurti (1887 - d.)

KURTI, Andor (b. 15-Jul-1887, Pest). Parents: Lajos Kurti & Jeanetta KLEIN. Birth Record: Budapest / 287-12 (Local Gov't, Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun). Note: Mother b. Szolnok. Source: LDS 642969, Vol. 17.

András Kürti (deceased)

András Kürti (1909 - 1987)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 20:47:32 UTC

András Kűrti (1853 - 1911)

Kürti András (1819 - 1866)

androniqi papa (deceased)

Anita Kurti (Lome) (1918 - 2014)

Anna Viplach (1887 - d.)

Anna Carin Kurti (1786 - 1786)

Kuusamon seurakunnan arkisto - Syntyneiden luettelo 1765-1792 (IC:2), jakso 34, sivu 252-253: Syntyneet ja kastetut 1786; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 20.1.2022.

Anna Hindl Kürti (Strelinger) (1886 - 1945)

residence; 50 Razuyova, Banska Bystrica Nemecká was a site of German atrocities during World War II aimed to suppress Slovak National Uprising. As many as 900 people were executed and their bodies burn...

Anna Kürthy (deceased)

Anna Kürti (1890 - d.)

Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : May 4 2024, 17:01:06 UTC

Anna Kürti (c.1863 - d.)

Anna Kürti (1792 - d.)

Anna Kürti (Percze) (deceased)

Anna Kürti (Juhász) (deceased)

Anna Kürti (Legény) (1930 - 2009)

Anna Kürthy (Viplak) (c.1887 - d.)

Anna Kancsár (deceased)

Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : May 4 2024, 17:02:10 UTC

Anni Tamás (Tauszig) (1922 - 2021)

Antal Kürti (1781 - 1831)

Antal Kürti (1821 - d.)

Apoll Gútai (Kürti) (deceased)

arben kurti (deceased)

Armin Hirsch Kürti-Klein (1880 - d.)

Áron Kürti (1899 - d.)

Áron Kürti (deceased)

Dr. Arthur Kürti (c.1876 - 1915)

Photo - courtesy of Daniel Zur.

Bajram Kurti, I (1942 - 2011)

Bálint Kürthy de Fajkürth (Kürti) (1843 - d.)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 20:52:45 UTC

Bálint Kürthy de Fajkürth (Kürti) (deceased)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 20:52:45 UTC

Bálint Kürthy de Fajkürth (Kürti) (1787 - 1807)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 20:53:35 UTC

Kürti Béla (1902 - 1989)

Bódi Bódi (1949 - 2021)

Szabó Borbála (1920 - 1975)

Ollé Borbála Margit (1824 - 1914)

Burt Kurti (1916 - 1983)

Szaniszló Katalin (deceased)

Dávid Dezső Kürti (Kalisch) (1883 - 1974)

Professional photographer.Was born in Galanta, Hungary (Today belongs to Slovakia).Moved to Újvidék / Novi Sad / Neusatz / where worked as an assistant photographer to Dezső Vajda. Changed his family n...

David Dezso Kurti (1899 - 1949)

marriage death

Dema Kurti (deceased)

Desider Kürti-Katz (1868 - d.)

Edit Haggenmacher Kürti (1930 - 1972)

Edit Kürti (1912 - 2011)

Jewish name: Esther Bat David /Eszter Bat Dávid/ (Dávid lánya, Eszter)

Edith Kürti (deceased)

Elena Kurti (1880 - 1954)

Elisabetha Kürti (b. - 1805)

Elisabeth Kürti (1891 - d.)

Kürti Erzsébet (1751 - d.)

Elisabeth Kurti (Gruber) (1895 - 1934)

Elvira Hirsch (Kürti) (1934 - c.1975)

Emil Kürti (1894 - 1905)

(1) KURTI, Emil (b. 30-Mar-1894, Pest). Parents: Dr. Jozsef Kurti & Klara LEIPNIKER. Birth Record: Budapest / 160-05 (Local Gov't, Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun). Source: LDS 642972,Vol.23. (2) Death:

Emma Nagy (Kürti) (1928 - 2013)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 21:28:59 UTC

Ervin Kürti (1918 - c.1943)

Disappeared during forced labour in 1943.

Erzsébet Ollé (1813 - 1881)

Erzsébet Kűrti (1869 - 1921)

Erzsébet Kürthy (Czajlik) (deceased)

Erzsébet Simon (1900 - d.)

Erzsébet Kovács (deceased)

Erzsébet Kürti (1782 - 1849)

Erzsébet Kürti (1787 - d.)

Erzsébet Kürti (1767 - 1767)

Erzsebet Rachel Kurti (1892 - 1894)

(1) KURTI, Erzsebet Rahel (b. 26-May-1892 - d. 11-Dec-1894, Pest). Parents: Lajos Kurti & Jeanette KLEIN. Birth Record: Budapest / 213-03 (Local Gov't, Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun). Notes: Father b. Orkeny,...

Erzsebet Molnar (Kurti Erzsebet) (1887 - 1980)

Erzsebet Kurti (deceased)

Kürti Erzsébet (deceased)

Ollé Erzsébet (1813 - 1881)

Eszter Kürti (1884 - 1939)

Eszter Nagy (1876 - 1954)

Eszter Kurti (deceased)

Etelka Barcsa (Kürti) (1910 - 2005)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 21:28:59 UTC


Etelka Kürti (Huszti) (1887 - 1963)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 21:28:59 UTC

Eugenia Szőke (1876 - d.)

Eugenia Kürti-Kurz (Pollak) (1884 - d.)

Éva Zagyva Lórándné (Lengyel) (1923 - 1979)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 20:44:19 UTC

Éva Szilágyi (Breznyiczki) (1943 - 1997)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 18 2022, 20:40:41 UTC

fadile nikezi kurti (deceased)

Fani / Fanni / Franciska Kurzweil (Ruff) (1860 - d.)

KURCZWEIL / KURZWEIL, JozsefRUF / RUFF, Fanni Moricz / Netti ()Henrik / Terez (KOHN) 3129 10-Jul-1889PestBudapest Local Gov't Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun Groom b Ersekujvar. Bride b Felpecz LDS 642976, Vol....

Farije Kurti (deceased)

Ferenc Kürti (1804 - d.)

Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : May 4 2024, 17:04:05 UTC

Kürti Ferenc (deceased)