Surnames » Löwy » Profiles

R' Yehuda HaLevi Lowy (deceased)

Yehudis-judite Lowy (1936 - 1944)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 28 2022, 23:50:15 UTC

Yehudit Schlesinger (Loewy (Löwy?)) (deceased)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 29 2017, 15:03:17 UTC

Yehudit Lowy (1932 - 1944)

Yekisiel Zisha Arye Lowy (deceased)

Yella Sussman (Löwy) (1900 - d.)

Yeno Lowy (deceased)

Yenta Jolán Felberbaum (Löwy) (1887 - 1939)


Yenti (Auster) Lowy (1855 - 1920)

Jeremiah Levi (b. - 1931)

In the new Beis Hachayim you go towards the oihel and just 2 rows in front you will find it there someone else also called yermiah ben yitzchok who is right in front of him. From his wife Zisel you go...

Yermiyah Moshe Lowy (b. - 1944)

Yeshaya Zev Wegh (Lowy) (deceased)

Yetti (Jetti, Gutl) Lowy (Grun - Guttman) (1808 - d.)

Yishai David Löwy (1889 - d.)

Nyírbakta, Baktalórántháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hungary - Birth (1889) Nyírbakta, Baktalórántháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hungary - Birth (1889) Nyírgyulaj, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hungary - 1...

Yisroel Tzvi Lowy (1909 - 1983)

Nagybánhegyes, Békés, Hungary - Birth (1909) Sátoraljaújhely, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary - Marriage (1939) New York City, NY, USA - Death (1983)

Yisroel Chaim Izidor Levy (Löwy) (1918 - d.)

Yisroel Chaim (Israel) Löwy (deceased)

Yisroel Loewi (Löwy) (1874 - d.)


Yita Löwy (Weiss), Hy"d (1884 - 1944)

yitschak (Izak) Lowy (c.1891 - d.)

Yittel Lowy (Freund) (deceased)

Yitu Zupnik (Lowy) (1913 - 1995)

Nagybánhegyes, Békés, Hungary - Birth (1913)

Yitzchak Isaac Lowy (1956 - 2020)

Yitzchok Lowy (deceased)

Yitzchok Eizik Lowy (Levy) (1900 - 1944)

Yitzchok Yehuda Lowy (deceased)

Yitzchok Lowy (Levy) (deceased)

Yitzchok Löwy (deceased)

Yitzchok Lowy (deceased)

Yitzchok Lowy (deceased)

Yitzchok Binyumin Lowy (1912 - 2001)

Yitzhak (Friedrich, Bedrich) Löwy (1906 - 1977)

Birth record: HBMa p26 image 31/57 #282

Yitzhak Löwy, Halevy (deceased)

Yocheved Kohn (Lowy) (1867 - d.)

Yoel Lowy (1936 - 1944)

Yona Lowy (1862 - d.)

Yosef Burech Levy (Löwy) (1905 - 2001)

Yosef Lowy (1875 - 1944)

Yuta Yehudit Löwy ((Tzap) Weisberg) (1866 - 1940)

LEVI, Abraham WEISZBERGER, Jetti Jakab / Cili (DEUTSCH) Jakab / Hani (WEISZBERGER) 26 19 22-Oct-1885 Ibrany Berczel Dadai-felso Szabolcs LDS 642916, Vol. 1 139-08 *Jewishgen Hungary marriages (LDS 6429...

Zakarias Löwy (1845 - d.)

Zali Löwy (Weinberger) (1879 - d.)

Zali Lowy (Kohn) (deceased)

Zalmen Leib Lowy (deceased)

Zavel Salomon Lowy (1875 - d.)


Zdĕna Löwy (deceased)

Zdenka Epstein (Löwy) (1903 - 1944)

Death: 17. 03. 1903Last residence before deportation: Prague XAddress/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague X, Sudetská 44Transport Cv, no. 322 (06. 03. 1943, Prague -> Terezín)Transport Dr...

Zdeňka Löwy (1930 - c.1943)

Zdenka Löwy (1906 - d.)

Zdenka Löwy (1882 - d.)

Zdenka Löwy (1874 - aft.1942)

Born 04. 01. 1874 Transport IV/8, no. 687 ( -> Terezín) Transport Br, no. 1819 (26. 09. 1942, Terezín -> Treblinka) Murdered

Zdenka Löwy (Lengsfeld) (1907 - 1994)

Zdenka Sidonie Löwy (Eule) (1908 - aft.1944)

08. 03. 1908Last residence before deportation: Prague XIIAddress/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Soběslavská 2250Transport Cv, no. 599 (06. 03. 1943, Prague -> Terezín)Transport ...

Zdeňka Singer Stern (Löwy) (1891 - aft.1942)

Death record: Born 05. 05. 1891 Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Postřižín Transport Ca, no. 40 (24. 10. 1942, -> ) Transport By, no. 1364 (26. 10. 1942, -> Auschwitz) M...

Zdenka Löwy (Karpeles) (1892 - 1935)

Dr. Zdenko Jaroslav Lechner (Löwy) (1877 - 1922)

Birth record: PLZEŇ (o. Plzeň-město) 1546 N 1874-1900 (50/282)

Zecharja Zacharias Lowy (deceased)

LEVY, Jakob (age 24, from/ b. Neusohl [Banska Bystrica/ Beszterczebanya) daughter of Zecharja Levy & Salie (SALZBERGER) married FREYER, Jeanetta (age 19, from/ b. Lestin) daughter of Kalman Freyer & Ro...

Zeev Juda Lowy (deceased)

Zekula Lőwy (Lovi) (1847 - d.)

Zelda Lowy (Huff) (1929 - 2013)

Zelda Lővi (deceased)

Zelda Löwy (b. - 1834)

נוסח המציבה יום ו עשק אסרו חג של פסח תקצד ל פט נפטרת ונקברת בשם טוב האשה הצנועה היקרה והישרה מרת זאלדה אשת הרר מרדכי לעווי אשר היתה זהירה במצות חנה וממרומים ינהג עמה בחמלה ובחנינה...

Zelma Weiss (Löwy) (deceased)

Zelma Bock (Löwy) (deceased)

Zelma Havas (Lővy / Lőwy) (1883 - d.)


Zemla Rosalie Lowy (1881 - d.)


Zemla Mina Lowy (Freistadt) (1813 - 1879)

וזוגתו מרת זעמלא בת מו"ה מיכאל אליעזר פריישטאט ז"ל בן הרה"ג ר' מאיר פריישטאט זצ"ל חבר בי דינא רבא של הג"ר משולם איגרא זצ"ל( מפרעשבורג. . Burial record

Zephora Stein (Löwy) (deceased)

Zerline Alice Herrnheiser (Löwy) (1897 - d.)

Zev Dov Lowy (deceased)

Zev Lowy (1923 - 2014)

Zev Wolf Lowy (c.1829 - 1908)

Zidonie Lowy (1886 - 1889)

Zigmund Lowy (deceased)

Zilli Löwy (Bloch) (deceased)

Zilli (Cecilia) Klein (Löwy) (1852 - d.)

Birth record 06/Nov/1852: record:

Zina (Zilly) Brandweiner (Löwy) (c.1849 - 1924)

Zissel Lowy (Rosenfeld) (deceased)

Zissel Lowy (Taub) (1854 - 1937)

could this be family? have bilitzer yitzchok eisik Moshe Lowy (Levy) maybe yitzchok lowy father? as there is avraham in the family and rifka click on link for path Abraham Lowy the new Beis Hachayim yo...

Zissel Lévi (Löwy) (deceased)

Zlata Lowy (Rauchwerger) (deceased)

Zofia Löwy (1911 - d.)

Zofia Lowy (1870 - 1964)

Zofie Löwy (Klein) (deceased)

Zoli Löwy (deceased)

Zoltan Lowy (deceased)

Zoltán Löwy (1887 - d.)

Zoltan Löwy (1884 - d.)

LOWY, Zoltan 29-Jan-1884 M Samuel PULITZER Roza Mako/157-05 Local Gov't. Csanád Mako LDS 642780, Vol. 1

Zoltan Lowy (deceased)

Zoltan Lowy (1908 - 1944)


Zoltan Lowy (1903 - 1945)

Zoltán Löwy (1903 - 1904)

Reference: Hungary, Civil Registration, 1895-1980 - SmartCopy : Jan 25 2023, 13:09:58 UTC birth: death:

Zoltán Löwy (1938 - 1944)

Zoltán Löwy (1911 - d.)

Zoltán Löwy (1888 - 1890)

Birth: Death:

Zseni Roth (Löwy) (1868 - 1896)

Marriage: Death:

Zsany (Jenny) Rosenwasser (1889 - d.)

2 years after Zsany (Jenny) Löwy married her first husband, Eduard Rosenwasser, in 1918, she was widowed when Eduard died of a chronic kidney inflammation. Jenny and Eduard Rosenwasser’s only child, Er...

Zseni Moskovicz (Löwy) (c.1882 - 1917)

Zseni Kohn (Löwy) (deceased)

Zseni Löwy (Fishler) (c.1910 - c.1944)

Zseni Lowy (1851 - d.)