Surnames » Löwy » Profiles

Josef Löwi / Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lowy (1860 - d.)

Marriage JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC (o. Jindřichův Hradec) 707 NO 1860-1944 Z 1860-1944, 1946 image 114/221

Josef Löwy (c.1867 - 1894)

Josef Löwy (c.1821 - d.)

Marriage record CHOUSTNÍK (o. Tábor) 618 N 1843-1924 O 1844-1930 Z 1844-1930 image 64/122

Josef Löwy (c.1839 - d.)

Josef Löwy (1889 - d.)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lowy (1894 - 1915)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwi / Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lowy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lowy (Berkovitz) (1904 - d.)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1908 - d.)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1809 - 1880)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (c.1842 - d.)

Josef Lowy (bef.1870 - d.)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Oct 15 2021, 0:02:53 UTC

Josef Löwy / Löwi (1810 - 1898)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1931 - aft.1942)

Death record: Born 20. 03. 1931 Last residence before deportation: Ostředek Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Benešov Transport Bd, no. 666 (04. 09. 1942, Prague -> Terezín...

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (c.1803 - 1882)

Josef Löwy/Löwi (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Dr. jur. Josef Löwy / Loewy (1849 - 1914)

Josef Löwy (c.1829 - 1909)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1867 - d.)

Josef Löwy (b. - 1861)


Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lányi-Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1896 - d.)

Josef Lowy (1886 - d.)

Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Jun 3 2023, 20:50:41 UTC * Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Jun 3 2023, 21:09:18 UTC

Josef Löwy (1891 - 1942)

Marriage record: Born 24. 12. 1891 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Lublaňská 6/1539 Transport At, no. 545 (07. 05....

Josef Lowy (1869 - d.)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lowy (deceased)

Josef Löwi/Löwy (1827 - 1916)

Birth record: NOVÁ VČELNICE (o. Jindřichův Hradec) 1382 N 1815-1864 Z 1813-1860 O 1813-1835, 1846-1862 (7/74)Marriage record: MOST 1303 O 1847, 1849-1895 (10/88)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1813 - d.)

Marriage record: KYNŠPERK NAD OHŘÍ 947 O 1839-1923 (5/27)

Josef Löwy (1916 - 1944)

Born 1916* Last residence before deportation: Prague I* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Křižovnická 12* Transport J, no. 338 (04. 12. 1941, Prague -> Terezín)* Transport Dl...

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lowy (1887 - 1888)

Josef Lowy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Alfred Langen (Löwy) (1870 - aft.1942)

Birth record: PLZEŇ (o. Plzeň-město) 1542 N 1869-1873 (36/45) Born 19. 03. 1870* Last residence before deportation: Prague X* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague X, Královská 41*...

Josef Lowy (bef.1825 - d.)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 25 2022, 0:24:07 UTC

Josef Lowy (1873 - 1943)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 25 2022, 0:27:41 UTC

Josef Lowy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1846 - 1930)

PARDUBICE (o. Pardubice) 1516 O 1869-18721874-1914 (i pro roky 1874-1904 za rokem1907)1916-1930 (i pro roky 1918,1920-1924 za rokem1910), 1932-1939, 1941-1949 kn 1516 image 12/175

Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Lowy (1880 - bef.1924)

Josef Löwy (1864 - 1943)

Josef was born March 5, 1864 in Wosseletz (Oscelce) House #32 HBMa Fond 1073 inv. č 779 Kasejovice Folio 3, Line 33 Note: Josef's birth certificate says the family was living in Oselce House #32; The b...

Josef Löwy (1878 - aft.1942)

Birth record: STUPNO (Horní a Dolní, o. Rokycany) 730 N (births) 1834 - 1889; O (marriages) 1849-1877; Z (deaths) 1841-1891 image 22 Death: 22. 04. 1878Last residence before deportation: PilsenAddress...

Josef Löwy (Löhry) (1874 - d.)


Josef Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (1880 - d.)

Josef Yakov Hirsch Löwy (1873 - d.)


Josef Löwy (1871 - d.)

Josef Löwy (Löwi) (c.1829 - d.)

2nd Marriage record: ROUDNICE NAD LABEM (o. Litoměřice) 1803 NOZ 1869-1873 (i) (26/68)

Josef Lasar Löwy (deceased)

Josef Leopold Löwy (deceased)

Josef Löwy (Lowy) (1817 - 1874)

Ň (o. Kladno) 505 N 1799-1839 image 19

Yosef Lowy/Nicolauer (bef.1745 - d.)

See: Segal, Yehezkel, Torat Yehezkel, Abraham Singer (ed.), Pecs, 1899: "R. Yehezkel Segal was the son of ... Joseph from the town of Mikulas" (Introduction, p.2).

Josel Löwy (deceased)

Joseph Löwy (1850 - d.)

Birth record: STUPNO (Horní a Dolní, o. Rokycany) 730 N (births) 1834 - 1889; O (marriages) 1849-1877; Z (deaths) 1841-1891 image 4

Joseph Löwy (deceased)

Joseph Löwy (1844 - d.)

Joseph Maximilian Löwy / Löwi (1868 - d.)

Birth record: KŘIVOKLÁT (Pürglitz, o. Rakovník) 356 N (births) 1840 - 1884; O (bez zápisu); Z (deaths) 1852 - 1860, 1873 (11/19)

Joseph Löwy/Lewy (c.1800 - d.)

Joseph Löwy (1839 - d.)

Birth record (Nova Cerekev):

Joseph Löwy (1846 - d.)

Joseph Lowy (1845 - d.)

Birth: Fond 241 HBM inv.č. 183 HOŘEPNÍK (Horschepnik, o. Pelhřimov) N (births) 1842 - 1863(i) Folio 19 (25)

Joseph Samuel Löwy (deceased)

Joseph Löwy (deceased)

Joseph Löwy (1835 - d.)

Joseph Löwy (1817 - d.)

Joseph Lowy (1830 - 1831)

Joseph Lowy (1865 - 1931)

Josepha Löwy Treulich (1855 - 1855)

Josepha Lowy (1851 - d.)

Josepha Löwy (1859 - d.)

Birth record: PRASKOLESY (o. Beroun) 1679 N 1840-1879 (57/128)

Josepha / Josefa Löwi / Löwy (Epstein) (deceased)

Josepha Löwy / Löwi / Stein (1839 - d.)

Birth record: ČERADICE (o. Louny) 222 N 1824-1839 (přílohy: ohledací listy 1928-1930;oddací a rodné listy 1890-1928) (13/14)

Státní oblastní archiv v Zámrsku <br/> Sbírka matrik Východočeského kraje <br/> Farní úřad římskokatolické církve Bystré, okr. Svitavy 1. go to, once there look for 2. sign. 1608 matrika O 1785-1828 ukn 650 územní rozsah: farnost 22x35 cm, vazba: polokožená, 79 fol., čeština, němčina, poznámka: vzadu židovský zápis 1819 mikrofilm č. 535 (odkaz ke stažení - link for downloading the zip file) 3. Once the above zip file is downloaded, go to scan CZEC0004D_1608_M_06007.JPG

Josepha Kadisch (Löwy) (c.1800 - d.)

Listed in the birth records of her childrenMarriage record lists her as 19 years old

Josepha Löwy (1843 - 1849)

Josepha (Pepi) Löwy (Spitzer) (1855 - 1930)

Josephina Löwi/Löwy (1867 - d.)

Birth record HBMa 2227 p73 online image 75/134 #191

Josephinae Pollak (Löwy) (1823 - d.)

Josephine Löwy (Hohenberg) (deceased)

Josephine/Fini Lowy (Rosenbaum) (1899 - aft.1941)

Marriage record Vienna 1927: