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About the Røste surname

Ole Erickson Hervig-Roste had several other children. Erik Olson, Lars Olson, Anders Olson, Ole Olson, Christian Olson besides Berthe Olsdtr. Children of Lars Olson Bøenstøen, the second one in the former list, immigrated to Minnesota. Lar's son, Ole Larson Benston, joined half brother John Larson Benston in Fillmore County. John was a member of Arendahl Lutheran Church and Ole was a member of North Prairie Lutheran Church. They and their families are buried in those respective cemeteries. Ole immigrated in 1858. He had been a worker in the cobalt mines, but an accident that took his partner's life made Ole leave the mining business. He tried farming, but that did not provide a good living for him and his wife and family. His half-brother had already immigrated first to Wisconsin and then to Arendahl township and so Ole came to improve his lot, too. John immigrated in 1849, fell in with Norwegians from Sogn og Fjordane, married a girl from Vik and first bought property in Wisconsin, sold that, then moved to Southern Minnesota. He is recorded in parish records from Buskerud. He is tracked in Naeseth's 4th book of Norwegian immigrants on page 85. Various census records are available as well as Arendahl church records via or Sogn og Fjordane's records called the "Digital Inn". Within the "Inn" are records from researcher, Lars Øyane who lists Arendahl marriages, baptisms and confirmations. Ole Erickson Hervig-Roste 1766-1841 is my GGG Grandfather.