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About the Rintoul surname

The surname Rintoul derives from an Estate name just outside of Kinross, Scotland.

This 260 Acre Estate was originally purchased from the Scottish crown in 1362, by a gentleman bearing the name Lardenach, who was a "Rentoule" by trade (canvas artwork restoration). The property became known as the Rentoule estate and as a result was ultimately taken as the surname by the residents of the estate (circa 1425). The estate still bears the name Rintoul and was held by the family for 450 years.

Many derivations of the name exist now including Rintoul, Rantoul, Rentoul, Rentoile and the original Rentoule. All are related.

The word itself is distinctly French and it is currently believed that Lardenach heralded from France originally and came to the Edinburgh area around the year 1340.