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About the Rio surname

Rio de Janeiro,shortly called Rio,the name of which means January River - although there is no significant river there- ,
in Brazil ,and some Rios families in ancient connection with it ,may be founded by and named after ,respectively ,
by Tapuyo tribes called Riu .
Such are the ones called Tarai-Riu,Re-Riu,U-Riu,A-Riu,Ak-Riu and mainly Ca-Riu ,most of them lived in the historically
attested times in Pernambuco ,Ceará and other states some hundred miles away from Rio itself .

Jan-Dui tribe is also a member of their confoederation ,who might have participated or taken the main role in
its foundation ,so the originaly name of the city might have been something like Riu-Dui-Jan-Ayar .

Tapu-Yo peoples in general may originate from the place Maoris call Hawaiki ,where a sacred place ,
Tapu of the god Io stood .
This might be nothing else but the capital of the Holy Land of America at river Solimoes ,now called Manaus .
Its alternative name could be ,after the tribe living around it after the Castilian conquest,Managu(s) as well,
that may refer to Ayar Mangu ,later Mangu Inga ,king of Cuzco in Peru .
His name apparently was in Chimu empire ,where he also might have ruled,Taycanamu ,which on one hand
may be a simplification or reinterpretation of an Araucanian expression ,Ta- Inka-Nhamunh ,that is Foot-Supporter ,
and on the other a local variation for Te-Ikan-A-Maui ,the Polynesian name for the main island of New-Zealand ,
the Maori homeland ,where he might have sailed to Peru from .
The story about him in Mali goes that he could not walk in his childhood until a crutch made from iron was yielded
to him,with the help of which he learned to .
This event is what Taycanamu ,rendered as Ticatamen ( Ti-Inca-Ta-Nhamunh ) in Michoacan ,may refer to .

His connections to the Maoris might have caused Welshmen to call him Meurig ( Maurici ) .

Hence ,Tapuyo peoples both in the Atlantic Brazil and at Rio Negro region may be descended from Manko Inka .
Tarair-Riu for instance in the first place may be in close relation with Tapuyos living at river Taraira in Colombia .

Manko,thus identical with Chimor Capac ,founded his dynatsy under the name Chima Panaca ,
which may be a code for Che-Mapu-Inaca ,that is Aracanian Inca .
Chimor name on the other hand may be interpreted as Tsig-Maur ,and refers to Maur Tsigans ,or Modyor Tsigans ,
called also Paibano,that may be a version of the ethnonym Taibano known at Rio Negro Tapuyos .
Morcego name for some hiding peoples in Mato Grosso,meaning Bat ,may also be given to his descendants ,
as a version of Maur-Tsigo,and because of the fact that only they were privileged to wear fur of bat in their
Peruvian realm . Some of the Tapuyo from the branch in Peru are indeed called Murcielago,the same as Morcego .
Manko,that is Ticatamen was the father of Sicu-Irancha ,who may be the ancestors of Menku and Iranche peoples

in Mato Grosso .

Manko's name was ,as father of the Maur-Tsigans or Kale ,in Arabia Kale-'Aba,in Suomi Kaleva Osmo,and in
Somalia Samaale Osmaan .His son was,among others,Irir ,after whom river Iriri might be named .
Apu Maita was also frim his Inca family,and he may be the forefather of Maitapu tribe among the Mundurucu,
as well as Maita Capac,who may be identical with Te-Mate-Kapua ,the leader of the last big wave of Maori immigrants
into Teikanamaui .

See Carioca,Magyary,Magyari,Klaber,Mocsinka,Csima,Somalia,Hollander,Mailander,Meiler,Makrenkov,Makarenko,
Arauco,Edinger,Pao,Gutstein,Pakarati,Namuncurá,Paulista,Trenka,Petrenka,Ri and others !

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