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There are already 21 users and 390 genealogy profiles with the Schonken surname on Geni. Explore Schonken genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

Schonken Genealogy and Schonken Family History Information

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About the Schonken surname

Just when you think there could be no surname more uncommon than SCHONKEN, you open a can of beans. Tracing the family back to Venlo, Netherlands - and even as far as finding the original German originin SCHONKE, when the family originally landed in the Netherlands in the 1600's, and uncovering the family crest. After 7 years of research (which is nowhere near complete), I sit with so much disjointed and unconfirmed data, that it would take me another 7 years just to make it all come together.

The SCHONKEN family research was started for this very reason. Firstly I found that more people had the same data I had, and secondly, we could fill the gaps by collaborating on each other's trees.

If you are a former or current SCHONKEN or SCHONKE, and have information you can share, death notices, birth notices, photos, etc - please share them with us, and maybe we can connect the dots quicker.