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About the Sitka surname

Sitka alias Shee Atika in Alaska,place of a Tlingit tribe,may be named after Ayar Kachi ,
that is probably Ka-At-Shee ,brother of Manco Inca of Cuzco in Peru ,where ,among others
Kusko-Kwim and other tribes might have wandered from to the North of Na-Dene peoples .

Kachi was alternatively called Ayar Toba and Ayar Gochi in Peru.
Not only Toba-Ayara tribe in Amazonia ,but also rulers the Siberian town or counry called Tabgach,
that is Tob'-Goch' may be descended from him .
Toba people of Siberia is believed to be succeeded by Tofa and Tuva tribes in the Altai ,to whom
Telengit or Telenget belongs to as well.Telenget apperas well to be a version of Tlingit ,pronounced
even as Tlenget .

Tuoba is also the kingdom Baltha noble family of Wesigoths ruled in ,who therefore may be called Toba-Gotsh .
Their ancestor Baltha ,son of Angis and brother of Amal - remembered as Amala by the Tlingit themselves - ,
may thus be identical with Ayar Toba ,brother of Manco .
The latter ,according to Mande-Inka tradition,could not walk until in his age of 9 when he was given a
crunch made of iron,
with he help of which he learned to do so and conquired many countries surpassing even Alexander

the Great by this  .

The four Ayar brothers' father was called Atau in Peru ,in some traditions,that corresponds to Atongie ,
that is At-Te-Wong-Gie in Samoa ,and to Wong-At-Te-Leng in some parts of the Indonesian archipelag .
The latter may be the final source of Telenget and Tlingit ethnonym .
The names of the rest were Ayar Auca ,Ayar Manco and Ayar Uchu ,from whom the first one may be
the forefather of Auke tribe among the Tlingit .As to Manko,the Inca of Cuzco ,he was called Kaleva in
Suomi tradition .He might have issue now among the Tlingit as well ,who may therefore be called Klyngkyt ,
that is Kalewa-Ingka-Wit ,or something like this .

Some of the Telenget might have settled in Chukotka too - likely named after the Maidu tribe Kot-Chuk - ,
where some Chukchee people may be descended from Uchu ,that is Ud-Chu and Kachee ,called therefore
Chuud-Kachee .

Today's Tlingit language is believed to be belong to Na-Dene family,the cause of which may be the mixing
and other connections with the latter,wgile Telengets in Altai speak Turk dialect ,for the same reason .

See Tofler,Toffler,Dolgan,Chudin,Chudov,Weimann,Weiss,Báthory,Balta,Majsay,Majsai,Kolosy,Kolos,Kolossy,
Bogotá,Huari,Iraca',Edelsztajn,Arca,Kristic,Atterlund,Balt,Fedrid,Federit,Balochi and more !

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