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Sylling Genealogy and Sylling Family History Information

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About the Sylling surname

Sylling is a town in Lier, Buskerud, Norway.

The origin and meaning of the name Sylling is not certain, but the farm Sylling has its origins in the Norwegian early Iron Age (500 BC – 550 AD).

The ing-ending of the name Sylling is unknown, but there is several farms in Sweden with the ing-ending. These farms are often situated near rivers. Sylling was probably populated from the North, and around 500-600 Swedes came from Hadeland over Tyrifjorden and further down to Viken (Oslo). Because of this the name Sylling could have Swedish origins.

Syll could also be "issvull" (swollen ice) or a height, or it could have something to do with the surrounding nature. Some people claim that it could have something to do with the fiord (Tyrifjorden/Holsfjorden) narrowing.

Is it also said that the name Sylling has something to do with fog or steam.

In Norway there is 72 people with the surname Sylling (2013).