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About the Tillisch surname

Oprindelse - Origin

På dansk - In Danish

"Tillisch er en fra Schlesien stammende patricierslægt, der allerede forekommer i 14. århundrede. (Henrik Wilhelm Tillisch, I (c.1645-1702) blev født i Schlesien.) En linje blev 1556 adlet af kejser Ferdinand, andre linjer optoges 1665 og 1680 i den bøhmiske ridderstand.

"Slægten kom til Danmark i 17. århundrede Henrik Vilhelm Tillisch, III (1720-1761) gjorde først tjeneste som kammerjunker, udnævntes 1746 til amtmand over Stavanger, Norge og kort før sin død til generalvejmester søndenfjelds.

"Hans søn, oberst, kammerherre Georg Frederik Tillisch (1759-1845), hvis descendenter ved kgl. åbent brev af 22. juli 1872 blev anerkendt som hørende til den danske adel, var fader til amtmand på Færøerne, senere i Aabenraa Amt, kammerherre Christian Ludvig Tillisch (1797-1844), der fra 1841 var Christian VIII's meget indflydelsesrige kabinetssekretær, til gehejmekonferensråd Frederik Ferdinand Tillisch (1801-1889), til sognepræst for Herlufsholm Sogn Paul Christian Tillisch (1805-1876), hvis søn, kammerherre George Frederik Tillisch (1835-1917), først var stiftamtmand i Viborg Stift, senere amtmand over Præstø Amt, og endelig til generalmajor Johan Sigismund Møsting Tillisch (1810-1887)."

På engelsk - In English

"Tillisch is a patrician family from Silesia that dates back to the 14th century. (Henrik Wilhelm Tillisch, I (c.1645-1702) was born in Silesia.) One line was ennobled in 1556 by Emperor Ferdinand, other lines were included in 1665 and 1680 in the Bohemian Knights.

"The family came to Denmark in the 17th century Henrik Vilhelm Tillisch, III (1720-1761) first served as a chamberlain, was appointed county governor of Stavanger, Norway in 1746 and shortly before his death as mayor of Søndenfjeld.

"His son, colonel, chamberlain Georg Frederik Tillisch (1759-1845), whose descendants at the royal open letter of 22 July 1872 was recognized as belonging to the Danish nobility, was father of county governor in the Faroe Islands, later in Aabenraa County, chamberlain Christian Ludvig Tillisch (1797-1844), who from 1841 was Christian VIII's very influential cabinet secretary, to secret conference council Frederik Ferdinand Tillisch (1801-1889), to parish priest for Herlufsholm Parish Paul Christian Tillisch (1805-1876), whose son, Chamberlain George Frederik Tillisch (1835-1917), was first diocesan clerk in Viborg Diocese, later county clerk over Præstø County, and finally to Major General Johan Sigismund Møsting Tillisch (1810-1887)."

Kilder - Source

Poul Bredo Grandjean, "Tillisch", I: Christian Blangstrup (red.), Salmonsen's Conversation Lexicon, Copenhagen: J.H. Schultz Forlag 1915-30.

Definitioner - Definitions

Patricierslægt - Patrician Family

"Patricierne var oprindeligt en gruppe herskende klassefamilier i det gamle Rom. Sondringen var meget vigtig i det romerske rige og den tidlige republik."

"The patricians were originally a group of ruling class families in ancient Rome. The distinction was highly significant in the Roman Kingdom, and the early Republic."

Schlesien - Silesia

"Schlesien er en historisk region i Centraleuropa, mest i Polen, med små dele i Tjekkiet og Tyskland."

"Silesia is a historical region of Central Europe mostly in Poland, with small parts in the Czech Republic and Germany."

Dansk adel - Danish Nobility

"Historikere deler den danske adel i to kategorier: gammel adel (dansk: uradel) og bogstavadel (dansk: brevadel) baseret på den måde, de opnåede adel på."

"Historians divide the Danish nobility into two categories: ancient nobility (Danish: uradel) and letter nobility (Danish: brevadel) based on the way they achieved nobility."