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About the Trondheim surname

Trond tribe ,whose home is Trondheim in Norway,may be of Wand origin from Troia ,
that is Tro -Wand .
Chronicles sy namely that after the war for Troia refugees parted for the land of Turks ,
settled there,and formed four tribes ,that are the Goths,Ypogoths ,Normanns and Wands .
Some say ,or identify these with Ostrogoths ,Wesigoths,Normanns or Gépaidas and Wandals .

Troia ,named after Tro from the Dardan tribe ,might have been located somewhere in the
Holy Land of America,most likely in Paraguay ,or perhaps in México .
It is believed to have been located namely in Phrygia ,that must have originally been in America,
named after Eg-Rawa-Paha ,one of the sons of Ak-Kel-Laya-Bawa from his wife Ar-Gewa-Pa-Ha ,
after whom Bolivia and Paraguay might be named .
Later,as the story goes on,around 800 BC ,many of these tribes moved from Tyrkheim to Scandinavia ,
where they were called Ases ,or Aesir or Ausar .

Türk peoples in general may well be all of origin in some sense from the ancient city of Tyr ,
called also Sarra at a time .

These four tribes may corrspond to the four tribes founded by the four sons of A'es-Sharra ,
one of the twelve ancestors of the Chosen Nation,son of A-Wa-Sharra-'Ale ,called Easru in the
Irish tradition,son of Sru .
Wand ,and hence Trond tribe may be descenbded from the one of the four called Ba-Ra-War-Ga-Ha .
It is believed namely,that Burgund is an alternative name for Wandal ,and indeed ,it may be
derived from Ba-War-Ra-Ga-Ha-Wan-Ned ,that is Burgha-Wand It can also be interpreted as
Burg-Hund,in German language ,that can be translated as Ser-Eb into an Ugrian dialect .

The language of these tribes was an Algonquine dialect ,like that of those tribes still living in the
North-Eastern parts of the Holy Land ,in Canada and in the neighbouring States .
Tyros may namely be the home of Tyrrhénians too,who are the Toscans,and are related to Tosk Albans.
Albanians in teh language of Armenia in turn are called Aghwank.that is Algwank ,
which corresponds to Algonquine .

Language of Levites of this tribe was Albanian ,as it is known now .

See Trond,Toscano,Toscani,Toscanini,Albanesi,Albano,Viking,Heber,Pampa,Maestre,Malcolm,Bréjon,Brit,
Navarra,Pinsker,Pisk,Montagnais,Turki,Arnaut,Arnót,Báthory,Weiss,Beinhauer,Benin and more !

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