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About the Tyrel de Poix surname


SO when you see PITCH it realy is DE POIX

I level: 1030. - I GAUTHIER, TYRELL, TYRRELL or TYREL, sire of Pitch, stem from a house that still exists today. He lived in 1030 years to 1068. He owned lands Pitch, Bucy, Croixrault, Equennes, Famechon, Fremontiers, Moyencourt, etc. (1) (1) The Morlière Antique Amiens; - Genealogy Tyrel, lords of Pitch, manuscrit- Dumont Moyencourt, script, etc. It is named Galtero Tyrello domino Piceio de1030 a charter concerning the church of Rouen and said close relative of Robert, Duke of Normandy (2 He died about two manuscript 1068). () Dumont Moyencourt,..

Gauthier Tyrel 1; the name, accompanied William of Normandy in his expedition to England. In reading the story of the Battle of Hastings (3), and the poem of Robert Wace , English writer (4), we see that day, October 14, 1066, the people of Pitch Pohiers or fought to the first column attack alongside armed men from the counties of Boulogne and Ponthieu. (3) History of the Conquest of England by Augustin Thierry, t. I, p. 250. (4) Notes documents by the same author, p. 490. Note: Master Wace (which name is wrongly Robert) was born on the island of Jersey before 1135. It is therefore not born Norman and English.

We first include Augustin Thierry:

"The army was divided into three columns of attack: the first were the armed men from the counties of Boulogne and Ponthieu, with most adventurers engaged individually for balance; the second were the auxiliary Mans and Poitou Guillaume personally commanded the third consisting of the Norman chivalry. 33

Story of Robert Wace :

Li and Li boiIognier pohiers

Aureir e toz my soldeirs.

"Immediately after the battle, and to be thankful for the success of his arms, William vowed to erect a convent. It is in this abbey that was filed on cartulaire, where the winner had inscribed the names of the principal knights who 'had accompanied him in his expedition. The different list writers have reproduced from the cartulary of Saint-Martin of Battle, all mention of the name Tyrel. "

Augustin Thierry, the volume cited above, thus expresses "Immediately after his victory, William vowed to build this place in a convent under the invocation of the Holy Trinity and St. Martin, patron of warriors of Gaul . This wish will soon be fulfilled, and the high altar of the new monastery was erected at the place where the banner of King Harold had been planted and shot. The enclosure of the exterior walls was drawn around the hill that bravest of the English had covered their bodies, and the whole league circumjacent land which had passed the various battle scenes became the property of the abbey, which was called Norman language in the Battle Abbey. Monks Marmoutiers the great monastery near Tours, came to establish their homes and prayed for the souls of those who died that day.

On a list published by André Duchesne, after a charter preserved in the monastery of St. Martin in the battle, the name of Gauthier Tyrel is reported instead that assigns the order adopted for registration (1). (1) Augustin Thierry, volume already cited, p. 509. We must add that in recent years the name of the first lord of Pitch reads on the walls of the church of Dives, a small port in Normandy, situated on the banks of the river that gave it its name.

To consecrate the memory of the expedition to England 34 and remember that this is Dives were united as the fleet and army of the Duke of Normandy, before leaving for the new conquest of England, M. de Caumont, the famous scientist, erected in its Rates on the shore off a hill overlooking the sea, a monolith column whose inauguration took place in August 1861 and the following year, the French Archaeological Society had engraved on the interior walls Church of Dives names warriors who accompanied Duke William in his perilous and bold expedition.

In 1046, together with his wife Alix, Gauthier Tyrel first built the fortress Famechon and castles and Moyencourt Pitch (1), and became one of the most powerful lords of the land and the stem of a the most illustrious houses of Picardy.

Women Married

1 Olga ...

2 to Alix, lady Frémontiers, only daughter of Richard, Lord of Frémontiers Famechon and (2).

Children (1 or 2 bed)

1 GAUTHIER II to follow.

2nd Osmont TYREL, lord of Frémontiers, then Conty, in 1063, the head of his wife.

- Married to Havoise lady and heiress of Conty.

- Which came four children:

1 TYREL Gauthier, died on the journey to the Holy Land. 1096 (3).

2nd TYREL Robert, lord of Frémontiers, killed at the Battle of Tinchebrai, September 27, 1106, leaving no children (4).

- Married to Eleanor Picquigny.

3rd William TYREL, lord of Conty?

- Married to Adele To second daughter Hildevert eighth name, Lord of Worms, death is 1051, and Agnes de Courcelles (5).

WORMS arms: Sable, the gold band (6) (1) (2) (5) (6) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.. (3) (4) Genealogy Tyrel lords of Pitch manuscript. 35

4th Mathilde TYREL.

- Married Eudes, sire of Airaines and Quesnoy.

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Second degree: 1068. - It TYREL Gauthier, sire of Pitch, Bussy, Croixrault, Equennes, Frémontiers, Famechon, Moyencourt, Namps-au-Mont, Agnières, Bergicourt, Gauville Méricourt and other lands, is quoted in an assignment of law made in 1069 Raoul Crépy, Count of Amiens, the cathedral church of that city.

Ducange (1) reports that Raoul, Count of Amiens, acting in that capacity in 1069 as a year in which persuasion and at the request of Guy, Bishop of Amiens, it exempts the land chapter Our Lady of the justice of its viscounts, and gave him what he and his knights had in the land of Conty. He states, moreover, have rewarded his knights viscounts other property; this donation is authorized by his son Simon, Gauthier, son of Gauthier Tyrel, Lord of Pitch. (1) History of the Counts of Amiens, p. 199.

In 1087, Gauthier He made an agreement with Enguerrand, Count of Amiens, Lord of Coucy and Boves (2). (2) Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

Gauthier II had the misfortune to kill hunting Wilhelm II said Rufus, King of England. The circumstances in which this is accomplished fatal event happened on August 2 of the year 1100 are reported by Augustin Thierry (3) as follows: (3) History of England, tI, P.429.

"The morning of his last day, the king made a great meal with friends in the castle of Winchester and then prepared for the proposed hunting. While he was tying his shoe, playfully with his guests, a worker handed him six new arrows, he examined it, gave praise the work, took four for himself and gave the other two to Gauthier Tyrel, saying. "You need good weapons that takes good shots," Gauthier Tyrel was a French who had rich 36 possessions in the country Pitch and Ponthieu; it was the most familiar friend of the king and his constant companion. "

"At the time of departure came a monk of the monastery of St. Peter, Gloucester, who gave William dispatches from his abbot. The abbot, born in Normandy, and called Serlon, mended with concern that his religious (probably English race), had a vision in his sleep ominous, he saw Jesus Christ sitting on his throne, and at his feet, a woman who begged him, saying, "Savior of the world , look in pity your people groaning under the yoke of William "Upon hearing this message, the king burst out laughing:". Do they take me for an Englishman, he says, with their-dreams? They believe me one of those fools who abandon their path or their business because an old dream or sneezing? Come on! Gauthier Pitch horseback. "

"Henry, brother of the king, William of Breteuil, and several other gentlemen accompanied him to the forest hunters dispersed, but Gauthier Tyrel remained with him, and their dogs drove together Both stood their position vis. à-vis one another, the arrow on the bow and finger on the trigger, when a deer hunted by drummers, stepped between the king and his friend. William pulled, but the rope breaking his crossbow, the arrow did not go, and deer, surprised noise stopped, looking in all directions King motioned to his companion to shoot;. but it did nothing either he might not see the deer, or he did not understand the signs. So William impatiently cried aloud "Tire Gauthier, therefore derives from the devil," and, at the same time, an arrow is that Gauthier is another struck him in the chest, he fell without a word and died. Gauthier ran to him, but, finding no breath, he mounted his horse, galloped towards the coast, passed in Normandy from there the lands of France. "

"He was deeply grieved Gauthier of killing the King of England, of which he was sincerely loved, and he found no other way to divert his pain to undertake 37 trip to the Holy Land. He made this pilgrimage with Baudoin, his second son, and was no longer living in the year 1110. year "

Woman: Married by order of William the Conqueror, King of England, Adelice GIFFARD, of the illustrious house of Giffard, England (1) (1) Genealogy of Tyrel, lords of Pitch manuscript..

Weapons GIFFARD family in England: Gules, three lions passant money from one to another.

France: Pale gold and reds of 6 pieces.

Daughter of Richard Giffard, one of the nobles of the court of that monarch, and Mortemer Mathilde, daughter of Gauthier, sire Mortemer in Normandy. Hic Adelidem filiam Ricard sublimiprosapia Gifardorum habuit (2). (2) Orderic Vital , historia ecclesiastica, pars III, IIb. § XII.

The name of Gauthier Giffard, which we have spoken, was formerly registered with the cartulary preserved in the monastery of St. Martin of Battle, now seen in the church of Dives among those knights who helped Duke of Normandy to found a new dynasty in England. On the same day of the Battle of Hastings and before action, Duke Gauthier Giffard summoned to give him the flag that the Pope had sent to the Norman army, but he declined the honor, and asked William, as marked favor, permission to stay and fight with the troops under his command. Robert Wace , Volume II, page 103 et seq, and reports the symposium that took place between the Duke of Normandy and Gauthier Giffard.:

E li due to guarda altre part.

If APELA Galtier Giffart:

Cel gonfanon dist-.ii, pernez

In the battle wear.

Galtier Giffart li respondi:

Sire, dist-iI, per dex thank you.

Augustin Thierry given on page 261; the composition 38 of the council of regency which the new king delegated his powers to govern his kingdom during his journey to Normandy at the beginning of the year 1067 and we see that Gauthier Giffard was called to be part of this council. "Close to return to embark on Normandy, William told the lieutenant of his royal power to his brother Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and William, son of Osbern. These two deputies were viceroys other lords mark as helpers and advisers Grandmesnil Hughes, Hugh de Montfort, Walter Giffard and William de Garenne.

"The same Gauthier Giffard was still one of the Lords chosen by the new king to ensure the establishment of large role or large terrier of England.

"Under the orders of King William, Henry de Ferrers, Walter Giffard, Adam, brother of Eudes the steward. And Remi, bishop of Incoln, as well as other characters from among the people and the guardians of justice royal treasury, if t. began to travel through all the counties of England, establishing a place in every inconsiderable their board of inquiry, etc. (1). (1) Augustin Thierry, I, p. 384.



1 GAUTHIER III to follow.

2nd TYREL Beaudoin, who met with his father.

3rd TYREL Robert, lord of Bergicourt, Bettembos and Eplessier. Death in Holy Land in 1133.

- Married to Bertha, daughter of Hugh, Lord of Chaumont, constable of France, who died in 1138, and Alix de Saveuses.

- Which came:

Adelaide Tyrel lady Bergicourt, Bettembos and Eplessier who, in 1143, was forced to cede the last two land to Hugh Tyrel, Lord of Pitch, his cousin (2). (2) Durnont of Movencourt manuscript

- Married Fulk, knight, Sir Arguel. 39

4th Raoul Tyrel, Lord of Croixrault assassinated in 1136; they placed a cross on his grave there. the name of the village (1). (1) Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

5th Berine Tyrel lady of Saint-Aubin.

- Guy married Mortemer, esquire, lord of Illois.

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Third degree: 1110. - GAUTHIER TYREL III, sire of Pitch, Bussy, of Equennes, Famechon, Moyencourt, Agnières, Namps-au-Mont and possessor of many other lands, located in Normandy, Ponthieu and Vimeux. He was one of the most powerful lords of the country, and took the title of Viscount Equenne knight and lord of Pitch.

In 1116, Gauthier Tyrel III, with the consent of his wife and his son Hughes, founded the church and priory of Saint-Denis de Poix, in which he placed six monks of the Order of St. Augustine. This priory was within the monastery of Saint-Quentin near Beauvais. By doing Gauthier III was only comply with pious wishes of his father. Two years later, that is to say, in 1118, he endowed the priory which, among dens property, he gave each year by two silver marks to take on his English possessions (in Anqlia duas marcas argenti of decimae lavingaham) . Hence we see that Tyrel owned property in England and if Gauthier first served William of Normandy in his expedition against Harold, it also had its share in the spoils of the vanquished. The endowment issue here was made on the presence of Enguerrand, 39th bishop of Amiens, Archdeacon Fulio, the abbot of Saint-Quentin and the prior of Pitch; yet it was witnessed parents and friends gathered in Gauthier III penny castle to give this act the greatest possible solemnity.

Some years later, in 1131, the same still Gauthier founded the monastery of Saint-Pierre de Selincourt (2), called 40 as the abbey of Sainte-Tear. The sire of Pitch followed the advice in this circumstance Milo, abbot of Dammartin, 35th bishop of Terouanne. The church of the abbey was the most beautiful of Picardy after the Amiens Cathedral, the lords of Pitch named Tyrel had chosen place of burial. (2) This beautiful abbey was destroyed background height, since 1793. It is now a private property owned by Mr. Gideon ForceviIle, Amiens.

Gallia Christiana speaks of this pious foundation in the following terms: in artvis and in deflexu, monticulus ecclesia Sancti Petri is fundata Selincurtis to Gualtero advocates and Domino Piccio, etc. (1) (1) See the Gallia Christiana, tX, col. 1367-1370.

Gauthier III built several castles and churches in his vast domains, and died in 1145. After his death, he was nicknamed the title of Bountiful.

Women Married

From 1 to lsabelle HEILLY, died before 1120; Coots Heilly daughter, sire of the said place, near Corbie, and Marie de Clermont (2).

On HEILLY arms: Gules, the tapered gold band.

2. In 1121, Adeline, lady Ribecourt and Prouville in Cambrcsis, died before 1128 (3)

Weapons OF RIBECOURT: Gules, three cross crosslets and stuck gold, 2 and 1.

3. In 1128, in Fide OF Selincourt, who left a widow and died without children (4).

Weapons OF Selincourt. Fess Azure and Gules (2) (3) (4) Genealogy Tyrel, lords of Pitch manuscript.

Children (du1er or 2nd bed):

1 HUGHES who I follow.

2nd TYREL Fulk, knight, lord of Ribecourt and Prouville in 1146.

- Married to Isabelle Humieres:

D'Armes HUMIÈRES: On arqent shrink sand.

- Which came four children:

1 TYREL Roger Knight, Lord of Ribecourt, author of an unknown branch.

2nd William TYREL, which folded and was killed at the siege of Saint-Jean d'Acre in 1191.

3rd TYREL Simon, lord of Sainte-Segre. 41

4th Isabelle TYREL which religious thread Abbey Fervaques after the death of her husband.

- Reinier or married René II, knight, lord of Fonsomme in Vermandois, of 1140-1186.

Baudoin TYREL third, esquire, lord of Quevauvillers, the head of his wife.

- Married to Huguette, lady Quevauvillers.

- Which came four children:

1 Gauthier Tyrel said without.

2nd William Tvrel, knight, lord of Quevauvillers.

3rd Simon Tyrel, killed at the siege of Saint-Jean d'Acre in 1191 with his cousin.

4th Mathieux TYREL died childless.

These four brothers crossed in 1190 with Hugh Tyrel It, knight, lord of Pitch, their cousin.

4th TYREL Vernon, lord of Blangy, near Pitch. He was appointed Wernon in a charter of 1139.

5th TYREL Mathilde, Lady of Vautenay.

- Raoul married, knight, Lord of Contay, in 1138.

6th Guillemette TYREL lady Meigneux,

- Guy married, esquire, lord of Lincheux, in 1138.

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Fourth degree: 1145. - HUGHES 1 TYREL, knight, lord of Pitch, Famechon, Frémontiers, Chapel, Bucy, of Equennes, Moyencourt, Namps-au-Mont and other places, called Prince of Pitch in securities 1153 years 1155 and 1159, Hugo Tyrello, milito, principis and Domino Poio, alias Piccio. Having succeeded his father in 1145, he confirmed the following year, the donations made by him to the Abbey of Selincourt. There are her letters patent ratification confirmation of the donation made by Gauthier and III to the canons of Saint-Denis, wood and land on Pitch and Lesquennes (Equennes). In the same letter, a special clause says that he will take over the mills of Pitch, two mines of wheat per week in lieu of tithe. 42

Hugh Tyrel followed the general training that was stealing the nobility to the issue of the Holy Places, and went to the abbey of Saint-Martin in the Room, the consent Ade, his wife, and Gauthier, his son, the two shares of the tithes of Saint-Pierre-les-Ponts overseas, who reported to him. Hugh Tyrel made the journey to the Holy Land (1) with several lords of Picardy. He made his will in 1158, and no longer living in 1159. He was a knight of great value and foolproof (2) (1) See Orderic Vital; - Versaille, room Crusades, folio, page 24, No. 123, item Hugh Tyrrel sire of Pitch. His arms placed health at the Museum of Versailles, the third room of the Crusades; they appear on the beam that is above the picture of the lift of the siege of Rhodes (17 August 1480) The shield door above the date 1147, and under the name of Hugh Tyrrel, Lord of Pitch . It is mentioned in the notice of the Imperial Museum of Versailles, by Eud. Soulie, 2 ed., Paris, 1859, p. 107. Fifth Ward of the Crusades, No. 2. (2) Genealogy Tyrel, lords of Pitch. manuscript.

It was the Lord who gave, in his will, the land of Moyencourt to Adam, his fourth son (3).

Woman: Ade D'AUMALE, is believed daughter of Etienne de Champagne, Count of Aumale, who died in 1127, and Havoise Mortemer (4) (3) (4) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript..


GAUTHIER 1 TYREL IV, Knight, Lord of Pitch, Equennes Viscount, Lord of Bucy, Courcelles, Famechon, Namps-au-Mont, etc. In 1159, he confirmed his father as the donations made to the Abbey of Selincourt. 1160 title says Gauthier IV was vassal of the Bishop of Amiens, and had to pay annually to the church in this city the sum of 75 pounds, and provide a white wax candle weighing three pounds. He died about 1171, without children

- Married to Philippine MORVILLERS, daughter of John, knight, Lord of Morvillers and Alix Senarpont.

MORVILLERS weapons (old): Argent, two bars gules.

2nd Hugues TYREL that follow. 43

Other third TYREL Gauthier, esquire, lord of Pitch governor of Aumale. Death without alliance in 1198.

4th Adam TYREL, stem and 2nd branch of the lords of Moyencourt , which will be reported below.

5th TYREL Ade, who testa in 1211.

- Married Eudes, knight, lord of Vignacourt in Picardy, in 1165.

6th TYREL Alix, died after 1205.

- Married Jean Knight, Lord of Bavelincourt, in 1165.

Adeline TYREL 7th.

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Fifth grade: 1159. - Hugues II TYREL, Esquire, Knight was first lord of Agnières then became lord of Pitch, Equennes Viscount, Lord of Bucy, Courcelles, Famechon, Namps-au-Mont, etc., he inherited. to 1174, the death of TV Gauthier Tyrel, his older brother. In 1172 Hugues He made a deed or agreement with William Earl of Aumale; John, Count of Ponthieu; Raoul, Count of CIermont in Beauvoisis; Anselm, Count of Saint-Pol and other lords, by which act it is said that in case one of them make the trip to the Holy Land, the Lord of Pitch was to provide six squires and vassals of six men weapons to accompany the trip overseas (1). In fact we see that in 1190, the sire of Pitch left for the holy war, accompanied by several lords of Picardy, followed by Guillaume Gauthier, Simon, and other Guillaume Mathieu Tyrel, his cousins, also accompanied six vassals of the manor Poix, and several riders. The Count of Ponthieu and Clermont, Guillaume Simon and Tyrel with many other French nobles perished in the siege of Acre in 1194. In past years acts in 1163 and 1194, Hugh II, sire of Pitch, confirmed to Adam Moyencourt his brother Hugues everything first, said his father had given Adam in the land and lordship of Moyencourt (2), died 1199, and was buried in the abbey church of Saint-Pierre de Sélincourt Moyencourt. (1) (2) Dumont manuscript. 44

It was this gentleman who began in 1173, to make concessions to the people of the city of pitch (1) (1) Genealogy. Tyrel, lords PITCH manuscript.

Women Married

1, to 1161, to Isabelle DE WIGNACOURT, aunt of Simon de Wignacourt, cross knight in 1191.

Weapons WIGNACOURT Argent three fleurs de lis gules foot fed this illustrious house of Picardy still exists with honor. Alof Wignacourt and Adrien, his nephew, were Grand Masters of the Order of Malta.

2, to 1173, to Mary Senarpont, daughter of the lord of this place.

Senarpont arms: Azure, a tower of money.

Children (1st or 2nd bed):

GAUTHIER 1 V, which will follow.

2nd TYREL Hugues, who went to England, where he settled and formed a branch, he seems even exist today reject (2). (2) See the book of the nobility of England, 1852.

This branch is out sire or TYREL James TYRELL, English historian, born in London in 1642, died in 1748. He was responsible for large and scholarly research on the house Tyrel de Poix, which are derived from the Moyencourt in Picardy, and Pitch of the Poitou (3).

Firmin TYREL third, esquire, lord of Mortemer, in 1201.

- Married to Charlotte ROYE.

ROY arms: Gules, the silver band.

- Which came:

Jeanne TYREL which testa in 1259.

- Fransures married Simon, Esq.

4th Marie TYREL, lady Eramecourt.

- Married before 1200, Peter Knight, Lord OF GAUVILLE, lord of Aumale, captain or governor of the city of Neuchatel from 1208 (4).

5th TYREL Agnes, lady Hescamps.

- Married to 1203, Georges DE SAVEUSE, Esquire, 45 lord of the head part of Argœuves Jeanne Argoeuvres lady, her mother (5). (1) (3) (4) (5) Genealogy Tyrel, lords PITCH manuscript.

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Sixth degree : 1199. - GAUTHIER TYREL V, Knight, Lord of Pitch, Equennes Viscount, Lord of Agnières, Bergicourt, Bettembos, Blangy, Bussy, Camps, Caullières Courcelles, Groixrault, Famechon, Fricamps, La Chapelle, Lignières Marlers, Meigneux, Montigny, Namps and other places, captain or governor of the city of Amiens and Amiens country. Gauthier V made several donations to the churches of Amiens and Pitch in 1203 and 1204; at the Abbey of Notre-Dame du Gard in 1206, and that of St. Peter Sélincourt in 1207. In an act of 1210, he declared and avowed protector of these two monasteries. He also made donations to the Saint-Fuscien in 1207 and 1211. It was this gentleman who, in 1208, bestowed the charter of the town of Pitch, which silent guaranteed by King Philip Augustus. Around 1212, he built near the church of Saint-Denis, a strong tower or keep, overlooking the entire village of Pitch. It was the top of the tower as vassals of the Lord of Pitch had to watch and guard all day and night, during the time of war (2). (3) Dumont Moyencourt manuscript. In 1213, 1214 and 1215, there was, in this gentleman, serious discussions about the respective rights of the lords and the bourgeoisie of Pitch, who had allowed the first to settle in town. In May 1215 he left, the Priory of Saint-Denis de Poix, some royalties owed to him on the legacies of Herbelay. In 1216, Gauthier V made an agreement with Bishop Evrard Fouilloy 45th Bishop of Amiens, about the right of patronage of the churches of Pitch and its suburbs. He made his will in August 1227, which he shared with his five children, gave the land and the castle Pitch Hugh Tyrel, his eldest son; gave annuities His second emme and assured her dower in all his manors, one hundred pounds to take on the Viscount of Equennes then he made various bequests 46 piles several religious houses, and ordered to be buried in the church of Saint-Denis, the tomb of his ancestors (1). This will, which has been preserved, is written on parchment and form about eight yards long (2)

Women Married

1, to 1194, Jacqueline OF FOLLEVILLE, who died in 1204 (3).

Folleville weapons: Golden ten lozenges gules, asked 3, 3, 3 and 1.

2, 1205, in DE LIOMER Ade, who was left a widow, and still living in 1231; Beaudoin Liomer girl, knight, lord of that place, Dromesnil, etc., and Marie de Bougainville (4).

Weapons LIOMER: Gules, three gold lions, put 2 and 1; the money leader.

Children (1st or 2nd bed):

1 Hugues III to follow.

2nd TYREL Gauthier, knight, lord of Bergicourt.

- Married, 1230, Antoinette Monsures.

- Which came:

ANTOINE TYREL, knight, captain Doulens in 1280 (5). (2) (4) (5) genealogy, Tyrel, lords PITCH manuscript.

3rd Fuscien TYREL, canon of the churches of Amiens and Rouen, whose father was a legacy of 300 pounds.

4th Rogues TYREL, killed at the famous battle of Bouvines, 27 July 1214.

5th Jean TYREL, Esquire, died childless.

6th TYREL Marguerite, who died before the will his father in 1227.

- Married about 1220, GUILLAUME, knight, lord of Oisemont.

- Which came:

On OISEMONT Guillemette, who married, in 1254, his cousin, Baldwin TYREL (6). (1) (3) (6) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

7th Adelaide TYREL which testa in 1257. 47

- Married to 1221 Robert DE MEGE, knight, lord of Soues.

Weapons OF MEGE: Gules, six gold stars.

Huguette TYREL 8th, religious, died before 1227.

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Seventh grade: 1228. - Hugues III TYREL, knight, lord and prince of Pitch, Viscount Equennes, lord of Lignières and Quevauvillers, lord of Bergicourt, Eplessier, Famechon, Croixrault and Namps, etc., as described in several titles of 1228 years, 1233 , 1236 and 1241. The discussions started under the previous Pitch sires were not yet complete when Hugh Tyrel III succeeded his father in his vast domains; as we see, on the date of 1229, King Louis IX (St. Louis) sent several bailiffs in the court of the lord of Pitch, in order to settle a dispute occurred between the lord, the mayeur and aldermen about Halles Pitch of the city. Hugues not walk in the footsteps of his pious ancestors, as he fought the lords its neighbors, in order to meet their land to rich areas. He was also very wicked and cruel; it does not know its méffaits, but we know that the complaint of his vassals and the Bishop of Amiens came to Louis IX, as the monarch ordered the demolition of the tower of Pitch, which was filled with prisoners which probably were condemned to die of hunger, as was the custom in those days of barbarism (1). (1) genealogy, Tyrel, lords PITCH manuscript.

Hugh III, like its predecessors ratified, in 1235, donations made by his ancestors Abbey Sélincourt.

A manuscript reports that the sire of Pitch, being at war with John, Earl of Aumale, and Romescamps lords, Conty and Piquigny, was killed in the village of Namps-au-Vai, with some of his people in June 1272 (2). (2) The Imperial Manuscript Library. 48

Women Married

1, 1225, Beatrix DE LANNOY, who died in October 1237 (1).

Weapons OF LANNOY Argent three lions Vert gold crowns, armed and langued gules.

2, 1248, in DE SARCUS Guillemette, who made his will in March 1252 (2).

Weapons OF SARCUS: Gules, in silver flanked by four martlets of the same necklace (1) (2) Dumont Moyencourt manuscript..

3, in 1255, Alix DE HANGEST, died childless in 1278; daughter of the lord of Hangest-sur-Somme (3).

Weapons, DE HANGEST: Argent a cross gules five golden shells.

- Children (either 1 or 2 bed)

1 GUILLAUME 1 that follows.

2nd TYREL Baudoin, knight, lord of Fresnoy-au-Val, 1272.

- Married, in 1254, Guillemette On OISEMONT which testa in October 1272, and daughter of William Knight, sire Oisemont and Marguerite Tyrel, aunt said Baudouin (4).

3rd HenriI TYREL, lord of La Neuville, in 1272.

- Married, in 1255, to Basine Métigny, daughter of Michael Knight, Lord of Métigny (5).

Métigny arms: Sable, three silver stars.

4th Beatrix TYREL, religious Amiens.

5th Guillemette TYREL.

-. Married, in 1248, Robert DE SAINTE-Segre, knight, lord of that place (6) (3) (4) (5) (6) of Généaloqie Tyrel, Lord of Pitch manuscript.

6th Marie TYREL which testa in 1278.

- Married, in 1250, Simon DE MAILLY Knight.

Jeanne TYREL 7th.

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Eighth grade: 1212. - GUILLAUME 1 TYREL, knight, Lord of Pitch and Famechon, Viscount Equennes, lord of Lignières and Quevauvillers, lord of Bussy 49 Croixrault, Blangy and St. Aubin, etc., and titrated in an act of March 14, 1273. In another, from May 1276, he is qualified Wuillaume Tvrel Bishop, Knight, by the grace of God, lord and sire of pitch. In January 1273, William Tyriaux, knight, Lord of Pitch, and Margaret his wife, for the salvation of their souls and especially Maroie their daughter, give Abbey Sélincourt perpetual alms twenty-four Paris pounds per year of their own heritage, namely 12 liv. to take on the Christmas ressues halls of Pitch, and after the death of the said William and Margaret said, 12 Ibs. to take on the land revenue which are due for Nicholou Boutery his uncle (1). (1) Father Pouillet Pohières Almanac, p. 4. By act of August 1284 Guilliaume first freed from the law through the monks of the Abbey of St. Peter Sélincourt for goods and commodities they would lead, even ones they sell at pitch. The same year, he sold the abbey of Saint-Valery earth Neufville-au-Marché. He made his will in January 1302, which he shared with his three children, and died soon after. he was buried, and his wife, in the abbey church of Saint-Pierre de Sélincourt (2).

Woman: Married in 1253 to Marguerite DE RAMBURES, Filie the lord of that name, near Gamaches in Picardy (3).

Weapons OF RAMBURES: Golden, three bars gules.


1 GUILLAUME II to follow.

2nd John TYREL PITCH, Ecuyer, Lord de La Chapelle, near Charoux in Poitou, he had since year 1302; he served King Philip IV the Fair, as a knight bachelor (4) (2) (3) (4) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript. - Genealogy Tyrel, lords of Pitch manuscript.

He had two son:

PITCH 1 William was prior of the abbey of Saint-Sauveur Charoux of the diocese of Poitiers. 50

2nd Florent PITCH, esquire, knight, lord of La Chapelle, then Villemor, the head of his wife; he was captain of a company of archers in King Philip VI of alois and qualified steward Montmorillon, in respect of 1348 (1).

- Married to Jeanne DE VLLLEMOR lady of the said place, in Poitou, which testa in 1345 (2).

Weapons OF Villemor: Azure, a tower of gold.

JOHN PITCH his son, esquire, lord of VilIemor and Forges, who had no children, testa in favor of Adam, second son of John IV Tyrel, Lord of Pitch (3) (1) (2 ) (3) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

3rd TYREL Marguerite, died before 1273.

4th TYREL Antoinette.

- Married, in 1288, Jean Senarpont Knight.

5th Alix TYREL.

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Ninth grade: 1302. - WILLIAM II TYREL, knight, lord of Pitch, Viscount Equennes and Famechon, lord of Lignières, lord of Bergicourt, Blangy, Croixrault, Eplessier, etc., etc., was a captain of cavalry and served under the Comte de Saint -pol until 1316, with two knights 9 riders. He found himself in the battles of Courtray, July 11, 1302, were killed when the marshals of France Simon de Melun and Gui de Clermont-Nesle, and that of Mons-en Puelle, in 1304. He was of the gentlemen who accompanied the Constable Gaucher de Chatillon in his journey to Pamplona, where the latter on October 1, 1307, was crowned King of Navarre, Louis from Louis X, king of France (4). WILLIAM II, sire of Pitch, died in April 1322.

Woman: Married about 1280 to Marguerite D'Agincourt, daughter of the lord of this place, in Artois, a widow lady testa which in August 1323 (5).

D'Agincourt arms: Argent, the eagle displayed gules, membered azure.

(4) (5) Genealogy Tyrel, lords of Pitch manuscript. 51

GUILLAUME He and his wife were buried in the abbey church of Saint-Pierre de Sélincourt.


1 JOHN 1 that follows.

2nd William TYREL PITCH, qualified knight of the King of France and Navarre was the commissioner reformer senechaussees Perigord and Castres, as seen by a title he signed May 28, 1327, to which is affixed its seal, which was a silver band accompanied by six cross (1). He became, by marriage, Lord of Brimeu Artois, and died about 1343.

- Married to 1315, Isabelle de Brimeu lady said place, which died in 1350.

Daughter and heiress of Alerin, knight, lord of Brimeu, Bellefont, Hucart, and Huppy Néronville, and Isabella Airaines, Lady of Saint-Maxent in Vimeu.

- Which came:

David TYREL PITCH, knight, lord of Brimeu, Saint-Maxent and other places; he served under William des Bordes, the king's chamberlain, one in 1367 and 1368, with three knights and squires nine. In 1344, he argued, because of his wife against the Count of Ponthieu, and in 1350 against Brimeu Beatrix, her aunt, for property he had inherited from his mother's head. He also argued in 1380 for the estate of Jacques Chamberonne and against the Earl of Harcourt, in 1389. By letters dated January 8, 1383, King Charles VI granted him 400 francs. gold, to help pay his ransom and those of his son two prisoners (2). Pitch David died in 1393.

- Married


Weapons OF GHISTELLES: Gules, a chevron Argent.

2. Marie DE Montauban, bridesmaid of Queen Isabella of Bavaria, who gave him the day of his wedding, the value of 500 pounds of silver plate, and the Dauphin, three pieces of velvet cover, of the value of 135 pounds, to make her a dress (3).

(1) (2) (3) Genealogy Tyrel sires PITCH manuscript. 52

1 marriage came two children:

Louis first PITCH, which we'll talk.

2nd PITCH Jean, who was a prisoner of war with his father in 1382.

Louis PITCH, knight, lord of Brimeu, St. Maxent, Huppy, etc., was captain of a company of 50 men at arms orders of the king. He had several disputes in 1394 years, 1401, 1405 and 1411. Louis Pitch is cited in the list of 121 gentlemen convened March 2, 1414, by Jean Fearless, Duke of Burgundy. He was killed at the famous battle of Agincourt, Friday, October 26, 1415 (1).

- Married to Jeanne DE MÉLUSE, lady Bauval.

- Which came:

Jeanne PITCH, the only daughter and heiress of lands and lordships of Brimeu, St. Maxent, Huppy, etc.

- Married Jean de Lannoy, Knight, lord of that place, Governor of Holland and Knight of the Golden Fleece (2).

3rd TYREL Guillemette, who testa in 1357.

- Married Robert DE RAMBURES killed with his brother in 1346.

4th TYREL Marie, died without alliance, and was buried in SéIincourt, with his father and mother.

5th Marguerite TYREL, religious Amiens.

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Tenth grade: 1322. - JEAN 1 TYREL, knight, Lord of Pitch, Viscount Equennes and Famechon, lord of Lignières, etc .; in 1322, he had a dispute with the monastery of Saint-Quentin, near Beauvais, about his priory Pitch. The Lord is reported for fighting ended in Gisors, May 6, 1337, against Peter III, knight, Lord of Sarcus, the most intrepid champion of his time field about Fricamps castle, where there was a dispute between the two enemy lords (3). (1) (2) (3) Genealogy Tyrel, lords PITCH manuscript. In 1346, 53 when taking Pitch, he fought against the British, who burned the city, ruined castles, and spent the inhabitants to the sword. The sire of Pitch and his eldest son had the good fortune to escape the carnage by closing in the basement of the castle and the church (1) (1) These are still underground.; but the castle has disappeared. Its location above the cemetery, is now covered with wood. It is reported that the sire of * Pitch was killed at the battle of Crecy, August 26, 1346, with his son Bernard, and Robert Rambures, his brother in-law (2). (* Robert Rambures is not dead with his brother in law at Agincourt but Crecy's death at Agincourt are Rambures. David's father and his three son John, and Philip Hughes. Source: F Rambures October 2002).

Women Married

1 to 1306 Jeanne DE MOREUIL, died before 1312; daughter of Bernard V, knight, lord of Moreuil in Picardy, and Yolande, Vicomtesse de Soissons, Cœuvres lady, the sister of Bernard VI, Knight, Lord of Moreuil and Coeuvres in Soissons, which was created Marshal of France in 1326 (3).

Weapons OF MOREUIL: Azure, fleurs de lis gold; the nascent silver lion, set in the heart.

2. In May 1312, Denise OF LONGUEVAL which testa in 1349; daughter of Aubert III, knight, Lord of Longueval in Picardy, BUCQUOY and Vaux, who was killed at the battle of Courtrai in 1302, and Denise Talma (4). (3) (4) Genealogy Tyrel, DE sires POIX manuscript.

Weapons OF LONGUEVAL: Bandaged vair and gules.

Children (either 1st or 2nd bed):

1st JEAN II to follow.

2nd TYREL Bernard, killed with his father at the battle of Crecy in 1346.

3rd William TYREL, Esquire, died after I 382.

4th Jeanne TYREL which testa in 1365.

- Married Jean TILLOY, esquire, lord of TILLOY near Conty. He argued in 1378 against Hugues de Chatillon, knight, grand master of the rafters, and in 1382 against John and Peter, his nephews, who had seized the goods Tilloy Eleanor, his sister, who died without children, in August 1379 (5). (2) (5) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

5th Denise TYREL which testa in 1371. 54

- Married in 1343, Hector Monsures, knight, Lord of Forestel died before 1371.

It still gives John Tyrel first natural son, named Hugues de Poix, whose father gave the fief of Orival in Picardy (1).

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XI degree 1346. - JEAN II TYREL, knight, Lord of Pitch, Viscount Equennes and Famechon, lord of Lignières, lord of Bergicourt, Blangy, Croixrault, Eplessier Moreuil, etc. In 1343, he had a dispute with Jean Picquigny, knight, Viscount of Amiens, about the death of John Candas (2). He found himself at the battle of Crecy, with his father in 1346; served in Perigord, in 1352 and 1353; fought at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356. He then accompanied in its military races, Marshal of Andrehan; became lieutenant-general for the king, in Picardy, and died in 1361, Languedoc, fighting under the command of the Constable of Fiennes, in the company of Marshal Andrehan (3).

In 1353, Jean II, Lord of Pitch, confirmed the privileges of the Common Pitch, which had been burned during the capture of the city in 1346 (4).

(1) (3) (4) Genealogy Tyrel, sires OF Pitch manuscript.

Woman: Married about 1333 to Agnes de Séchelles, home Soyécourt in Picardy lady Cuvilly and Séchelles, which widowed remarried in 1362, Hugues de Chatillon, knight, lord of Dampierre, large master rafters of France. This nobleman had the administration of the minority of eight children of his wife and sire of pitch (5). (2) (5) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

Séchelles, away from the town of Cuvilly (Oise), once formed a large manor that belonged in the thirteenth century, the house Soyécourt. Huet Soyécourt, knight, had both the Beauvoisis lands Mouy Hondainville, Cuvi] here, 55 Séchelles, etc Gilles Soyécourt, his son and heir, Knight, was the possessor of these lands; He was knighted in 1323 banneret, cupbearer of France in 1328, served usefully in the councils of the king and the army; he was killed at the battle of Crecy, 26 August 1346. Matthew Séchelles, his heir, father of Agnes and Margaret of Séchelles, sold land and Cuvilly Séchelles to Arnoud de Corbie, one of the men the most illustrious of Picardy, who became the first president of the parliament of Paris, in 1384, and was several times chancellor of France. He died March 24, 1413, aged 89 years. His nephew John Corbie, master of requests, 48th bishop of Mende, in 1415, then 87 bishop of Auxerre in 1426, inherited land and Cuvilly Séchelles (1); but he was challenged by Pierre Tyrel de Poix, a son of Agnes, and Chief of the Fourth branch of Tyrel. (See below.) (1) Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

Séchelles Castle, which still exists today, is built on a hill to the east of Cuvilly: it is a remarkable building with its elegance and its picturesque location. (Notes of the author.)

Armes de Séchelles Argent shrink reds; chief Azure charged with three silver stars.

Daughter of Matthew Knight, Lord of Séchelles, of Arancourt, Cuvilly and Mezieres.


1 JOHN III to follow.

2nd TYREL Baudoin, knight bachelor, Lord of Bonnay, was captain of the city of Thérouanne, which shows him with two squires of his company on 1 May 1410, and gave a receipt of £ 60 out of his wages, June 11 following, which is sealed with his seal, the arms of Tyrel, but the band responsible for three plates (2). (2) Genealogy Tyrel, lords PITCH manuscript.

- Married, 1380, Jacqueline VILLERS.

Weapons from Villers: Gules, three towers of gold, raised 2 and 1. 56

- Which came two son:

1 Pierrard TYREL PITCH, knight, lord of Bonnay, died childless.

2nd William TYREL PITCH, which we'll talk.

Two brothers, in the name of Pitch include in the list of one hundred and twenty to one gentlemen summoned by Jean fearless, Duke of Burgundy and Count of Artois, who attended the statements required in Arras, March 2, 1414, for the vote of a subsidy claimed by the prince during a lifting of armed men he had made to walk to Paris (1). (1) See Humbert, History of Artois, t. III, p. 290 rooms and 6 Evidence by the same author.

Guillaume was PITCH rider, lord of Bonnay from 1417.

- Married to Christine BIEL, lady stronghold Thérouanne.

- Which came Jean PITCH, esquire, lord of Bonnay and Thérouanne in 1450 (2).

3rd William TYREL, esquire, lord of the canopy, was one of twelve armed company of Olivier Mother Porcon knight who had to watch Caen, 1 October 1370 (3) archers. (2) (3) Genealogy of Tyrel, lords PITCH manuscript.

- Married to 1374, MARIE D'Amiens, daughter of William, esquire, lord of Bachimont.

- Dont came to children:

Daniel TYREL first PITCH, esquire, lord of the canopy.

- Married to BOUQUENTIN MARIE, daughter of Aléaume, esquire, lord of Bouquentin.

Antoinette 2nd TYREL PITCH, who was still living in 1472.

- Married Louis DE LÉRIEUX, Esquire, Lord de Villiers, who testa April 11, 1461. 57

Rogues TYREL 4th, 3rd stem branch, and the lords of Ignaucourt , which will be reported later.

5th Pierre TYREL PITCH, stem fourth branch, and the lords of Séchelles , which will be reported later.

6th TYREL Agnes, lady Say.

- Married in 1360, Guillaume DE SOMBRIN, knight, lord of that place, and Say, the head of his wife (1).

Weapons OF SOMBRIN; Gules, fretted money.

7th Marguerite TYREL PITCH, lady Andainville.

- Married Robert DE CRÉSECQUES, esquire, lord of Longpre.

8th Marie TYREL PITCH, lady Plumoison.

- Married Oudart OF RENTY, knight, lord of Curlu, Artois.

Weapons OF RENTY Argent àtrois adzes reds, placed 2 and 1, they backed the chief.

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XII level: 1361. - JEAN TYREL III, knight, Lord of Pitch, Equennes Viscount, Lord of Bergicourt, Blangy, Croixrault, Eplessier, Warlingham, etc .; then Arcy-Sainte-Restitue, of Artonges, Mareuil-en-Dole and other lands in Valais, the head of his wife (2). (1) (2) Dumont Moyencourt manuscript. He was captain cavalry, and distinguished himself in several cases. In 1369, he fought with Gui de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol, and Hugues de Chatillon, to drive the English from Abbeville, and he was taken prisoner in Ponthieu (3). (3) See the Receipts, the Moyencourt No. 5. The ransom demanded that the sire of Pitch, after four years of torture unheard, was enormous for the time, as it was 9,000 florins francs, a sum which was four times greater than its assets (4). He died in 1383.

Woman: Married to 1355 Marguerite DE Chatillon, of the illustrious house of that name, lady land and heir d'Arcy, of Artonges, Mareuil, etc., Valois (5) (4) (. 5) Genealogy Tyrel sires PITCH manuscript. 58

Chatillon arms: Gules, three pallets vair; the golden head.

Daughter of John châtillon, knight, lord of Dampierre. etc., and Mary, Lady Rollaincourt.


1 JOHN IV, which follow.

2nd Jeannet PITCH followed the party of the Duke of Burgundy, which he led 200 men of arms in 1444, and were defeated by those who held the party of the Duke of Orleans 1). He was taken prisoner by the British in the famous battle of Agincourt, 25 October 1415. The following year, the Duke of Burgundy sent as ambassador to Paris, and followed the prince to Tours, in 1417; he served the same aunée refueling Senlis, besieged by the constable Armagnac. In 1418, Jeannet of Pitch was created admiral of France by King Charles VI, and died in Paris of the plague, the same year without complying with this load. His portrait is placed in the Historical Museum of Versailles, in the great hall of the Admirals (2). (2) The collection of the great admirals of France, which is located at the Museum of Versailles, from the Duke of Penthièvre, 60 ° wide -amiral of France, who died in 1793. His heir, the Duc d'Orleans, became king of France in 1830, gave the collection to the Museum of Versailles, which he founded in 1837. - The office of Lord High Admiral was established in 1260 by Louis IX (St. Louis), King of France.

3rd Daniot PITCH attached to the Duke of Burgundy, died after 1425.

4th Marie PITCH, which testa in April 1418 (3). (1) (3) Genealogy Tyrel, lords of Pitch manuscript.

- Married Gui OF GHISTELLES Knight.

5th Antoinette PITCH, Warlingham lady, who made some donations, in 1428, religious Celestine of the city of Amiens.

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DGRE XIII: 1383. - JEAN IV TYREL, knight, Lord of Pitch, Equennes Viscount, Lord of Agnières, d'Arcy, Artonges, Blangy, Croixrault, Famechon. Eramecourt, 59 Mareuil, etc., followed the party of the Duke of Burgundy, and was killed there in 1402, one defending the Arguel castle against the English (1). (1) It is at this time that the French took the cbâteau Arguel against the English. The latter were seized from 1355 to 1364, during the captivity of King John.

Woman: Married to 1375, Jeanne OF Quesnes, others say du Quesne, and are daughter of Jean, Lord of Quesne, near Hornoy and Marguerite Liomer (2).

Joan of Quesnes remarried to 1404, with Hugues Quiéret, lord of Tours Vimeu. (2) Génlalogie desTyrel, lords PITCH, manuscript.

Weapons OF Quesnes: Gules, three lions of silver, 2 and 1.


1 JOHN V, which will follow.

2nd Adam PITCH, stem fifth branch, and the lords of Marécreux (3), which will be reported below.

Other third PITCH Jean, who died in Poitou without alliance before 1428 (4).

4th Geoffrey PITCH, was a Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Malta). It is mentioned in the marriage contract of his brother Adam Pitch, in 1408.

These two brothers followed Adam Pitch in the country of Poitou (5). (3) (4) (5) of Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

Marguerite PITCH 5th, reported below.

6th Jeanne PITCH.

- Married Gui OF Quieret, esquire, lord of Tours in VIMEU.

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Fourteenth degree 1402. - JEAN V TYREL, knight, Lord of Pitch, Equennes Viscount, Lord of Agnières, d'Arcy, Famechon, Mareuil, Warlingham, etc .; was councilor and chamberlain of King Charles VI. He gave confession and counting in 1402 for his land to King Charles VI (6). (6) See the Supporting documents for Moyencourt, No. 6 . 60 In 1406, he confirmed the donation Celestine Amiens fief Mountain, shifting his ground Warlingham; and in 1407, he had a dispute with her mother about her dower. He found himself at the battle of Agincourt, and was killed with Rogues of Pitch, its parent, October 25, 1415.

Woman: Married in 1404 with Marguerite DE BRACQUEMONT lady Lambercourt; daughter of William, knight, Lord of Bracquemont and Mary Campremy (1).

Weapons OF BRACQUEMONT: Gules, eight diamond silver crucified.

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XV degree 1415 .- TYREL PHILIPPE, son of the previous single, esquire, lord of Pitch, which was the last male of the elder branch, who owned the land Pitch for four centuries. He died in 1417, Aged 12 years.

By his death, Marguerite de Poix, aunt, became heir to the land of Pitch and other lordships, despite the claims of Adam, John, and Geoffrey of Pitch, his brothers, and the lord of Tours, his brother, and, under the will of John V, sire of Pitch, their eldest brother, who had tested for said Marguerite, in case he should die without children (2). (2) Genealogy Tyrel, sires PITCH manuscript; - Dumont Moyencourt manuscript.

MARGUERITE TYREL PITCH, lady Arcy-Sainte-Restitue, etc., then Pitch, of Eplessier, of Equennes, Mareuil and other lordships she inherited it in 1417 by the death of his nephew, and she put all these lands in the home of Soissons-Moreuil by his marriage with the following. She made her will in August 1437, and died shortly after. (3) (1) (3) Genealogy TYREL, lords PITCH manuscript.

- Married in 1400, Thibaut OF Soissons, knight, Sir Moreuil Viscount Cœuvres we Valois, and Mont-Notre-Dame in Tardenois, lord of other lands, etc .; he became by his wife, sire of Pitch, Lord d'Arcy, of Eplessier, of Equennes, Mareuil etc., in Picardy and Valois. 61 He was chamberlain of King Charles VI, captain and governor of the city of Soissons to the Duke of Orleans; he was also committed the government to Boulogne and Picardy; and was taken prisoner at the siege of Rouen by Henry V, King of England, in 1448; and died April 28, 1434 (1). (1) Manuscript of the Imperial Library.

- Which came more children (See above the timeline of the lords of Pitch, Valeran section of Soissons, 23 p.).

Weapons of Soissons-MOREUIL: Azure, fleurs de lis gold, silver lion born, placed in the heart.

Elder branch off in 1417.