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About the Wycliffe surname

Wycliffe - meaning White Cliff - John ,who lived until about 35 that is according to italians counting from 1349 b.c. until 1384, may be mentioned in earliest antique sources on Brittannia by the somewhat Balkan-sounding name Taskiovan that wants to say : Tash-Ak Iovan , whereas tas in turk means cliff and ak means white.

One could also understand this name as Te-Aska-yawa-Van as if he first dwelled at (sa)askatevan tribe and belonged to it.

He was either identical with Tenuantius and son of Androgeus ( And-Er-Roge ) or was a close relative of his,I saw no sure report of this. Anyway he was followed as chief of trinoba / trinovánt tribe coming from ancient Troia by Kun-Obelin,father ( other relative ?) of Arvirag father of Mari father of Coill father of Lukius deceasing about 141 ( incorrectly,as the fall of Hiero-Solyma happened in reality in 56,in 156).

Tenuantius ( Ta-In-Uanti ) himself was ruler of Tauantiin-Suyu in the And mountain of course,at that time Inka Roka ( Cliff King ), father or other relative of Yawar Wakhak father or other relative of Wirakocha who ruled until 82 or until 69 and was called so of the God of Peruvians ( prytans that is Peruitans ) repeating the name of their arawa ancestor called Ag-Ayar A'ar--Awa. His great-grandson thus was Huayna Khapak whose name also meant approximately Priest John ,seemingly a hereditary title after him. Hence the Church was built on a Cliff.

See Toscanini,Dózsa,Horpatzky,Tevan,Darvay,Deutsch,Alexander,Blinker,Kaminker,Sinka,Matlak,Zsinka,Czinka,Slaninka,Gubicza,Hermányi,Jékelfalusy,Késmárky,Matyó,Tamudo,Czafik,Csaba,Csobánka,Zoltán,Itzkovits,Veszprémy,Spinker,Spinka,Hunyady,Koman,,Moldvan,Dér !

Balázs Déri