More Documents and Sources Enhancements

Posted March 2, 2011 by George | No Comment

In addition to the new profile revision features, today we released some enhancements for sourcing profiles on Geni.

All sourced fields on a profile show a document icon; hovering over the icon will display a hover card containing the document providing the evidence for the field:

The ‘Edit Profile’ screen also contains the document icons with hover cards.

The ability to add sources is a little easier now, too.  When you click on the Add Source link on the Sources tab of a profile, you are presented with a new interface:

From this interface you can select a document from any of your collections, and then select any fields whose source can be attributed to that document.

As the Geni community continues to build the World Family Tree, it is vital to add documents and sources so that other genealogists can verify information and make the Big Tree as accurate as possible.  We created this new interface to make it much easier to evaluate, add and update sources for profiles on Geni.

Post written by George

George joined the Geni team in September, 2010 as Geni's marketing director. You can find him on Twitter where he never posts but is happy to respond: @georgegeni

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