Profile of the Day: Duke and Duchess of Windsor

Posted June 3, 2014 by Amanda | No Comment

Duke and Duchess of Windsor

On June 3, 1937, the duke of Windsor married Wallis Simpson at the Château de Candé in France. Only a few months earlier, the Duke abdicated the British throne after news of the couple’s engagement threatened to cause a constitutional crisis early in his reign.

Edward was born in 1896 and was the eldest son of King George V. Upon his father’s death, he succeeded to the throne and proclaimed his intent to marry Wallis. The British government, the Church of England and the public widely condemned his desire to marry Wallis, who was twice divorced. In his abdication speech, Edward explained, “I have found it impossible to carry on the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge the duties of King, as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love.” Edward’s younger brother was proclaimed King George VI, who then made Edward the duke of Windsor. Six months after Edward’s abdication, the couple wed.

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Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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