Profile of the Day: Rachel McAdams

Posted August 6, 2014 by Amanda | No Comment

Rachel McAdams

Are you enjoying watching this season’s crop of stars on Who Do You Think You Are? Tonight’s episode features actress Rachel McAdams and her sister Kayleen as they investigate their Canadian roots. Their search reveals an English ancestor who worked as a footman.

Rachel McAdams was born on November 17, 1978 in London, Ontario. She is best known for her roles in The Notebook, Mean Girls, and Sherlock Holmes. 

Do you have English or Canadian roots? Before the episode, explore her family tree on Geni and discover how you’re related!


View Rachel McAdams’ Geni Profile


Image credit: Attit, Wikimedia Commons

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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