Profile of the Day: Rowan Atkinson

Posted January 6, 2014 by Amanda | No Comment

Rowan Atkinson

Are you a fan of Mr. Bean? Today Rowan Atkinson celebrates his 59th birthday! Born in Consett, England, Atkinson was the youngest of four brothers. Consistently named one of the funniest British comedians of all time, Atkinson found great success portraying the hapless Mr. Bean on television and film. Did you know Atkins is also a serious scholar? He earned a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering at The Queen’s College at Oxford.

Check out Rowan Atkinson’s family tree on Geni and see how you’re related to Mr. Bean!


View Rowan Atkinson’s Geni Profile


Image credit: Jack Pearce, Flickr

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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