Today’s Release: Better Tree Matches!

Posted September 28, 2012 by Amanda | No Comment

Better Tree Matches

Today we’re excited to announce smarter Tree Matches. When another user adds information to their tree about a relative that you both share we use tree matches to alert you. A sophisticated algorithm based on dates, names, immediate family and more is used to decide whether the profile in the other tree is match to your relative.

We’ve spent a lot of time improving this algorithm over the last few months, and today we’ve released the improved version; by using estimated birth dates and smarter maiden name matching we’ve improved tree matching accuracy by 15% on average! This means fewer, more accurate matches to make finding new relatives and growing your tree faster and easier than ever.

Note that the improved matches are only triggered when you look for matches on a profile, so when you first take a look at your Tree Matches in your Merge Center, you might notice that there seems to be little change in the number of matching trees. Click  to view the possible matching trees under the Actions column to see the new improved matches.

Your matches will keep getting better as we continue to roll out more enhancements in the future.

Estimated Birth Years

We’ve also added estimated birth years to profile pages for those profiles that do not have a birth date listed. These estimates are based on birth dates of the profile’s immediate family members.

For today’s full release notes, please visit the Announcements section in our Help Center.

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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