Your Family Bible

Posted May 26, 2011 by Amanda | No Comment

While census records and other official documents are excellent resources for your ancestor’s vital information, none compare to having your family Bible in your possession. Family Bibles provide not only great genealogical information, but also offer an intimate connection with your ancestors. Contained in these Bibles are family records written in the hands of your own relatives and passed on from generation to generation.

What can I find in my family Bible?

An American family Bible dating to 1859.

You will find vital genealogical information such as:

  • Names
  • Birth and death dates
  • Marriage dates
  • Names of spouses
  • Baptism dates
  • And much more…

Make sure you comb through the entire Bible, page by page. You may find lots of hidden treasures tucked away. Notes, poems, hymns, newspaper clippings and more may be discovered between the pages. These little items can help you fill in the pieces of your family puzzle!

How can I find my family Bible?

Relatives usually gain possession of the family Bible through inheritance, so you will want to start by asking your relatives. Sometimes, family Bibles may be tucked away in attic or storage boxes. If no one in your family has possession of your family Bible, you may have a tougher time locating it. Try to find out if it had been donated to a local library or historical society or perhaps given to a friend. Online resources may also be helpful. And did you know that you can purchase family Bibles on eBay? Try searching for a specific surname, you never know what may turn up!

What interesting finds have you discovered in your family Bible?

Be sure to share your ancestor’s stories and information with others on Geni!

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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