Introduction to New Members

Started by Mark Harold Melmed on Tuesday, November 15, 2011
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11/15/2011 at 6:14 AM


I invited you all to become part of our "REICHBART" Project. You are all either Reichbarts yourself, or you manage a Reichbart profile. Some of you are known to me, and some of you are completely unknown to me.

I hope you will take this occasion to share with us what you know about the Reichbarts. There is already an extensive Reichbart Tree, but there are some glaring holes. As far as i know, all Reichbarts originated around Lodz, Poland. But, there are some Reichbart clans (Susan Codish, among others) whom we have still not managed to connect.

I also have a number of records (From USA and Poland) that I would like to share with you. Some of my Polish records have not yet been translated.

I do hope you join me in collaborating. I am sure we have much to learn from each other.

- Mark Melmed, 15 November 2011

11/15/2011 at 6:15 AM

PS: Please feel free to reply and introduce yourself.

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