Reichbart Family from Lodz, Poland
See extensive family tree chart under Project Document's liink upper right.
The Reichbarts originated in the shtetls surrounding Lodz, Poland.
My wife, Barbara Melmed nee Goldstein (formerly Nathan) is descended from a Reichbart (Barbara's mother's mother's mother was Mary Reichbart).
As far as I can determine, all Reichbarts are related, although there are several branches that have not yet been connected to my wife's family, or to each other.
Reichbarts currently live in the USA, Canada, and Israel. Most Reichbarts live in New Jersey, and Tel Aviv.
This project is to document the several Reichbart branches in the hopes of eventually connecting them together, and connecting them to my wife's tree.
- Mark Melmed son of Ned and Edna Melmed
-27 Oct 2010
- Guide to Jewish Lithuania Project Min grandfatter Jakob Joskowicz født 1873 i Pabianice i Polen var lille bror til Sura Laja Joskowicz født i 1866 i Pabianice.Sura Laja giftede sig med Mendel Rajchbard z Zdunska Wola.Sura Laja Rajchbart døde den 16/05-1942 i Pabianice.Deres far var Abram Eliasz Joskowicz født 1837 i Pabianice.Se stamtrae !( Jan Jaskov -Joskowicz)
English translation of above:
"Min grandfatter Jakob Joskowicz født 1873 and Pabianice and Polen var lille Bror til Joskowicz født Sura Laja and 1866 and Pabianice. Sura Laja Gifted med sig Mendel Rajchbard from Zdunska Wola. Sura Laja Rajchbart 16/05-1942 Dead den and Pabianice. Deres far Joskowicz Elijah Abram var født 1837 and Pabianice. Se stamtrae! (John Jaskov-Joskowicz)"
- Mark Melmed, March, 2013