Suggestion Box - September 11 Memorial Project

Started by Michael Paul Pierce on Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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9/11/2012 at 11:27 AM

What ideas or suggestions do you have for the September 11 Memorial Project? What ways can we make the project better? How can we increase the number of profiles linked to the project?

9/11/2012 at 3:49 PM

Maybe we could take a systematic approach. I was thinking about the firefighters who were lost. Their names are more public due to their service and they can never get enough accolades from all of us. So maybe there's a good (smallish) list we could work from.

9/11/2012 at 4:42 PM

yes Erica Howton good idea however as Private User and others pointed out in the thread for the memoiral project it is difficult as many of these may have living kin who might not agree.

9/11/2012 at 9:16 PM

Yep, the original approach to this project was to try and find the victims already existing in the big tree. As Michael pointed out, we ran into problems with that approach, both technical and from a privacy standpoint.

But, Erica, it sounds like Viktar took a different approach with the profiles added in the last few days. It sounds likes he/you created the profile from scratch and then connected it to the big tree. Do you have any insight as to how this was done? Or could Viktar shed some light? Did he start with obituaries and then research until he found a connection? Or just add the information and let Geni come back with matching suggestions?

Would love to hear mo about the process used.

9/11/2012 at 9:40 PM

hmm.. i don't know.. i am working on a project about men excuted in england.. some in my tree were punished for speaking out in england about members of the crown charles the 2nd in perticular and what i did is i went thru the list on wiki at and then went to google and typed in say Anne Boleyn for example and found if they had a profile but in this case that would invade privacy of the living who might some day down the road be unhappy with us... (gulp) it's one thing to help on a project with ancestors dead ones but another to risk pissing off living people.. so this is bottled up because it's a gray area

9/11/2012 at 9:43 PM

and to thru a list of all 2000+ as stated on the page for the memoiral would take some time.. hmm..

9/11/2012 at 10:11 PM

Michael & Michael

Here's another tree I helped with. John Milton Cage, Jr.

- I looked at his own statements about his family background - he talked about having colonial Virginia ancestry
- I checked the Geni database and found plenty of Virginia Cages. So I had two points to connect - California Cage with Virginia Cage; early 20th century with early 19th century. This felt "do able"
- it was a LOT of "census slog" to prove it though :) :)

9/11/2012 at 10:20 PM

so geni is saying he's my 16th cousin once removed.. intresting.. but anyway getting off topic.. lol.. we were trying to discuss ideas for how to improve this project and were saying it's a ethical gray area

9/11/2012 at 10:21 PM

i was pointing out to michael the fact that using google and searching the name with geni after it would let you know if that person was in the geni database..

9/11/2012 at 10:22 PM

perhaps doing that and seeing if they have matches in the data base of geni might be a start?

9/11/2012 at 10:23 PM

if you view the memorial page it has a pretty good list of names.. so it might be a long hard slog thru searching them that way for this to really take off

9/12/2012 at 1:27 AM

Well as you point out - the names listed are recent past and the further back in time, the more complete the Geni database. So we need two points really - the current time name and a past name in Geni. Once there are the two targets it's a matter of a bridge from one to another.

9/12/2012 at 10:29 AM

I've sent a message to Victar to see if he can share some of the methods/tools/resources he used to research the profiles he created. I think his approach of creating a profile and attaching it to the tree is going to be more successful than what I've been trying to do, which was to find the people already existing in the tree.

If I can get a handle on the process, then it's a matter of working out a research plan to give us some focus and sense of progress. I'll update everyone once I hear back from Victar.

9/12/2012 at 11:26 AM

I agree.. i started on the first one on Flight 93 as there were only 40 on that flight so i thought it easier to do it in blocks of ten each to break it down as there is only so much i can do at one time and i ended up getting a person i was not 100% sure of thru google search so if victar knows of a better way to search that would be great that way we could reduse false leads etc etc

9/12/2016 at 9:06 AM

I went entirely through flight 77. I think I found one or two people. Time consuming and frustrating.

9/12/2016 at 9:12 AM

Find A Grave has a memorial which might help. I have not spent any time with it yet, but here is the link;

Private User
8/12/2023 at 11:26 PM

I would like to suggest to add the year 2001 and the time 14:14 of this evil moment. For it turned out to be a real mind-changing event for how we look at the future of our globe...

I myself remember very good where I was at that very 'Dutch' afternoon: at a sunny wedding-party on a boat in the Biesbosch, a lovely nature reserve. A Dutch friend married his Chinese love and was bridging gaps between people of different descent. I just visited the captain's cabin to know how far we could reach in that area. Together we listened the radio and decided not to tell the other happy guests what was happening far over the Ocean... The marriage did not last, but that had another reason, I think.

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