Need to be added to project

Started by Henn Sarv on Sunday, January 27, 2013
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Showing 181-205 of 205 posts

I know, - I was the one who described that method, - "walk the path"

Private User - but if there is even 1 Private profile - and the Tree view does Not find the Path - on a nearby profile - you are stuck !

You can't - Walk any further - and are stuck !!

And you are Unable to find the Path to the destination profile - that another user is related to - via a different path.

Nope, you are not stuck.

The trick is the ?through=nnnn parameter you see in the URL for a profile.

That parameter tells Geni that the path to this profile should go through profile nnnn. When you "walk the path" you go from profile to profile at profile level where ?through=nnnn tells where you have walked.

Just jump to the next public profile in the path you want to show Geni and re-open that profile with a ?through=nnnn parameter where nnnn is previous public profile skipping the private profiles in between, but since the shortest path between the current and the nnnn profile goes through the private profiles Geni will take that path.

Peter - it's just a rough guide. I'm fairly protective of my direct line, but the collaterals and associates have contained a few exceptions (like William Jennings Bryan and Benjamin Russell Hanby, who aren't particularly close relatives anyhow).

Private User - thanks, I am never too Old - to learn something New :)

I tested the Trick - used the ?through=nnnn to skip the 1 Private profile - and got the Path to Kepler:

Thank you for describing that Bjørn. I know you have before, but it helps to repeat it.

That's the most distant connection I've seen yet! :-D But if you're happy with it....

I've had some Path trouble myself - it got stuck on "4th cousin n times removed", and a couple of people who should be direct ancestors aren't being reported as such. "Walking the path" didn't help. :-(

Maven - the servers need to do their chron jobs, they cache previous results. Give it at least weekly. If then there is still an error, you might be seeing tree conflicts & data resolves that need resolution - this is a given for the Colonial American tree - and / or Geni servers computing the shortest path, which may appear non intuitive.

I pay very little attention to the path statement myself. It's tree view (accurate tree) that concerns me, not distant cousins.

It seems to have readjusted itself, and about time too. :-P

You should have seen "in the old days" on Geni (a year ago). One of the joys of working with this site is the constant enhancements by the wonderful g team to the platform. And no, I'm not just buttering up, it really is a pleasure.

I prefer the good old days to the new days.

I'll bite: Judy, what did you like better, before?

In the beginning, you couldn't even merge profiles. For people like me, whose parents are about 4th cousins, that didn't make the site very useful. I think Geni's done a very good job at making gradual improvements to functionality.

Hi Rohel, and I got this short way to Kepler !
Greetings from Brasília(DF), Deisi

Deisi Vaz Pinto - I only included the Kepler path - because I was testing the Trick -- ?through=nnnn --- to skip the 1 Pivate profile in the path.

I could have used any Path - going from profile A - to - profile B.

Mike Stangel - Is it Feasible & possible one day - to find a Path - to Anyone you want on the 1 Big tree ?

Perhaps via at least 2 Routes (blood, closest, etc.) - without the above Steps (walk, skip trick) ?

I'm related to Kepler too:

Johannes Kepler is your 21st cousin five times removed's wife's 9th great uncle.

A bit indirect, to be sure! :-D

"My son, Rodrigo Castel, shared these genealogical informations. He doesn't use Geni anymore. He uses MyHeritage now. So, any wrong information here, perhaps it will be correct in his pedigree chart in MyHeritage. Regards, Victor Castel."

seens my herritages have buy Geni.Is this no problem.I use both.if you want stay at geni or start a new at my herritage is up to you self. Ask your son fore
Username and passaword.You can also start your own at geni
Good luck Victor

To all my cousins:
I was born in Mexico and I'm one of the regular, normal people. My tree has been added to the World Tree and in my case I descend from a spaniard and German lineage. Most of them being Spaniards that immigrated to America either to the USA or to Argentina. This incredible proyect has allowed me to realize that we are all immigrants and yes (on an amazing note) we are all related.
My mother language is Spanish and I'm a pro, I offer my translation skills to anyone who needs them on behave of our common heritage.
With much love for each and everyone of you.

Cool site, for Magna Carta gateway ancestor listings etc.

I descend from a few of the Barons and also, from King John.

Here is a great site, to help verify your Magna Carta lineage(s) from/with. ;-)

Rehoboam King of Judah should be added, if not already

Adam Brouwer

Don't know if it's NECESSARY, but I would like to determine this profile as a good CANDIDATE.

is this the add to all projects request forum? Gordon Ramsay should go in unconnected trees project if so

Duplicated profile of Afonso IX here:
Alfonso IX de Leónón/6000000172343943400

Showing 181-205 of 205 posts

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