Grand Rabbi Dovid Biderman, רבי דוד בידרמן The Lelover Rebbe - 200 years to the passing of R' David of Ielov זצ'ל

Started by Bella bracha Rosenberg on Wednesday, October 23, 2013
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10/23/2013 at 12:39 AM

on 7th of shvat-8 of jenuary 2014 will be the 200 yarziet of R'David biderman,the founder of the lelover hasidut. i would like to know if any one from his and ours larg family is planingto go to his grave on that day. i want to travel to lelov though i'm not sure exectly were it is(possible not far from lublin)to be there on that day but iwould like other people to be ther wite me.

1/7/2014 at 2:55 AM

there is going to be a very big crowd going on the yarziet and a few of the lelover rebbes of today wii be there to

all the best
Pinny Mandelbaum
Grandson of the holy rebbe reb dovid of lelov zya

1/8/2014 at 5:58 AM

i asked about it 3 month ago and had no reply. Now its too late becaus the yurziet is today .i'l try to go next year.thanks anyway . Bracha 7th gneation of r'david lelover

1/9/2014 at 4:49 AM

Im sorry i just saw your by the way there are people go all the time. I will be going after Purim IYH.

All the best
Pinny Mandelbaum
8th geneation of the holy rebbe reb dovid lelover zya

1/10/2014 at 4:11 AM

Thank you aniway.bracha

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