Idea: Post mortem vault

Started by Volodya Mozhenkov on Sunday, December 13, 2015
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12/13/2015 at 1:37 AM

I have an idea that would be a neat addition to the whole genealogical experience, and also serve the long future concept.

Let's say we have a person who would be willing to share some information for the purposes of history, but is too afraid to state it for the fear of reprisals (this can be the issue of sexuality in the country where that particular sexuality is seen as "deviant", or some fact about the person's past that can make it more difficult to get a job... etc) It would be an interesting thing to have some sort of a virtual "vault" that stores this information and can only be accessed by others some years after the person dies.

At this moment i am unsure how it could be implemented safely. I would be against "just upload to geni, and we promise not to disclose it to anybody... unless we are required by law, or feel like it, or it would be a good idea, or..."

I think we need to discuss what we'd want from something like this and perhaps have a brainstorm of how it can be realised.

12/15/2015 at 9:49 AM

Kind of like "read this letter 20 years after my death ... " ? It's a cool idea.

BTW Geni recently implemented a "memories" module (similar to guestbook) that can only be viewed by members of the family group. This is a good place to keep a memory from getting lost that may be too sensitive to place in the profile overview or as an uploaded document.

Private User
12/15/2015 at 8:00 PM

I saw that Erica, loved the idea of the memories. AMAZING, I used it because, my maternal Grandmothers next door neighbors have ended up BOTH husband and wife, 1st cousins 1 removed form my father, one on each side of his parents. Blew me away, we visited and no one knew.

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