New yDNA Lineage Identified

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 26, 2020
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Private User
9/26/2020 at 5:41 AM

Dear Researchers,

The lineage of Rabbi Meir ben Baruch, MaHaRa'M of Rothenburg has been identified as R-M269.

Adam Cherson

Private User
9/26/2020 at 11:44 PM

Wow! Now that I know I share Hg with the Maharam, how do I fill in the missing pieces?
Private User

Private User
9/28/2020 at 6:30 AM

I don't want to give you the false impression that all R-M269s are closely related via yDNA. While certainly it is a pre-requisite to being closely related via yDNA, R-M269 is a macro group which provides a hint, but not a slam dunk. Further SNP testing would be required. I have made an inquiry to the person whose testing gave us the R-M269 result, requesting (even offering to share costs) for the advanced SNP testing. If anything comes of that you will hear...
Be Well,

Private User
9/28/2020 at 7:15 AM

I am related to Moshe Ber Rothenburg, ABD Altona with 4 DNA matches cousins. My Y haplogroup is R-PF7563.

Private User
4/24/2021 at 10:37 PM

Would there be anythjng specific that might be gained by yDna testing of a son son descendant according to credible family sources including a pedigree tree that got lost by the war.
And would there be any help toward its funding.

Private User
4/28/2021 at 5:00 AM

Private User In my opinion there would be two things to gain: 1) validation of the R-M269 result previously noted, and 2) if advanced testing is made, further specificity of the ydna signature (R-M269 is too broad to be of much practical use to other researchers). If the pedigree can be articulated step-by-step then it would be possible to apply for funding from members of the extended tree. However, if there is no known pedigree path then it would be on the claimed descendant to first establish there is a reasonable inference of a connection by first determining whether he is R-M269. If confirmed, then it would be possible to apply for funding as stated.

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