Miriam ., The Prophetess - Miriam's age

Started by David Chaim Lazarus on Saturday, December 4, 2021
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12/4/2021 at 8:53 AM

My dad and i were learning Masechet Megila page 14, A-
The talked about the 7 prophetests and it said Miriam was one of them, here is where my question came up, how old was Miriam when she made her prophet her mothers baby would save them, she must have been young, he kised her on the head than atted her. But she couldnt have been young, because she was Pua, the Yoneket, how old was Miriam?

If IIRC the Midrash works it out that, as Pua, she was all of FIVE years old.

Private User
1/22/2022 at 11:16 AM

Miriam ., The Prophetess is your second cousin 116 times removed.

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