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Jewish families from Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou, Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Simon Siegmund Kellner (c.1830 - d.)
    Marriage record: ROUDNICE NAD LABEM (o. Litoměřice) 1795 O 1849-1870 (i) (71/153)
  • Ernst Löwit (1860 - d.)
    Birth record: TEPLICE 2074 N 1854-1866 (156/303)Marriage record: SOKOLOV 1908 O 1849-1895 (23/33)
  • Theresia Scheiter (deceased)
  • Julius Scheiter (1874 - c.1942)
    Birth record: TEPLICEMarriage record: TEPLICE 2089 O 1860-1923 (247/346) Death record:Julius Scheiter was born in 1874. During the war was deported with Transport Z from Kladno,Kladno,Bohemia,Czechoslo...
  • Edmund Lederer (1870 - aft.1942)
    Birth record: TEPLICE 2075 N 1866-1886 (104/567)Marriage record: TEPLICE 2089 O 1860-1923 (226/346)Marriage record: PLZEŇ (o. Plzeň-město) 1551 O 1874-1910 (i v letech 1908-1910 pro každý rok)(130/3...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou in Bohemia, Czech Republic.