Highlights From Jamboree 2017

Posted June 13, 2017 by Amanda | No Comment

We had a great time at the 48th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree! It’s always a delight to see old friends and meet new users right here in Burbank, California.


The Geni computers were often occupied throughout the conference

Our booth was packed much of the time with many people eager to ask questions about how they can be a part of Geni’s World Family Tree of 114 million people.


Jamboree attendees got to take advantage of a great MyHeritage DNA sale and free Geni water bottles!

Although DNA Day was held the day before the start of Jamboree, the DNA talk didn’t end there. MyHeritage offered big sales on their DNA kits and many attendees dropped by the Geni tables to learn how they could upload their DNA test results to their Geni profiles.


Genealogy blogger Kitty Cooper getting some expert help from Geni’s General Manager Mike Stangel

Our good friend and genealogy blogger Kitty Cooper also paid us a visit to get some expert help on her Geni tree.


Randy explaining to an attendee how to start a town project on Geni

We were also joined by Geni curator Randy Schoenberg, who generously volunteered his time to help us out. Attendees are sure to get connected to the World Family Tree with Randy’s help. He’s also a great resource on how to use some of the more advanced features on Geni and is always eager to share his knowledge of some of the great things you can do with Geni’s collaborative projects.


Randy and Amanda at Jamboree

Geneablogger Randy Seaver also stopped by to hear news about what Geni has in store in the coming months. It’s always a pleasure to get to spend some time together!

Jamboree was a blast and we can’t wait to see everyone again next year!

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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