Capt. John Jenney - Jenney Gristmill

Started by Private User on Tuesday, March 12, 2013
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Private User
3/12/2013 at 4:21 PM

John Jenney came to America from Leyden in 1623 on the Little James. The original Jenney Grist Mill was built in Plymouth Colony by John Jenney in 1636, and was run by him until his death in 1644. After his death, his wife Sarah and son Samuel continued to run the mill until Stockbridge took over the mill for legal reasons. The mill burned down in 1837.

3/13/2013 at 2:43 PM

When you visit the NEW mill on the site of the old one, one piece was saved from the fire and that is the piece that runs from the water wheel to the grinding stone.
They have a book of genealogy there where you or your ancestery will be listed. fun to visit.

Private User
3/14/2013 at 8:52 AM

I was there last November to visit, he was my 12th great grandfather, the mill was closed due to budget cuts by the owner of the mill, since Trip Advisor rated it high, there were more visitors so they raised the rent on the mill & could not afford to run the gristmill. Sad, but i did see the book & intend on registering with the family to become a member of the Jenney family. Thanks for the info

3/14/2013 at 6:25 PM

Susan, does that mean we are 12th cousins? Oh, that sounds silly..... Anyway It is nice to meet you and to know we are part of a very important family. Carol

Private User
3/15/2013 at 9:16 AM

Yes, i guess we are! Nice to meet you also!

3/18/2013 at 2:37 PM

Dear Susan,
I was attending a meeting of the D.A.R. Fundraiser and one of the gals charted out our relationship and we are 9th cousins, twice removed.

You are twelfth and I am Eleventh from John Jenne so we charted it and it came out 9th cousins, twice removed. (maybe) Ha!

3/18/2013 at 2:38 PM

BTW John also started a Salt Flat (?) on Clark Island just off the Plymouth Coast after the Mill. Carol

He made salt....

Private User
3/19/2013 at 8:56 PM

YIPPEE!!!!! I have a direct line to Reuben McLeroy to get me into DAR but so far have not gone after it, I did it for my aunt who had been trying to get in thru the Byrd family line but i found our Reuben buried in a GA cemetery in the national register & we are direct descendents of his also. The connection with the Jenneys warms my heart since i went to Plymouth & went to the mill & did the walking tour of Burial Hill Cemetery & walked the paths my ancestors walked, So nice to meet you cousin!! We come from good stock!

Private User
3/19/2013 at 9:02 PM

BTW the herring run is very interesting also, with the stream running along side the property of the mill down to the ocean, when the herring run, they catch them & use them for fertilizer with the corn kernels buried & watered, poof! Corn! Genius & good relations with the Wampanoag indians. My daughter lives in Cape Cod at the moment so i will go back as soon as possible

3/30/2013 at 2:59 PM

Yes, I live too far away to visit again, but I am going to Norway for my DAHL family reunion, oops, Marum family, It was grandma Dahl's family.

her maiden name was Marum, in Norway Marheim.

Private User
3/31/2013 at 9:01 AM

How lucky you are to be able to travel to Norway! I would love to visit my ancestors towns, villages, castles & hamlets in the UK & on the German side it gets a little blurry due to most stuff written in German & not having anyone to translate. Altho they came in at Ellis Island before the ledgers were kept. I do know my great, great grandmother was from Marne Germany near the Denmark border. Always rabbit trails as they say. Happy travels!

9/21/2013 at 1:43 PM

We had a wonderful trip to Norway and were able to see three Marheim (Marum in America) farms in Marifjora, Norway and three Traedal farms in Sunnadalsoro Norway. It was magnificent, scenry, fellowship, friendship, waterfalls, fjords, mountains, etc, etc, etc.
Can't say enough about the beauty, the ferries, the cruise of the ship (Hurtigurten Line) and the family fun!

9/21/2013 at 1:46 PM

I too am D.A.R. and yes its exciting to find the patriots.

BTW John Jenne also started a salt flat on Clark Island. Perhaps related to Bertha Clark????

Private User
9/21/2013 at 2:57 PM

I could be in it but am not. Some ladies from the Historical Soc. over in Lynnfield.Well, they meet in Lynnfield , Mass. .but not out of there. i haven't been able to make meeting. They just started up again today. Must make the next one. They are so knowledgeable and nice over there.

Private User
9/21/2013 at 2:59 PM

Susan are you connected to John jenny ? so am I!

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