Henri membertou Sachem Membertou, Chief of the Mi'kmaq - Chief Membertou was grandfather to Jeanne Marie Kagigoniac not father

Started by Nada Krizmancic on Friday, April 19, 2013
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I'll have to spend some time to research this again, but we believe the mother of Nicolas I Robillard, I was Marie Sauvé with unknown parents, and not Marie Grandin who was the daughter of Michel Grandin & Marie Grandin (Lejeune).

That's what I had too. But Mr. Martin (Membertou) appears above to be stating otherwise. Hopefully he'll chime in soon.

I did not know who I was my whole life. My Mom would not tell me for fear that I would fight for the lands stolen by the Catholic Church and government.. I believe it was her way of protecting me.The government did steal me from her and tortured me for years. Before she died she spoke of it to a cousin in the garden. Told stories how her grandmother would vanish in the forest and return will a slay full of gifts, they kept it secret she delivered the native babies in villages.
When I told an RCMP that I know who I am now and asked him if the government would have known this when they took me from my Mom and tortured me. He said yes they would have..I had gone through much malicious prosecution my whole life. I left Ontario to live in the mountains in British Columbia to escape it. And later learned I settled in a stolen settlers reserve. Business destroyed, house burned, and more years of malicious prosecution..So what happened to all the allodial titled lands in Canada? They were supposed to be passed on.
I think they have very accurate records of everyone and not available to public. And would you trust a Jesuit priest the very wolf in sheep clothing?

Clephire Veronneau. As it turns out, the matrilineal line traces back to Shoetakanni and Touatogouac, the marriage of two white children (then 10 yr old Joshua Rising and 4 yr old Abigail Nims) of the Deerfield, Massecheusetts massacre of 1704 who were taken captive and raised by the Iroquois at what would later become Oka. At their marriage Shoetakanni and Touatogouac used their Iroquois names, renounced their nation, and chose to remain with their bear clan. And there has been 300 years since so it's all a bit complicated, to say the least. Some of my facebook friends will know the story in The Camino Letters of the elder, Proud Woman -- and the story of my bear claw --

My Mom at 86 told her many stories in the garden that day. I would have never known anything other than when at 7 years old found a violin in the attic and brought it down to ask what it was, mt Mom grabbed it holding it to her chest and with tears in her eyes said it is the only thing she has left of her father..I was not to touch the violin. Looking back, has learn Uncle armand was over dose by a doctor, my grand father injected with the wrong thing,,Both those homesteads gone to strangers of the family,and then a letter I found when a teen about land, and when I asked what it was, she told me the priest forged her mothers signature and gave half the land to the city of quebec, they built a college and a priest retreat, she a single parent mother said she would be fighting the church and government, would take a long time and if she won the lawyers would get it all... Years later I found out I was supposed to get a free college education but never did. That was supposed to be compensation for theft? Looking back now many things make sense. I just want to know the truth of who I am and what happened to my family and their lands. I want to know who my relatives are. I want to know my culture. I understand now the government had a policy to take children from their mothers to beat the savage out of them. I was a smart child that asked many questions and i am sure the severe beatings to my head was intended to give brain damage. At 57 I thought I was french and know the generation before knew the consequences if they spoke of any of it. So when I learned the truth and can read the rest between the lines in some old history books, it sure hurts to know how the quiet genocide of the past went.. My best friend escaped 9 times and then laid on the bend of a highway to let a car run over him at 13 years of age so he would never go back there. I couldn't talk him out of it. The courts and the rest covered that up. So what was John Edward Hickey Jr.s family tree?

I am looking for my relatives so anyone here that is please contact me. drewsearth@hotmail.com Thanks.

If I understand you correctly, you are a product of the Residential School System? If so, may I suggest you contact the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. There is Crisis line available 24 hours a day for former Indian Residential Schools Students. There also may have other services that may be of use for you. And you never know, other family members of yours may have contacted the Commission.
Good luck in your search for relatives

Have you considered doing an autosomal DNA test?

I have done all the DNA testing to maximum extent for Y-DNA, mtDNA, and autosomal DNA. This has been instrumental in locating many cousins I didn't know about.

Most unusual is the family names of the people, mostly 2nd and 3rd cousins, not having family names I heard of, when I do the family genealogy.

I suggest you consider the DNA testing. At least do the autosomal DNA check and you can find out if any of your kin have already done it, by reviewing your matches.

Thank you DLD, and Yes,Bryon I will do any DNA testing. Are you my relative? My cousin who did the search is a lawyer and being it her own family tree she was very thorough, I have the print out from ancestry.ca and I dont believe it is mistake. Membertou First Nations in Sydney NS is aware of me now.

I don't know if we are related or not. My Canadian family is very large and the live as far west as Alberta. I grew up right next to Prince Rupert BC, well not far away at all. Just some hours on the ferry.

I keep discovering new cousins while I work this family tree and my grandfather's family, who is not Canadian, have people that are related to me through both my American and Canadian grandparents. It may be possible we are related. We had Huron and Metis in my grandmother's lineage.

Byron Jason Whitesides we are 8th cousins once removed! Nice to meet you! Sounds like you have had a very interesting life. When you said Huron and Metis, my ears perked up! haha

Interesting life, yes, it seems so. I grew up in America and then spent nearly all my adult years in other countries.

Huron and Metis is only part of it. There are at least 5 Native influences in my father's lineage and my mother is Native Alaska.

Nice to meet you also. I look forward to coming across other relatives that I haven't yet had the honor of knowing.

Most people of French Canadian ancestry are related several times over.

Quebec was settled by a core of about 3000 people; Acadia, even less. With the large families and limited emigration (prior to the mid 1800s) from Quebec, it is not surprising.

Thanks DLD, Byron and Barbara. Nice to meet you all and thanks. I am getting used to the idea that I am who I am but was a big pill to swallow find out so late in life.. Just the same I am glad as truth is always a good thing, even if it hurts lol Ya my life has been interesting and not all bad and even the kid prisons made me a stronger person, wisdom does not come without some pain.

From what I piece together so far, I have Mikmaq, Adenaki, algonquin,, Iroquois, and ? I guess when it is all mixed with French that is Metis?,

I will go to port Royal one day soon to learn the language and Mikmaqs songs, I used to build violins so will use that skill in making some Native flutes. I dont believe they would have used these modern gregorian raised concert pitches. They would have had something in harmony with natural frequencies. So I am studying in depth about early flutes before I build them. I will play his songs one day where he played.
I think Mikmaq would be honored to know after 500 years a descendant returned to play his songs. Something the whole Mikmaq Nation and all first nations can celebrate about...It is time for a great healing to take place.

Yes DLD I believe about so many being related. Even the whole human race going back far enough,, minus the aliens,&,, those hybrids, with the long dresses to hide their tails lol

Your Native background is similar to what my father has in his lineage.

Would be interested when you start the base of your family tree, to see how you connect. I would like to know if we are related.

I do know that my great aunt married the Chief's grandson. There is at least that 1 person that connects your line to mine, but not directly to me.

If you need any help, I will be happy to do what I can. There are more qualified people here with better access to records, but I can go for hours and hours, adding people. I am here about every day. Enough to consider this a full-time job, on most days, so I can list many people in a short amount of time.

Hey you guys are awesome! Nice to meet you. I have never done geological work before and a friend emailed me a gift subscription to ancestry.ca and it takes me forever, I used the list my cousin gave me and finally got one side entered, but its the first time I did this so I would look kind of clueless compared to you guys,,,, so ya any help would be appreciated, I live remote north of Mackenzie BC so I have no internet out there and can just get on when I come to town so not that easy for me to be able to be on long periods, I like living in the bush and always felt great far from roads but am going to get solar and then satellite internet.

I am so interested in my culture now, I want to learn everything and I am debating if I should just move there to learn. I was told about one relative who is a chief and an elder that will help me learn traditional knowledge,,They are on my facebook and you can find me there, See photos of my wolf and read about my dreams. I was told I am of the squirrel clan and that we were healers, so many things make sense and I try to write down my dreams as soon as I wake.. I always had these things just did not know why but sometimes see ahead. Now I know where it comes from. When I wrote spirit of the wolfchild in 1981,
I had no idea of my culture or that it was about myself,,

There is a lot of spirits involved and I know I need to learn everything and I believe many positive things for all people are going to come out of all this. I believe my wolf who passed of old age in his sleep last winter was an ancient spirit,, He was much smarter than I, he was old soul and enjoyed singing to music and would stand like a man to greet you. Even taller than me if he stood completely straight

I know I want to learn the writing and will figure it all out. I read that children even wrote with porcupine quills in birch bark,
I think there is a great number of hidden things I will uncover and learning the different forms of writing and the language will lead me to it.
I will learn the rest in dreams.

Will come back on when I can, and to all of you, Wela'lin

I was talking about BC with DLD. It is one of my favorite places. Always loved Prince George when I was younger.

It is a great discover that lies ahead of you. Getting to know your Native identity is a wonderful experience. I wish you the best with that.

For your family tree, since there is so much already here, you probably only need to provide a couple of generations for us to make the connections. Start with yourself, parents, and grandparents, then let everyone else see how you match to what is already here. You can always add what isn't here, later, but at least you can get started.

Which First Nations Tribe will you be studying with?

Hi Byron, I will go to Sydney NS to the Membertou band there to learn. I am sending the chief in council a letter and they will make me a band member..... Yes, I look forward to gain back my culture...

Oh you mean to start the family tree here in this data base?
I posted both sides of my Mom's tree here in this discussion, so I guess could enter it and start a tree here. A friend bought me a gift subscription on ancestry.ca and got one side entered.....

When I do travel back to NS I will go to Port Royal were my Great Grand Mikmaq lived and perform his songs he wrote where he would have played them. So learning to build the flutes, I love that music. I am a composer to that used to build violins and such,,,

It would be nice to see the the whole Nation celebrate this as it is an important part of our history..I want to meet every band leader on the way and I will be asking the Canadian Government for public apology for hiding my ancestral history from me, and the fact that generations had to hide who they were in fear. And maybe when I play Mikmaq Membertou's songs, the human race can mark this as a point in history that we can all live together in peace and make a better world.

I have to go falling trees today and it is so hot I will be drenched head to toe,,, better bring a couple gallons of creek water to drink lol

Have a great day!

There is obviously a mistake in a date I made copying or something, but this search was done by a lawyer, my cousin, I will go back to her original tree list to see dates,,

Have you ever read the Jesuits Oath to the Pope? Do you think the Victor writes the truth of history? Or maybe you are one who believes governments and men of power do not lie?

King Henri IV last name was Le Jeune, so were the King Louis's,,, Le Jeune, the Le Jeune Royal blood line goes way back,,,,

Do you really believe it was just some "nobody" who Married the Chiefs ONLY daughter? lol I do not believe anything the Jesuits said, they were actors pretending to be men of God, spies, rewriters of history,
Le Jeune were protestant, look in France, St Pierre Le Jeun Protestant Church,,, King Henri IV was fighting the Catholic Holly Roman Empire, he was murdered and and I believe Mi'kmaq along with Pierre Le Jeune 1st, his parents all murdered, then named Annapolis Royal,,, the Jesuits arrive after the heads of power were cut off....

Do you think if they baptized Marguerite that her husband Pierre Le Jeune 1st and their son Pierre Le Jeune the second would not have been there??

Please, show me your proof that Pierre Le Jeune is NOT the son of Henri Le Jeune,,, also know as King Henri III and King Henri IV.

When this world is so corrupt and full of lies, some of our hidden history may never be retrieved,, I was told if you start to prove the truth of history you will be murdered....

You have not seen a Loys Le Jeune? I don't you saw the kid prisons I was in either, or that it was the first French Parliament Buildings in Canada, taken as spoils of war, converted children torture chamber, those tall pillars and fancy ornamentation of French architecture 25 buildings, since demolished and erased from history,,,

I have Lejeune (Francois Savoie m. Catherine Lejeune), Thibodeaux (Antoine Landry m. Thibodeaux) from around the late 1500's. They say Catherine's maternal line is U6a, Portuguese or Spanish from the Iberian Peninsula, and considering I read somewhere that Chief Henri Membertou himself was Portuguese and Micmac, I dare say Catherine's mother was most likely the same.
I also have Michael Gallant Hache in my line through my maternal grandfather's mother's mother's Leblanc line.
Michael Hache's mother was referred to as a Little Eskimo which makes researches believe his mother was Montagnais (Innu) as there were supposedly no Eskimo's in Newfoundland or Port Royal. Who knows since the French were also going to Hudson Bay in Manitoba. Maybe his mother was from around there.
Where or who do I get a Autosomal DNA test done? I would really like to know about my native roots, no matter how small.

Roxanne Landry

I suspect Henri Membertou was most likely born later then 1507, my GUESS would be more likely 1510-1517. We have to remember, that back in the day, a boy was considered a full grown man between the ages of 13-16 years old, as soon as he started producing pubic hairs and passed the Passage of Manhood. This being the case, I can see why he said he was a man when he met Jacques Cartier in 1534.

Though near the end of his life he practiced monogamy, I doubt if he only had one wife in his lifetime. To have a daughter at 75 his wife was more likely, at that time, very young. No way a woman at that advanced age could bare a child.
In 1610, Henri's son Louis was 60 yrs old which means Louis was born around 1550. This clearly proves Henri had more then one wife. If Henri's birth year is more correctly 1507 then he had to be 43 when Louis was born. I doubt if he got married late in life as it was the custom to marry as soon as manhood was reached and as Chief he would have been expected to be married.
As for the "nobody" comment, I don't believe Drew meant it in a condescending manner. I suspect he just meant that the person who married the Chief's daughter had to be considered of some importance even among the native people. After all, this was the sign of the times back then. We cannot put our living standards of today in the yesterdays of the 1500-1600. We have to think as they would have back then to get a full picture.


My name is Angus Wood-Salomon, I am a Curator on Geni.

At this point in time I would like to ask you Private User
Amelia Marie Thibodeaux to please step back and take a deep breath, what I am reading in this discussion is not getting neither of you anywhere.

I have also asked for guidance how to continue here.

One thing I would tell both of you is if this type of dialogue continues I and other Curators have the ability to suspend your editing rights on Geni, something we hardly ever do.

If you both wish to address your remarks to me rather than each other it might be a good way to find a common ground to solve the disagreements.

As a neutral party that formerly used to do French-Canadian genealogy, I understand well argument. I haven't personally researched this line, but do know from previous historical research that the offspring of Native leaders generally married other Native of similar stature, or foreigners of noteworthy heritage. So, I doubt that Drew meant that any person was literally "nothing", signifying that they had no value, versus them have been born to an elevated status.

Many of us have heard the stories of the Le Jeune hiding in Canada, fearing for their lives. Their bloodline has been verified in a few French-Canadian lineages already. It would stand to reason that whomever married the daughter of the Chief, was someone vastly more important than the usual run-of-the-mill gent. That premise lends potential credibility towards this family story, which has been passed for generations. I'd say that the general impression that I get is that based on my own research, this can't be far from the truth, in a worst case scenario.

Having been both the recipient and also engaged in unproductive conversation, I do have a recommendation. Rather than turn this dialogue into an opportunity to argue and declare that the published tree is incorrect, may I suggest you use this time to work together and see what you can come up with, in collaboration. If there is more than 1 party of Le Jeune heritage, this is an excellent chance to discover you may have distant cousins, surviving in the lineage of Drew. Of course, with my background in DNA, I think it is a good idea to get some basic idea. You should proceed with that, if you have any doubt.

I don't really want to get into the political aspect of this conversation. I have already seen to much of it in the history of my own people and it angers me greatly. I sympathize with anyone who is a descendant of a family who has had to experience this, or continues to. Furthermore, it is not difficult to believe that what has been expressed here, as far-fetched as it may seem, is a false claim. One might cite paranoia. In this world we live in, nothing I read can really shock me. There is generally always truth in these claims. It's not for us to judge what we don't personally understand.

For the time, I am busing working Native genealogy, elsewhere, but should all parties decide to proceed to work together in a mature and civil manner, I would lend my services, if they are so desired. It may very well be something that can neither be proven or disproven, in which event I would submit that we must theorize, based on what was able to be confirmed.

Thank you for your time and understanding. Geni is an excellent place to collaborate with other serious researchers. If you can be open-minded and sensitive to the history of other people, then I highly encourage that you proceed to collaborate in a respectful manner. New discoveries are out there, waiting for you. Unfortunately, there won't be any major breakthrough if the tone in the communication is lacking in respect and hostile. Just take a step back, focus, and try to move forward, together, in search of the truth without all the emotional intensity.


Amelia Marie Thibodeaux

Byron is one of our most respected Curators I hope you would accept his offer.

I strongly recommend that you contact Customer Service about any kind of abuse from anyone on Geni, do not hesitate. If someone abuses you on here, report them immediately. If you find Customer Service is taking long to respond contact a Curator by posting in here http://www.geni.com/discussions/142108

Do you have any futher info about Catharine Lejeune b. 1633 who married Francois Savoie?"
I would like to know if any parents have every been listed for her and her sister Edmee. Is Pierre Lejeune b. 1628 her brother as I have read that it is possible that he wasn't.
I saw somewhere that there was also a Jean Lejeune who may have been her father. Who knows, maybe his name was Jean Pierre Lejeune!!!
I suspect that Pierre Lejeune b. 1595 who is down as their father more likely married a Metis of Native and Iberian mix as the girls maternal line is U6a. It is possible that their Catherine's mother was native/Iberian mix. We do know that their were relationships between the Portuguese/Spanish fisherman with the natives which would explain the U6a DNA. I also read that the fisherman also had women with them when they came. Who is to say that these women didn't stay with the natives and never returned to their motherland.
Any ideas with sources would be appreciated.

Roxanne Landry

I have no expertise in these areas and won't comment on the two sides but if you have documents to support your research please upload it to Geni and cite the information they contain thus sharing with the other interested parties. Then from there, as Byron suggests, look for common ground and solutions together.

One of my ancestors "Antoine Landry" also married a Thibodeaux.

I suspect that perhaps Catherine's mother was of mixed race, a Portuguese mother and Micmac father. This surely would explain the U6a DNA. As you said, the Portuguese were here before the French and it is known that there was a lost colony. My guess is they were taken in by the natives. Only a guess so far.

We probably will never know the truth but it makes for interesting searches.
Roxanne Mariska Rose Landry

If documentation is lacking then it should be replaced by ample amounts of logic. There is a method to the madness that could very well yield answers. All one can do is try and put their best foot forward, then engage in discussion about individuals that include more speculation than substance.

It's never likely to be perfect, but I think the people that are interested should pursue this endeavor as a group. There are going to be commonalities in all of our research, somewhere. Connect what you can, then tweak what needs adjustment, as you find more information. Each and every person can be of great help to each other, if you take a supportive role. It seems that everyone wants the same thing. That truth may never full be discovered, but you can facilitate the growth of what is already published at Geni.

I will tell you that in my own endeavors, I started off with not a lot of documentation. It was mostly published works contained in ethnography books of the Aleutian Islands. I supplemented this with interviews that were comprised of first-hand knowledge, as well as stories passed down, which is subjective at best. Even so, when fortune smiled upon me and the records came about, a great deal of what I had done, seem to fit. The stuff needing correction, was updated, as more information became available. This is part of the ongoing process and is likely that I will not see a final result within my lifetime. It's quite possible that for many people, speculation is about as close as I can ever get to the truth. So, with that being said, I don't think that anyone here is going to rip you to bits for using this same approach, whereas documents may not be available at all. Just try and explain the best that you can. Each profile has an "about" area that you could include your hypothesis, so others may better understand where your information is coming from.

If you have any questions or concerns, the French-Canadian lineages have great Curators, like Angus Wood-Salomon. Don't be afraid to approach them. You see, our objective here is to connect the world. Now, if I were you, I would get started. Connect what you have to what is already there. Just let someone know if you have any issues and please, do not make duplicates of existing profiles, if you can avoid that. Everything that is here can be updated. Merging trees that consist of the same people is a chore. Talk with profile managers and Curators, if you encounter things that need updating along the way.


I know what you mean.
When I was looking up my maternal grandfather's parents I didn't have much to go on other then first names. After much searching I did find them but in the process found out that my grandfather's father (my g. grandfather) had three wives. My mother had no idea. No children by the first two but his 3rd and last wife was 30 yrs younger then him.
My grandfather was 15 when both his parents died in 1922. His father was 63 when he was born and 65 when his brother was born.
What I did find, I got from newspaper announcements (newspaper vital statistics).
I am not a genealogist but I have enjoyed finding stuff out.
I enjoy this site a lot.


Amelia, I don't have the time to search but it seems to not be in the public posting here> ? Where you called me a Racist and stated you think I have something wrong with my brain but probably from poor genetics and not from government beatings or whatever,,,, I took that very insulting and as implying all First Nations got there problems from inferior genetics and not government beatings which seemed very Racist to me... You went off calling me just another fanatic, lunatic what ever,, Those are slanderous attacks on my character, and it is not a threat that any who would slander me publicly or try to destroy my good character I will take action against it.

I am a good person, trying to find truth, there is now many helping, the French, Mi'kmaq and others are very interested in what I have to say, some want to do documentaries, other are writing books. I am not here doing this for money or fame. I am here to find the truth of what happened to my family, and to learn and understand who I am and where I came from. I have went through many trials of malicious prosecution and defended myself and proved my innocence. I am constantly have informant attempts to set me up, I just got a false hit and run charge because of posting on my facebook page about the Judge Crown and RCMP caught cold turkey in a conspiracy to commit fraud during the proceedings... right after I posted that I was pulled over, and then many cop cars,,, I was threatened to be detained in jail, but given a 196.00 ticket for hit and run, pathetic.. The body shops and professionals confirmed what they claimed was evidence, a small scrape, was in fact old and not even paint, I remembered I had back into a tree in camp,, it is sap, not paint,,,, I do not drink nor take drugs, do not trust doctors so no prescription drugs either. I go out of my way to not put myself in any place were I can be set up for a false charge,,,, They refused to give me a copy if this so called accident report and refused so called witness names...

I will not tolerate malicious attacks from any. I do not care about death threats that if I start proving truth that I will disappear. I will learn it, and many are working on documents etc. Much by snail mail and other means to keep privacy. Many want to know as much as I do.

I have documents and will share when ready... If you show me respect and dignity Amelia you will know the kind person I am. If I copied a date wrong no bid deal, correct it if you have the right date. I don't have any documents with me, friends hold much of my stuff for me for security reasons. Of something is wrong with it I will bring it to the lawyers that have been working on it for years. and they will help.

I am not the type to refer to any human being as a Nobody in the sense your are portraying, I meant the king would not send a janitor who just happened to want t go for a boat ride...

You are right about some dates, many dates have been altered, I am seeing evidence, and the rest of the evidence need to bring truth I am sure will surface.

When everything is so corrupt and controlled, the first thing is common sense,,, this at least shows you what you need to search for..and yes, to be fact, must have evidence of fact.. I meant nothing offensive to any. I am not like that, but I will defend my Character and with a powerful wit against any in this world who attack it with malicious intent. It is every persons right to defend. Please understand. Thanks.

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