New MyHeritage site

Started by Robert Stanley (Martin) on Thursday, May 9, 2013
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5/9/2013 at 12:31 PM

I totally resent the way this is constructed. Not only did I have to pay a yearly Fee to see who had my Familys information, but then I had to 'request' to see my OWN information. This tree had my living children and grandchildren, names and dates and they weren't even connected to my tree. Their connection was to the tree of my Husbands Adoptive Father. Therefore putting false information on the net.

I have requested to have the link removed, I do hope it is.

It seems that I will have to go through this same tiresome practice of 'requesting to see EACH and EVERY tree that has my information in it. I totally feel this is a gross imposition after having spent the yearly fee to see my OWN information that I have already paid for on Geni.

If this is to continue, I would like to have all my information disconnected from MyHeritage and my money refunded.

5/9/2013 at 12:49 PM

I have done further research on the person in this MyHeritage tree that contains all of the information in my and my sisters tree, and the person the owner says is the connecting link, is absolutely no relation to our ancestors, She is from an entirely different line. This is making my entire tree connected falsely to theirs.

I trusted Geni to be one of the best and trusted services but if you are allowing these ennoneous links that have to be paid for to be checked, to be part of your site, the bottom has fallen out of your credibility.

5/9/2013 at 1:16 PM

Robert, neither Geni or MH is to blame for the information in the trees, wether they being on Geni or MH. It is always a person that has added the information. You will have to get in contact with the person that owns the tree on MH to correct any information that is wrong. Neither Geni or MH can help you doing that.

Also, there is no real Connection between Your tree on Geni and trees found on MH. It is only a tool to show persons that may be the same person. There is and will not be any link other than saying that the persons matching are the same persons.

As with any other internet page with genealogical information on it, the trustworthyness of the trees are no stronger than the sources for the information.The trees have been on MH long before you saw the them matching persons in your tree. The only differernce now is that you get a message when Geni and MH find a match, which is up to you to yes these are the same person, or no these are two different persons.

Hope this helped you some.

5/9/2013 at 1:30 PM

Thank you so much for the information that Geni trees and MH trees are NOT conected, that is a relief.
You have restored my faith in you. Is there any way that I can eliminate that right hand column showing these so called 'matches' from MH?

I am so sorry I paid them for this redundant information. I really thought it was from you and it was new info.

5/9/2013 at 2:07 PM

Robert, no there is no option to eliminate that column. My best advise is to just ignore them, as if they weren't there. You haven't paid anyone to get this information, it is a new feature to the Geni software, connecting Geni and MH more closely together. Nothing either you or I can do about it.

The rest will be in Norwegian to answer Bodil:
Bodil, MH eier Geni, hva vi kuratorer synes, mener, tenker og gjør har ikke så mye å si for Geni/MH når det kommer til hvordan programmene skal integreres med hverandre. Kuratorene har ikke hatt noen ting med de valgene Geni/MH har gjort eller med salget av til MH. Mitt råd er å enten bli med slik det er nå med matches mot personer på MH, eller, som jeg sa til Robert, å ignorere denne typen match fullstendig.

Jeg tviler på at jeg kan komme med bedre råd enn Bjørn, men kan kanskje forklare ting på en litt annerledes måte. Fakta vil derimot forbli det samme, og det er noe hverken Basic, Pro eller Kuratorer har hatt eller kan gjøre noe med.

Men kom med spesifikke spørsmål, Bodil, så skal jeg svare så godt jeg kan. Men vit at jeg er ikke en programmerer eller en dataperson, jeg er en genealog og slektsforskning er det jeg kan og også grunnen til at jeg ble en kuratorer på Geni.

5/9/2013 at 3:22 PM

Remi, Yes I DID pay for this extra information, it wouldn't give it to me until I signed up for a year of MyHeritage. It said 'per month' BUT you couldn't sign for a month after you clicked on it. You had to pay for a year and then wait for them to call you on your home phone with a 'Number' to sign in with.

Was I supposed to get MH information WITHOUT PAYING another subscription? They wouldn't give it to me until I signed up.

It's pretty hard to ignore when it keeps saying 'New' all the time.

5/9/2013 at 3:38 PM

Robert, I haven't payd for any MH subscription. I just have a free one with it's restrictions. I can approve matches.

The only extra subscription you will need from Geni, as far as I know, is the data subscription to get access to sources in the Record Matches.

But now you are probably getting to technical for me since I'm a genealogical curator and not a technical one.

Have you read the blog:

5/10/2013 at 4:43 PM

Oh deer.....

Private User
5/11/2013 at 2:26 AM

Til Remi

jeg ved ikke om det er mig du svarer

men denne hjemmeside her ,
det må være en af disse som giver os alle disse match

når jeg ser på disse som ankommer her hos mig

så går dette navn jo igen og igen,

denne hjemmeside

som jeg læser det
har den taget milione af , private sider med fra Geni

og lagt dem på My. H

eller har jeg misforstået den

5/11/2013 at 4:33 AM

Det Foresvever Meg At Denne T. Opperman Er I Ferd Med Å Skape Sitt "Eget" Verdenstre - Eller I Det Minste "Skandinavisk Tre" Ved Hjelp Av Gedcom Fra Ulike Slektsprogram.
Man Må Gå Ut Fra At Han Har Disse 10 Millinoner Profiler Også I Sin Egen Private Database Også..Og Det Er Tydelig For Alle At Disse 10 Millioner Ikke Er Bare Hans Egne Forfedre..
Begynnelsen Til Noe "Stort", Ser Det Ut For..

5/11/2013 at 4:16 PM

Det beste vi kan gjøre med T. Oppermann sine profiler på MH er å ignorere dem. De faller i samme kategori som private hjemmesider uten kilder. Ergo på kanten av useriøse.

Ja, Marion, jeg sa Oh, deer til den linken du viste til.

Elna, klarer du å kutte ut alle disse store bokstavene, de gjør at teksten din ser veldig uryddig ut.

Private User
5/12/2013 at 1:55 AM

og giver dett ikke stof til eftertanke ,

om ikke det var muligt at de som han de engelske sprog at hjælpe med at komtakte My. H om vi ikke kumme få lagt disse beskeder for My.H med i et faneblad

så de ikke står og optager den bedste plads på vores profil sider

når jeg gennemgår mine , kan jeg jo se at denne T. Oppermann går igen og igen med den samme profil

det er surt at se dette navn 4/5 gange efter hinanden

Så jeg beder om hjælp igen, fra nogen som behersker det engelske at tale vores sag hos My.H

Private User
5/12/2013 at 4:35 AM

Jo, det giver stof til eftertanke. For på et tidspunkt kan Oppermann lægge sine profiler ind her på Geni og måske gøres til primary manager på dem .... af Geni.
På vores genealogisk slægtsforskede profiler.
Se mit eksempel for et par dage siden på tråden Curator please help.
Og - det ligefrem heller ikke motivere brugere her på Geni til at gøre deres private træer offentlige.

Private User
5/12/2013 at 4:45 AM

jeg fulgte med i din tråd

og er efterhånden meget i tvivl omkring
det som jeg / vi troede på da vi blev lovet at kunne have vores private træer for os selv ,

vi behøver al mulig hjælp til at finde en løsning på dette ,

dette opkøb kan vi jo ikke gøre noget ved ,

men vores sikkerhed, hvor er dem

selv om de påstår det er to forskellige træer

synes det ikke sådan for mig

hvad tænker andre derom

Private User
5/12/2013 at 4:59 AM

Du kan sandsynligvis skrive på dansk til MyHeritage. For deres hjemmesider er opdelt med .dk .de .no osv.

Private User
7/7/2013 at 1:07 PM

MyHeritage users now have the option to disable their tree from Smart Matches with trees belonging to Geni. You can access this setting in MyHeritage by navigating to My privacy > Content tab. The flag within MyHeritage is labeled "Enable Smart Matching™ with other MyHeritage websites and partners"

7/8/2013 at 2:00 PM

Why don't any of you curators use the great and wonderful opportunity to approve these smart matches on your ancestors profile page on geni?

Private User
7/8/2013 at 2:20 PM

Most of us do. I've built my branches tremendously thanks to these matches. So have other curators.

Are you asking why we haven't already approved every single match in our branches? Because most of us have thousands. It takes time.

Private User
7/8/2013 at 3:00 PM

Curators does not have any better access to approve matches than other users, and secondly most users would probably prefer that we spend our time on cases where we have better access than others.

I don't bother approving any matches which does not bring any new value to the profile, usually because the information come from the same source or is a Geni GEDCOM upload.
Secondly the approved matches are more annoying because of the size on the profile page, compared to the matches indicator.

7/8/2013 at 3:22 PM

Thanks Bjørn, that's an honest answer ... because these approved matches disturbs too much on Geni's profile pages... and because it occupies the top area of the page!
Ashley, calm down the good work, please :-)

7/8/2013 at 10:05 PM

Bodil, I can give you another reason and a different perspective.

I'm the opposite of Bjørn. I approve the ones that bring no additional value, because that gets them out of the way.

But, many of the ones I open have new information. Maybe dates and places. Maybe additional siblings or additional spouses and children. It strikes me that it would be a genealogical sin to approve those matches without adding the new information to Geni. And, I don't want to add new information to Geni without doing at least a minimum of research to confirm that it's likely to be right.

So, I see unconfirmed matches as flags for research opportunities. Sometimes I do the work, but most of them are so distant from my own lines that I prefer to leave them to others as a signal that there is additional work to be done on Geni in this area.

Private User
7/8/2013 at 10:16 PM

Justin, you said it perfectly for me. I leave some matches alone until I have the time to go through them, verify, and add all of the necessary info to Geni. I won't approve something until I've had a chance to go through it in-depth.

I view the matches as investigative leads, not gospel. But it's worth it for me.

Private User
7/8/2013 at 11:24 PM

Approving matches takes too much time, and as I said: curators does not have better access to that than other users, and I prefer to use my login time in Geni on helping people where curator access is needed. I got my curator privileges to spend time on that and not on things everyone else can help with.

The last month I made around 6000 changes in the Geni tree, 3479 of them was plain merges. In April my number was around 12000.

7/9/2013 at 12:00 AM

Bjørn, the differences are a good thing. Some people like to work on some things, and other people like to work on other things. In the end, the work goes forward.

Private User
7/9/2013 at 12:32 AM

Correct, - it was just Bodil which started this by complaining that curators did not spend time on approving MH matches.

Private User
7/9/2013 at 1:24 AM

tak Brox

nu kan jeg se at vi er enige

"I don't bother approving any matches which does not bring any new value to the profile, usually because the information come from the same source or is a Geni GEDCOM upload.
Secondly the approved matches are more annoying because of the size on the profile page, compared to the matches indicator."

det er jo lige dette som irriterer mig så grusomt, hvorfor skal dette stå og fylde 1/3 af vores profiler, hvordan får vi dem MY.H til at lægge det i et faneblad, vi blev lovet ved at blive betalende , at slippe for reklame, for mig er disse også reklame for MY. H , og det værste , ja som du selv skriver gengangere, som kommer til at stå igen igen igen

7/9/2013 at 2:41 AM

My question, my complaining, as you say, was meant ironically. I knew the answer, but I wanted a clear answer from you curators.
I can live with the flag that pops up on the profiles, they can be a help sometimes .... a very few times, but usually they lead nowhere or the wrong way!
I hope everyone is careful with the approval of matches - until further.

I'm not out to hurt neither Geni, MH or against anyone, I just want Geni to get better and better. And if there are new great tools to Geni, I see it as a positive .... if they really are positive.
It is possible to have two thoughts at once

7/9/2013 at 2:20 PM

Bodil in a way it's an interesting question and I can actually see all the points of view.

The main thing to remember is that curators have the same rules for MyHeritage record and smart matches as any other subscriber. So it's pretty useless to say "curators should deal with this" when we cannot.

As researchers we all use varying sources - and share data and evaluations of sources - in our shared tree. Since "your" tree and "my" tree overlaps quite far back in history I can't comment on your experience.

I can on my own and it's very much what Ashley & Justin described. I don't even mind the duplication because the Geni tree may have changed since the last time I visited the profile, and it doesn't hurt to have a check / look see.

7/10/2013 at 6:53 AM

What I mean is that we should not "keep a fig leaf in front of us" and say things that are not right.
The new changes in Geni are not just positive .. The changes affect everyone, whether you are a curator, pro user or basic user. And also all our loved ones that visit your Website.
I am pro user, but I am seriously concerned about all who can approve matches without checking whether this is good or not. We have no control over this, someone who is not part of administering of a profile may very well do so. I have no big trouble with this, but that's because I have contacted people who have started doing this. I've actually stopped them from spamming down my great grandfather and so.
We are stupid if we do not see the mess that can occur.

We must begin to work together, in a very different way than just pressing a button. I am convinced that Geni  quite clear has the opportunity to become the best website for genealogy.

And when it comes to cooperation with MH, this is included in my mind.

Showing 1-30 of 103 posts

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