Lt. Rees Bowen - @reestatebowen

Started by Richard Lewis Bailey on Wednesday, August 28, 2013
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8/28/2013 at 9:33 AM

Rees Bowen' was of course killed in the Battle of Kings Mountain (York County, South Carolina) and was buried at the battlefield hurriedly like all the patriots that were killed there. In his profile it lists his death place as Kings Mt, Cleveland County, NC. In 1780 there was no Kings Mt, NC. The town of Kings Mountain, NC did not become that until 1874(when it was incorporated) before that the settlement had been called White Plains. They chose to rename the town Kings Mountain after the Battefield which is in South Carolina. This might sound picky, but I've been during research on a relative of mine who would have been with him(Samuel Ferguson) and I keep seeing on multiple sites the same error. I'm just trying to set the record straight. People don't do their research and just copy info from other websites. The information has to be accurate to be of any use to anyone. Richard

5/5/2018 at 10:20 AM

Keep on being picky! Trying to find the Correct ancestor connection to AWI for my husband.

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