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Patriots - Daughters of the American Revolution

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  • Joseph Shaw (1729 - aft.1790)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for CONNECTICUT with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A102130
  • Joseph Chadbourne, Esquire (1748 - 1810)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of LIEUTENANT. DAR Ancestor # A023723
  • Nathan Hancock (1762 - 1823)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A050895
  • Samuel Colby (1740 - 1797)
    Samuel Colby DAR Ancestor #: A024065 Name Samuel Colby Gender Male Military Date 22 July 1776 Military Place New Hampshire, USA State or Army Served New Hampshire Regiment Moore's Regiment Rank Pr...
  • Captain Thomas Bell (1756 - 1837)
    Captain Thomas Bell DAR Ancestor # A008808 Revolutionary War Soldier Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots View Record Name Thomas Bell Cemetery Broyles Cem Location Washington County, ...

A project for DAR members to meet each other, and for non-members to find ancestors that enable them to join. Use the related projects below to help focus your DAR research goals.

"The Daughters of the American Revolution is a charitable organization that requires members be women over 18 able to prove descent from an American soldier who served honorably in the Revolution."

Notable Profiles

DAR Founders

Appropriate Profiles

This project is designed to link all proven DAR Patriots. Please make sure the Patriot's Ancestor Number is included somewhere in the "About Me" section of the profile. If you do not know the Patriot's Ancestor Number, you can find it on this website.

(These lists are a work in progress)

Patriots Who Have 50 or More Daughters Associated

Patriots Who Have 100 or More Daughters Associated

A Patriot Who Has 600 or More Daughters Associated

Current Female Patriots (alphabetical list)
