How about viewing descendants?

Started by Dan Cornett on Monday, November 11, 2013
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11/11/2013 at 7:07 PM

Hmmm... just wondering .... would it be feasible and useful to use the 'circular graph' to show the "status" of the descendants of a 'focus profile'?

The biggest difference is the number of 'sectors' at each level would be wildly variable ... and in many cases one wouldn't be able to even consider view 10 generations of descendants in that way .... although, with the 're-focus' mechanism, it actually MIGHT be a nice way to explore descendants' "basic data" much more interactively than is possible with the normal "Tree View".

One could not easily use such a format to keep track of relationships, probably (e.g.: consider a man with 8 wives/partners with 3+ children by each, and where half of those partners also had two or more partners with another few children each ... ) but this same tool (circular visualization) could be useful for similar purposes as when viewing ancestors; that is:

* find private profiles when one is expecting pubic profiles
* find 'problem profiles'
* find missing or inconsistent or just "interesting" locations and patterns of location.
* find 'unknown' genders?

The 're-focus' (i.e.: re-draw around a new focus person) might be REALLY useful for such a "Descendents Circle".

Private User
11/11/2013 at 7:12 PM

Yes, very possible - though different enough that it would require a bit of work to modify. So, I'll put it on the wish list. :)

Private User
11/11/2013 at 10:54 PM

Yes, please.

Private User
11/11/2013 at 11:18 PM

Can I add projects that are not my own?

Private User
11/11/2013 at 11:32 PM

Total Profiles (3131) Total Matches (1) Master Profiles (225)
Pending Merges (21) Parent Conflicts (7) Access Problems (0)

I don't have to find these conflicts and things do I? Have no idea where they are.

Ecseptional tool, and, the more projects, then the more results. :) Understanding more each day. Thanks

Private User
11/12/2013 at 5:40 AM

Private User, yes - you can add any project you'd like, though I'd avoid working group projects that have no historical relevance.

You should be able to see the conflicts in the list. On the right hand side, instead of saying "Master Profile" or "xyz project", it should say "Parent Conflict" or "Pending Merge".

11/12/2013 at 10:11 AM

there is also some thing I would like a request on..
I have a person that has like 2000 descendants from a single branch..
would it be possible to say view this in branches of 50 to 100 make for less load time?

11/12/2013 at 10:51 AM

Private ... I'm not entirely clear what you are asking.

At the moment these HistoryLink tools don't really do anything with showing descendants of one ancestor (that is on the 'wish list' ...)

Are you referring to viewing the Geni Tree View? you can 'manage' the extent of the Geni Tree View with the "Preferences" located under the blue Preferences tab at the bottom of the Tree View. I find that +/- 1 to 3 generations from the current 'focus profile' is most often useful and relatively quick. There are lots of options for configuring the Tree View to your liking.

But all of those have nothing to do with the HistoryLink viewing tools.

11/12/2013 at 12:13 PM

Dan Cornett oh sorry yes I was getting the two confused history link and geni tree view .. and no i didn't know about that prefrences tool thanks will use it.. A bit sleep deprived today.. needs coffee.. i don't know if i told you but i'm a uncle now and my brothers kiddo had a rough nite so no sleep for me..

Private User
11/12/2013 at 1:09 PM

Thanks Jeff, I did not have them checked in options, have a lot more info this time.
When I did this a month or so ago Regent of Norway Sigurd Jonsson Stjerne is your 19th great uncle was my 19th G Grand Father, now he is an G uncle.
I will see if I can fix the things mentioned, or contact the profile managers.

Private User
11/12/2013 at 1:49 PM

Private User It's possible you're connected to him in multiple ways and it may have seen him first as your great uncle and then later as your great grandfather, at which point it might have updated (depending on the generation). If you select to only do direct ancestors, it should show up correctly.

Private User
11/12/2013 at 3:39 PM

Thanks, I have reported all conflicts to the managers of the profiles, with good results :) EXCELLENT Thanks

Private User
11/17/2013 at 9:08 AM

It must be Dan Cornett's birthday, because this wish has been granted! Descendants can now be viewed in the graph. :)

11/18/2013 at 10:08 AM

LOL ... not quite, but actually real close! Thanks, Jeff. I'm already finding it useful!

In the more 'historical' parts of the Tree, it helps to find erroneously-private/living profiles, too (by changing the focus person).

3/19/2014 at 9:40 AM

FYI: Jeff add the ability to restrict the Descendant search by gender (if you wish) ... where the intent is to find living descendants for DNA comparison. That 'constraint' makes the search faster (fewer profiles to investigate).

Note that the 'starting person' has to be of the desired gender (e.g.: for mtDNA, it starting person should be female.

Private User
3/19/2014 at 1:54 PM

Thanks Dan for letting everyone know. :)
I'll note that I just tweaked it, so it's no longer strictly by gender when running mtDNA. It now more accurately reflects who could be tested for mtDNA, which could be living males descendant from the maternal line, but not their children. No change to Y-DNA, since that only gets pass to the males.

3/20/2014 at 6:48 AM

It's helped us so much on the SA line, Jeff. You are a wizard!!

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