
Started by Patricia Ann Holzer-Tornblom on Saturday, December 7, 2013
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12/7/2013 at 10:25 AM

I need to be manage of the profile of my Husband, Richard D Tornblom, and Tina Peters, my cousin.

Private User
12/7/2013 at 4:09 PM

I have pretty much had it with here. I keep adding Chandler profiles and someone keeps removing them. Then there's the one that's been made a master file and even tho I am a manager can not edit. So basicly why bother anymore! taking a brief brake from all the foolishness that sometimes goes on here. Will keep an eye on tree thou.!

12/7/2013 at 4:43 PM

Patricia Ann Holzer-Tornblom

your husband can "claim" his profile and you can request management - see the FAQ

If there's no response, as a PRO user you can open a priority / private ticket for Customer Support assistance

The issue will then be between you and CS to work through.

Hope that helps.

12/7/2013 at 4:46 PM

Private User

A manager of a field locked Master Profile can indeed edit the overview and add documents. If the locked fields need updating, then

1) add a good source citation or document to the profile (such as a birth date record from

2) request of the curator to unlock so you can update info based on the submitted record

3) if no response, any curator can assist

Private User
12/7/2013 at 11:37 PM

I tried getting someone to look at it. You said you were unable to at this time as you are a lot on your plate and you recommended someone else and she said she couldn't help,so I had, unfortunately no one else to ask. As far as adding all these other profiles , they keep getting removed before I get a chance to ad more info and I did have date of birth and death and area they were from in them orginally. Added them several time and gone several times. One master profile is no longer a master profile but the wife still is.

Private User
12/7/2013 at 11:38 PM

Remember , I am not a paying member and half the time I can't get a hold of anyone to help.

12/7/2013 at 11:42 PM

Judy there are a few things you cannot do as a basic member but this does not apply. As requested I did review the trees, and so did another curator who works on the lines. Neither of us found any errors.

Private User
12/7/2013 at 11:43 PM

I put her info in like a second wife but she should be in reg wife profile. She and all her family info is still there.But of course it's not in correct spot! I was hoping someone would notice and merge her. Remember I can't merge , even when I want too and most of the time I could care less but this time I care. But of it's a master file so even if I could merge I acan't. Very frustrating!

12/7/2013 at 11:48 PM

Also I need to perhaps clarify?

Geni customer support is for Geni application issues. For Patricia's questions above, she refers to private, living person profile management. And i explained (hopefully) how she can have her request addressed correctly.

You are however referring to genealogical questions in a collaborative historic tree. Curators are volunteers who help keep the trees orderly when there are perhaps thousands of descendants at stake and counting on the most accurate, sourced & cited tree possible. It's still a work in progress from ALL of us members.

Customer service, correctly, tries not to get involved with genealogy issues. Thats on us co managers to work through. And the evidence usually makes it pretty easy. The mechanics may take longer.

12/7/2013 at 11:50 PM

Judy if you have sourced evidence for the wife and marriage send it to the curator. But you need an outside source reference for it.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 1:20 AM

I have several.And I did contact the two co managers about it. Mayabe bad time of year. Everyone very busy. You know when I think about it on other occasioned I have contacted several co managers about other problems and for the most part never get an answer. Not alway. Some have actually replied. Now maybe they can't help but at least they have answered. Sometimes I get one of those group request and can't help and try to answer. Sometimes I haven't got a clue what they want. I can understand if people are tied up elsewhere or just plain can't help.BUT LIKE i SAID i HAVEN'T HAD MUCH LUCK GETTING IN TOUGH WITH CURATORS.

12/8/2013 at 1:26 AM

I'm right here. I have not received any cited, sourced evidence supporting any request from you on any profile I curate.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 6:21 AM

Judith, I'm reading as well, but haven't seen anything (links or names) that would allow me to help. For future reference, the best thread to post in for curator assistance is Use the method of including the profile id within brackets [[...]] or use the @ to link the profile within the discussion so that it is easy for us to follow.

12/8/2013 at 11:00 AM

I either answer people and help or let them know when I cannot help because I am too busy or because it is something a curator cannot help with. i do work full time and overtime so I personally am not always available but others are. Any of us can point you to people who will help.

Of the curators who work on the American lines, there are many who are available and quite responsive. Email is better than posting in a thread, with the exception of the Curator Assistance thread which is the best and quickest way to get assistance, unless it's a private matter.

When I don't get answers from other managers -- if it's public I let them know what I plan via email and go ahead, having notified them. If it's private and in my family I usually do the same except where I know I would be intruding because my relationship is too distant. For the most part, I have found that people who are too busy to answer are pleased that someone else is doing the research and doing the merges and corrections.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 1:52 PM

Well, that's all fine and dandy but since I have no clue who most of the curators are nor do I have any email addresses for anyone on Geni , I couldn't do that.Have no clu what the curator assistance thread is . Never heard of it until right this minute. Erica I did message you on the subject and you said at the moment you were very busy hard at work on some of your lines and was at this time unable to help but you contacted another person as did. I finally heard fro this person ,who stated simply , she couldn't help. That was it. Jeff I have no clue what you mean by use the @ or ( ) . . i could start a separate discussion on the family but I have done that before and gotten nowhere with , so basically why waist my time doing that!

12/8/2013 at 1:59 PM

Private User It is not hard to find if you bother to look. This is the second time on this page it has been posted for you.

You must post a link to the profile and state what your concerns are.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 2:13 PM

Since I have never been able to make URL work I will never be posting a link. I did leave a message in curator area, once I noticed someone had posted it, a few minutes ago. Obviously I missed it the first time and the second time. Took me awhile to notice it was there. Like Hattie and others have a life and I work and spend a lot time trying to keep my life together.Plus have volunteer things to do, all with very pleasant people, who tend not treat me in a condescending way. I only pop in and out of here on occasion. Just to clear out useless discussions Once in awhile I take a trip through my tree and then i usually find a problem that needs fixing. . I do the same in Yahoo, go in and dump most of what is in there.

12/8/2013 at 2:16 PM

Here are some clues for you:

1) this project list curators and their areas:

2) you can click on the hyperlink on any of the curators listed in the project and it will take you to their profile and then you can use the Message function to send them GENI email (which is what I meant)

3) Most curators have a purple "C" to the right of their name like Eldon above.

4) If you post in the thread that Eldon posted a link to (which you did) and post the thing you need done and a link to the profile, that will get the attention of a dozen curators who read that thread

5) If it's too private for that thread, then message one of the curators who work in the area that your profile(s) you need help with are in

12/8/2013 at 2:23 PM

I'm not sure what system you have but where the Web address is -- usually at the very top of the browser -- if you highlight the entire contents when you are in profile view for the profile you want to post a link to and then COPY and then PASTE that Web address or URL into the discussion thread, that works. How do you normally cut and paste?

I have to play around sometimes to copy and paste out of the Web address depending upon the browser and even keyboard, sometimes I have to hold down the shift or control key.

I know what you mean about being busy. I type really fast and work with computers everyday or I would be as frustrated as you. There are usually 15 different ways to do things on Geni and unless you spend a lot of time here, it's hard to figure out how to do things sometimes. But the Curators Assistance thread is a good place to post and get quick response from whoever is awake.

Also if you follow people when you go into Geni email and start typing their name (especially the surname) it should auto complete although it doesn't always.

12/8/2013 at 2:25 PM

Also, I have users all the time who post in a thread or send me email without the URL and I can usually figure out which profile they need help on, especially if they give me a date or name of a spouse.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 2:25 PM

Well I went to the link you provided , found a list of USA curators none have any colors beside them. For the error I am looking for all the right ones have already chimed in on the subject exept maybe a couple. One is on hiatus.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 2:28 PM

Also keeps kicking me into page that reads Geni Server is over loaded.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 2:28 PM

Also keeps kicking me into page that reads Geni Server is over loaded.

12/8/2013 at 2:59 PM

Judy to state again - I *did* review the line I had received a mail from, as a manager. So did another curator very familiar with the Chandlers. Neither of us found any errors.

12/8/2013 at 4:14 PM

Judith...just 'click' onto the link that Eldon sent you.....#80793.....which is "Attention Curators, please assist".......then go to the top right and 'click' FOLLOW.....and that will allow the system to send you a message for that discussion anytime someone talks....

If you want to talk directly to ANY Curator that is on that discussion....just 'click' their name (in blue) and it will take you to their profile, where you can send them a message and personally talk to them.

12/8/2013 at 4:46 PM

Here we go again.. and Private User how long is she gone anyway?

12/8/2013 at 4:57 PM

and Erica Howton has repeatedly stated this.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 5:38 PM

Fay, Mike, Ericia, Justin, Jeff, Hattie and whoever else is listoning. Forget it. I know what I have and the hell with it. But before I do this Chandler was both in Roxbury and maine. He started out Roxbury, was in Andover back forth and ended up in Maine. Does that cover it all?Already gave all the dates , towns , counties and that's it. I won't bother you , who cares if it's all messed up and it is and you don't bother me.

Private User
12/8/2013 at 5:40 PM

PS Fay I did say I went to the site and checked out the names and I listed why it wasn't goping to work for me and I mentioned that I had missed the reference to the site and had only just found it.I guess I am not the only one who doesn't catch everything written here the first time.

12/8/2013 at 6:29 PM

Ashley has a commitment that is keeping her busy for some weeks.

Hi Judith. You know I love Roxbury since it's where my Johnsons, Cheneys, and others landed in the 1630s. We have a project devoted to Roxbury.

I'll look for Chandler Roxbury but this week I'm working 6 days X 12 hour days.

No one catches everything. When I'm busy, I can't follow discussions at all. Too much going on. But the Curator Assistance discussion is a good way to find help.

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