Different text and meanings of definitions on this page

Начал Jack Marcel Klaber четверг, 6 ноября 2014
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6.11.2014 в 7:06 до полудня

By chance I happen to land on the front page of this project.
But after reading the information here, I have some questions.

The title of this project is: "Victims of the Nazi Holocaust - קרבנות הנאצים בשואה"
IMHO 'Shoa' is the Hebrew word for 'Holocaust' . So what is the purpose of adding the specifier "Nazi"? Are there other Holocausts? In other words, what is the word Nazi doing here in the title?

Then in the 'About' section the heading is: "Victims of the Nazi Holocaust around the World ------ קרבנות הנאצים בשואה"
Again, the same Hebrew words as above in the title, but now the English text adds 'around the World'.
What is the purpose of that?

In general, are victims only the murdered victims or do you include also the survivors of the camps, people surviving hiding some even several years, partisans and those that managed to flee, leaving behind everything or those who managed to sell their properties at day-value because of early "emigration" in relation to others?

Then the text: "This project hopes also to serve to as a warning to the world, that if good men do nothing, we can all become victims of systemic Atrocities and Genocide."
shows up in the German translation as: " Ausserdem soll es als Mahnung dienen, dass in einem faschistischen und totalitaeren System jeder zum Opfer werden kann."
If the English text is the one to be translated, then the German translation is not correct, or visa versa.

Private User
6.11.2014 в 9:26 после полудня

1) Nazi - the word holocaust existed before the WWII Holocaust. I don't have a problem with the word, even though it might seem redundant.

2) Around the World - I agree. Delete it.

3) English-German - I agree. Translations don't match. I say delete both of the sentences. Seems odd to me that this page should lecture to the reader.

9.11.2014 в 1:38 до полудня

Nick, granted the word holocaust is of Greek origin and some other events have been associated with the word holocaust.
But in modern times and especially in Genealogy there is only one holocaust and it is the Holocaust with a capital H.
Even the US Holocaust Memorial Museum has this definition:

The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

Thus, I think it is better to stay close to widely accepted descriptions without adding specifiers.

Again what about the survivors. Are they considers just survivors or also victims? My take is that they are victims as well as they have and had to live the rest of their lifes with the psychological wounds of the Holocaust!

12.11.2014 в 7:06 после полудня

The words used in english let think that the project is related to all the victims but the hebrew translation seems to refer only to assassinated people.

12.11.2014 в 8:37 после полудня

Jack Marcel Klaber English is not the native language of the Project creator, Tobias Rachor (C) and hence some of the translation issues you bring up.

Regarding Survivor and Camp Projects, simply go to http://www.geni.com/projects/Holocaust-The-Final-Solution/10996
at the right by the "Related Projects" column click "See All" to find them.
eg. http://www.geni.com/projects/Holocaust-Survivors-ניצולי-השואה/2509

11.1.2015 в 2:25 до полудня

To me, as swedish speaker, the "Holocaust" and the "nazi Holocaust" is exactly the same. Eventhough Lenin and Stalin murded a lot many more individuals and allthough Pol Pot and Mao etcetera murdered extremly many and for instance on Balkan in 1992 also could be named "Human murdering" none of these could be compared to the organized, industrialized and completally planned murdering of one people, with some extras as being in action, in The Holocaust.

Today I belive it's very important to remember it was a nazi (National Socialistic) ideology, since we have many nazis (called neo-nazis) in action to to even deny The Holocaust. Even in Sweden. Even in the swedish parliment. So I prefer the use of "nazi" so to clearly state what was done by who.

14.1.2015 в 2:52 после полудня

I follow the Yad Vashem convention, simply put: Murdered. I add Nazis. So for any person on the Yad Vashem database who died, I state "Murdered by the Nazis."

If any one cares to comment I welcome the discussion.

14.1.2015 в 4:53 после полудня

I follow a different convention: "Perished"

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